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Radiant CH6: Progress Report #4
24 minutos atrás
Hello again everyone, sorry for the brief delay between progress reports!
As you may or may not have noticed, I've updated the Progress Tracker a couple of times over the last couple of days. While this reflects that we've completed about 60% of the chapter, do note that the next three scenes are about halfway done, so realistically... we're closer to around 70%.
Though our deadline is fast approaching, we're right on schedule for our planned March 23rd release date! It's been a little while since I've shared any previews also, so I hope you enjoy.
Speaking of the last progress report... I promised I'd give you guys a rough render and animation count: we're sitting right at about 441 renders and 6 animations, with quite a few more being worked on as I write this. In total... with the size of each scene considered... the sixth chapter will be roughly the same size as Chapter 5 (if not slightly larger).
I hope you guys are as excited to play Chapter 6 as I am to release it, because we're pretty close to wrapping things up.
Love you all,