
May 19, 2019
While you are correct of course, I'd argue that the triplets are the unique selling point of this game. "You are a vaguely successful businessman meeting vaguely hot girls" alone arguably wouldn't have generated the same hype. So people were expecting more triplet content (I do not necessarily mean lewds, but they appear at your door and you have a deep connection - do something with them. Talk to them about their lives and hobbies, find out why one sneezes when the sun sets. How was school? - yes, even awkward stuff because the whole situation is awkward).

Of course this is a place where story and business crash. Storywise it might have been better to first establish your new life, a smile to the secretary, some banter, so the world is set, and then have the triplets appear. As opposed to right now where the triplets appear and the game then spends a detour on how everything is. Problem with that approach would probably be that O, A, and M wouldn't have appeared as of now and the game would have stayed under the radar of most.
truly the ever-present issue for every game dev in this wheelhouse of having to juggle wanting their stories to seem organic and real vs. the all-consuming void of people just wanting specific content to the exclusion of pretty much anything else. it feels pretty reasonable to me that even if you were not interested sexually with a person that you could still have interactions with them outside of that context. also, i think a romance based solely between a drunk driver and the mother of a son she killed could be a really interesting story so i would say the triplet thing is defiantly the most forward idea I don't think its the only one this game has that is interesting/ has any merit.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2017
The sexy scene with Allison was something special. Highly erotic! I don't remember another sexy scene in any game that raised so much the erotic tension. The right mix of music, poses, facial expressions and lewdness. Congratulations again!


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017

Sir Sam

Jan 18, 2021
So this is really my first real attempt at properly reviewing a VN, and i'm trying to figure out a format here so this will probably be very sloppy as I'm playing this by ear, So far I'm thinking I'll review the game generally from the outside first then get into the heart of it.I'll try to be as constructive as I can with any critisicm I have of this game and also I'll probably end up posting in both in here and in the review section.

Let me preface this by saying that Chapter 3 is the latest version I've played of the game.

So first of all, Render quality is amazing, the renders are sharp, they're colourful and vibrant and they are consistent through out the entirety of the game so far, you can tell the dev has invested a lot of money into their setup. Secondly, Content Amount and Playtime is pretty decent for the third story update for a game, my playtime was about 2.5-3 hours and I'm generally a pretty fast reader but sometimes I'll stop and go back at stuff I find interesting. I do however know that it's been a 15 months since the game release and from what I can tell the general opinion seems to be that the dev is a little slow, now I'm ignorant as to how much time it actually takes to pump out these updates, especially one of a 1000 renders. Anyways moving on, the girls are gorgeous I haven't found a single female model that I haven't liked, maybe Glenn's wife I'm kinda indifferent about her.

Now onto the meat of this game. I quite like the plot, I really appreciate that it isn't the cookie cutter amnesia game where the MC wakes up from a coma and fucks everything in sight. The idea of having a compeletly unplanned post prom night of passion which then lead to an accident that puts you in a coma for 10 years, and kills someone in the process. only then that after your own process of healing, while still lacking closure for these things, the consequences of that night show up, and also having the Mother of your victim is a really brilliant dynamic..but here's when things change a bit for me. The Triplets, I really like the idea of them and they're gorgeous, I also accept the 3 path system with PURE, LUST and DARK Paths, but I'm not sure what to make of themas LI's. I'm not really into incest that much,especially father daughter incest and I know a lot of people are and that's fine, and I'm pretty sure that a lot of the pllot rides on the fact that they're LI's, I just wish it was avoidable, at least with the pure path where you can just be a loving dad without trying to get into your desperate daughters' pants.

As for the dynamic between Natalie and MC...this is probably my only major dissapointment with the writing so far, and only because of how much potential it has. My problem is not with having your victim's mom as a love interest I think it's brilliant, and I was so excited for the future of the story when I met her....I instantly kept thinking about how her and the MC' journey for clousre would eventually lead them to seek comfort in each other and accepting the past then slowly evolving past that, it should've been a slowburn, instead with that massage scene and how fast their relationship became sexual I feel like what could've been an integral piece to the MC's development just devolved into a cliche milf, I don't hate it, I'm just dissapointed

Quick little thing and the end here. As for characters, right now my favourite character is definetly Brooke, she is interesting, hot , bubbly and she's a virgin parent for godsake, if that's not interesting idk what is...also her daughter is the most adorable thing i've ever seen Sound Design, I like the fact that it has music, and that it isn't just one generic royalty free track constantly on loop. it's a tad generic though but I can't really fault the dev for that.

And that's it, holy shit this was long. again this was my first attempt and any feedback is appreciated...and if the dev happens to see this, I wish you the best of luck and congrats on a solid game so far.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2020
The "Pure" route still means that you'll get to romance the girls right? So far that route has been really bland, give me something at least. "Lust" route of course is the better choice. I'm skipping the Dark route completely because I'm not a psychopathic lunatic. Thanks for the update.
I also have the same impression. At first glance, the "best" options seem like those on the Lust route. But yes, the Pure route is definitely also for romance girls.

In this update, this is much more noticeable, which I really like.

The MC himself in his inner thoughts lets you know that the Lust route is to seduce girls faster and without much thought.
And the Pure route is a romance focused precisely on a more romantic approach and without rushing things. Still, even though I am one hundred percent on this route, I agree that in some things it feels a bit soft to me.
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