Mod Unity Rack 2: Reinvented [V12]

4.80 star(s) 5 Votes

Ode Trendl

Jun 9, 2022
Tried to do that and yeah, not my type. It looks only badly like a human.

Not into furry at tall, but I love the sex laboratory ambient so I hoped the game could do for me, just like the original flash Rack did.

I don't know if Fek ever intends to return to the game, or if you intend to better implements humans in this mod. I would love that, but I can't force anything against your will. Thanks anyway and compliments for keeping up a game so beloved by the comunity.


New Member
Sep 7, 2020
Hi , i wanted to ask if anyone knows how to delete all the imported characters because when i click import character they overlap and i can´t select them.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
I believe if you go to c/users/<youraccount>/appdata/locallow/fek/rack 2 furry science/characters you can delete them but I haven't done so myself as I don't think I experienced the overlapping or can't click delete issues.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
I take it there is no VR option?
I think that might be on the ambitions pile as they wanted multiplayer and to integrate sex toy support so VR for PoV seems a stepping stone after that atleast for the subjects in multiplayer.


Mar 25, 2018
Most likely, no. I'd love to be proved wrong though.
I think that might be on the ambitions pile as they wanted multiplayer and to integrate sex toy support so VR for PoV seems a stepping stone after that atleast for the subjects in multiplayer.
Damn. I thought that was half the point of the game. It already has so many bugs though (I assume the base game has even more).


New Member
Sep 2, 2017
Hi everyone. I have a question about the new clothing in 'Re-Invented'. It says they are recolorable, but how is that done? Also, for the life of me I can't figure out how to dismiss my subjects ( other than to close the game). Thanks in advance.
UPDATE - It's been a few years since I played this game so I was a little lost. FIgured out the end session thing. Now if anyone can tell me how to change the colors of the new clothes, I'd be grateful. Thanks
I believe you have to edit the color before you place the order for them in the machine. On the right side of the name of the item you want there should be a symbol that opens up a color menu. Select the color, put the item in the order cue, then make it.


Sep 18, 2018
I believe you have to edit the color before you place the order for them in the machine. On the right side of the name of the item you want there should be a symbol that opens up a color menu. Select the color, put the item in the order cue, then make it.


Sep 30, 2017
Does anyone else seem to have a problem with the PC just constantly climaxing, there seems to be like a constant pleasure for clients as well so even if I don't do anything to them they'll just climax on their own? like just from walking around even with clothes on the screen fx for climaxing happens and when taking pants off it's just a constant erection and the Your Climax Bar is always filled, restarting the game didn't do anything, and I can only get unaroused by changing character details in the shower but that only lasts for like 10 seconds at best.


New Member
Mar 31, 2019
ears and genitals are still very wonky, ears do not stand up on most species. Only exception are the marsupial head ears I think?? is there a way to fix this that anyone has found


New Member
Apr 7, 2019
My one gripe about this mod (which is a fantastic improvement otherwise) is that a version or two ago it kind of messed up my old playstyle. I've made a LOT of custom characters, and I used to use the import/export feature to swap between them within the same save. Lot easier than setting up a new save/lab for every character I want to play.

With this mod in play though, every import/export adds the character to my favorites. Doing either to the same character more than once creates redundant favorites that can't be deleted. If I kept swapping back and forth the way I used to, my favorites list would be a complete mess.

I like this mod a lot, and the "favorite on export" thing is a good idea, but that feature might need a little bit of work. Or at least an option to toggle it.

Were you able to solve this problem with duplicating imported characters?


New Member
Apr 7, 2019
Please tell me how to solve the problem with the fact that when creating a profile in the main menu game puts after the character name, "Albert" puts (2). It turns out "Albert(2)", although the previous profile with the name "Alber" was deleted. Tell me how to fix ?


Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
Were you able to solve this problem with duplicating imported characters?
Please tell me how to solve the problem with the fact that when creating a profile in the main menu game puts after the character name, "Albert" puts (2). It turns out "Albert(2)", although the previous profile with the name "Alber" was deleted. Tell me how to fix ?
You will need a notepad program that accepts unusual file types. I recommend notepad++.

You need to find your savedata. Either load up the game and then pause and click the hammer and wrench (I believe) icon near the top of the screen to open the game data folder or navigate to C\users\<your user>\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2 Furry Science\savedata

1: If you open <charactername>.rackinventorydata in a text editor it contains a list called favoriteCharacters where you can delete favorites. If you delete the entire list you may need to change the list open and close lines to just one line that says <favoriteCharacters />

2: I haven't had that problem but while trying to find the answer to question 1 I notice that in savedata check the file user.rackSettings, near the top check how many users are listed in the file compared to how many are listed in game, you might have a lingering entry from the old Albert.

If it is not that try looking in the characters folder to see if there are saved data for NPC.Albert.<npc name>.rack2character, I only made one save file for each of my OCs but happened to notice that there were files for the NPCs despite them being the same as far as I know in both my files.
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New Member
Apr 7, 2019


Вам понадобится программа-блокнот, которая принимает необычные типы файлов. Я рекомендую блокнот++.

Вам нужно найти свои сохранения. Либо загрузите игру, затем сделайте паузу и щелкните значок молотка и гаечного ключа (я полагаю) в верхней части экрана, чтобы открыть папку с игровыми данными, или перейдите к C\users\<ваш пользователь>\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2 пушистая наука\savedata

1: Если вы откроете файл <charactername>.rackinventorydata в текстовом редакторе, он содержит список избранных персонажей, из которого вы можете удалить избранное. Если вы удалите весь список, вам может потребоваться изменить открытые и закрытые строки списка только на одну строку с надписью <favoriteCharacters />

2: у меня не было этой проблемы, но, пытаясь найти ответ на вопрос 1, я заметил, что в savedata проверьте файл user.rackSettings, вверху проверьте, сколько пользователей указано в файле по сравнению с тем, сколько указано в игра, у вас может быть затяжная запись от старого Альберта.

Если это не так, попробуйте поискать в папке персонажей, есть ли сохраненные данные для NPC.Albert.<npc name>.rack2character, я сделал только один файл сохранения для каждого из моих OC, но случайно заметил, что там были файлы для NPC, несмотря на то, что они одинаковы, насколько мне известно, в обоих моих файлах.

Thank you very much for the advice! It helped :3

And sorry, but... can you tell me please if you know how to use the "Watersport" setting in Fetishes? What do you have to do to urinating on a test subject or on you? And how the chemical works? If you create an object with it, you need to put it on the customer and all? And how to make the chemical injective?
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New Member
Apr 7, 2019
My apologies that it took so long, no one replied for a bit so I thought I was going to be ignored. I cannot reproduce the visor glitch or the injectable chemical glitch as of right now, I was able to record the toy chem glitch and the camera glitch. My theory is that the game locks certain features if your computer cannot run it perfectly (as I tested this out on my more modern computer and it wasn't as laggy / broken).
Using any toy with a chemical for me (I tested Sensexa) overstimulates them on pain / pleasure for mean time ~29 seconds on five tests. I didn't even insert it for a full second. I tried using the injectable but it worked fine for me (this time..).
I obviously cannot .gif the camera glitch, but it jumps up and down rapidly when riding / fucking someone. I will attach screen shots I took below.
Let me know if I can do anything to help. I read the entire forum and it seems that older computers have problems running this game, not just with FPS. Personal experience showed this to be correct, but I could be wrong. The game is just too laggy / broken to be enjoyable in this state.

Tell me please how the chemical works? If you create an object with it, you need to put it on the customer and all? And how to make the chemical injective?
And... Can you tell me if you know how to use the "Watersport" setting in Fetishes? What do you have to do to urinating on a test subject or on you?


Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
How to make character visible when i am doing "experiments"?
I think it is as simple as scrolling down to pull the camera back outside of your point of view and then using wasd or whatever your movement keys are to move the camera around.


May 5, 2021
I think it is as simple as scrolling down to pull the camera back outside of your point of view and then using wasd or whatever your movement keys are to move the camera around.
I know this but how to make character visible when my camera close to him?


Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
I know this but how to make character visible when my camera close to him?
Unless there is a hidden control I'm stumped, pressing F switches camera styles and some have the character less see through as you can move the camera to look past them rather than needing to look through them.

Does anyone know how to remove this mark on my characters spine or a suggestion for how to cover it up?

Also does anyone know how to change my hair to not be my fur color?
4.80 star(s) 5 Votes