Yes. But there are also some key events from before the collision. When MC sees her in the school, you find out she's your 'significant' other and she also has a very important role working on the battery project. So they do have a rather extensive past, but is kept somewhat vague (timeline-wise). When MC goes on the date with her, the backstory is expanded further and she'll end up asking where MC sees the relationship going. Is it fast? Sure, to the player but in the scope of their backstory we are jumping in after there is already significant past between them. She's not just interested in a booty call, and wants to know if MC sees a future. Not entirely unreasonable, taking into account how vague some of the backstory timeline details are.
I haven't replayed post-collision in a bit, but I seem to recall several occasions in which she asked how MC was doing, if there was anything she could do to help. But I may be misremembering. Even her offering to go on something as simple as a hike, is a great way to take time away from being stuck in the traumatic event. Mental and emotional diversion can be critical for just about anyone, in order to avoid the endless spirals that can happen. Even when things are going bad, taking time away to experience positive emotions can be very critical. So again, in and of itself, isn't inherently bad for the MC.
Does she keep pushing for more in the relationship? Sure, I never said she wasn't. Am I defending it? No. She's going to have her own reactions to the traumatic event because her loved one is going through such hell.
One of them may be to get "official". It could be selfish, or to provide a "light" in dark times.