Collection Video Rash Nemain Collection [2023-08-19] [RashNemain]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2017
I did my thing again. I kept only the videos I think are worth keeping, reencoded them (AV1, 1080p, 60FPS) and normalized and renamed them all. This results in 17 video files of about 350 MiB.

Last edited:
Jan 23, 2022
Just to notify
I downloaded the 2022 folder, despite I have it anyway, every video is okay after unzip
Something happened on your side :unsure:
I don't know, when trying to extract that 2022 folder, 7zip throws "unexpected end of file" error, and both Harley Quinn and Lara Interrogation get corrupted. It only happens with that specific folder though, so idk.


Dec 23, 2017
I did my thing again. I kept only the videos I think are worth keeping, reencoded them (AV1, 1080p, 60FPS) and normalized and renamed them all. This results in 17 video files of about 350 MiB.

i should start re-encoding some of mine as well. which software and settings did you use?
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Active Member
Aug 26, 2018
Topaz Video Enhance AI is the best! Use GAIA for AI model and you'll be good.
He just want to re-encode stuff , not upscale/interpolate with topaz

any encoder such as ffmpeg will do the job.
Here is a WEB-UI command generator if you're not familiar with it :


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2017
i should start re-encoding some of mine as well. which software and settings did you use?
For the frame interpolation (60FPS) I use Flowframes and sometimes Topaz Video AI.
For the audio normalization I use with the following settings:
ls *.mp4 | ForEach-Object { ffmpeg-normalize $_.FullName -prf "dynaudnorm=p=0.1:s=8" -nt rms -c:a aac -b:a 128k -ar 48000 -pr -ext mp4 }
This works most of the time, but every now and then I have to adjust the audio levels manually with
ffmpeg -vcodec copy -filter:a "volume=1.0" ZZZ.mp4 -i where I have to play around with the factor (here 1.0)
For everything else I use ffmpeg and you can use pretty much any software for that, but I can really recommend !

So here are some inputs:
-c:v copy -an for deleting an audio stream from a video (if it is empty. Empty audio streams SHOULD NOT EXIST!)
-vf scale="1920:-1" -crf 13 for resizing a video to 1920 horizontal pixels and saving it as x264 with low compression. This is useful for later frame interpolation because the more pixels the video has, the longer it takes to render.
-c:a copy -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 28 -preset 5 for compressing a video with AV1 at a medium quality and a high quality preset. If your PC is slower or the videos are longer I recommend a preset of 7. For videos with more details the crf value should be more like 25 or 22, which will result in a larger file size.


Jun 29, 2020
At the end of the Harley Quinn video, Super-girl comes out briefly.
So I thought there would be a video of Super-girl after the Harley Quinn video.
Will there be a video of her someday?
Her fucking leg line is really the best. Super-girl laughs at Harley Quinn's sex scene. I'm looking forward to the next scene.
There was a poll to choose the next girl. The winner was Judy from Cyberpunk 2077.
No word of a Super Girl animation.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2021
Update on the Judy Animation...

*converted from the original PNG ...

Hi Guys!

How's going?

It's been a problematic month, for many reasons.

This month I deleted 1 animation I made about Judy (It was in early stages), I didn't like it, so I had less then half of a month to work on something different.

Beside that, I had to learn some new technical stuff (not animation related) that took me a lot of time, but they were essential to make this animation work properly.

I was going to release a little WIP anyway, but I noticed that it still needed a lot of polishing so I decided to delay it a bit. Since I can spend more time on it, I will add some more variations.

But not everything went wrong (maybe), this WIP (the one you'll get in october) will be pretty unique, it will be released in 4k.

Yeah, I'm trying to render in 4k after many tests, and I'll give you more info in the next update!

Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm working hard to release something that it's worth watching.

I leave you a preview of one of the cameras.

Have nice day!



Active Member
Dec 18, 2021
Here is a preview of the Judy Alvarez animation...


Hi Guys!

How's going?

I'm releasing this test render to show you a 4k test and a little WIP.

Talking about the 4k test:
I tried to make some tweak here and there to render in 4k, I had to make some compromises but the outcome doesn't look bad (It could be better ofc).

Those compromises don't always work tho, for example with the last Lara Croft animation those tweaks made the graphics a bit worse for my taste, even if It was in 4k.

So, right now, It's not possible make my animations in 4k, since I have just one PC it would be hard render and work at the same time, and If I want work I have speed up the time making compromises or upgrading my PC (Or making a new one).

This WIP (18 seconds) took me 8 hours to render. What do you think about it? Is the 4k worth it?
I will tell you more about how the 4k res will be implemented (Which Tier, etc) later on. Now I want keep the focus on this WIP.

About the Judy Animation:
I tried my best to keep the Cyberpunk feeling. I reworked the lighting since the previous WIP.
I had to rework other stuff too, I had to make many changes and It took a while to learn them, some of them were important for making the characters move.

I'm not a fan of looped part, but I consider them a good filler between harder scenes that require more time to make (It doesn't mean loops are easy to do). I don't even like make those loop scenes too much long, since if nothing special is happening they may look too much repetitive.
If there are things that need to be fixed, I'll do that during these months (You will see them once the animation will be released).

The Scene you see in this WIP is in the middle of the project, It's not the beginning of the full animation, there are some scenes before and some scenes after. I can't say much more since I don't want say something that may change later on.

The next scene I will work on is supposed to be right after this part. I wanted to try to make it for the end of this month, and release it with this loop, but I changed my mind: I want make it from scratch and taking the time I need.

It should be a short part and not looped.

In the end, this Judy animation should be shorter than the Lara one, I don't know if many people are willing to wait many months like the lara animation so, for now, Judy will have less scenes.
Thank you all, really, for your patience and for your support. Tell me what you think about this WIP, If you have any question I'll be happy to answer.

Have a nice day!


Active Member
Dec 18, 2021
Rash just posted an update on Patreon...
We might be getting 4K releases soonish...

Heloo Guys! How's going?

I'm here for a little update.
During these months (almost a year) I was thinking about to make a new Tier for those who'd like support me more, but at the same time I wanted to give something more, but currently I don't know very well what to give.
The idea is to make a Tier 3 and start It as a "donation" Tier and, in the future, convert it as Tier 3 for something else, the idea now is to make a Tier 3 for 4k animations (When I will able to do 4k renders in a reasonable times).
I thought a lot about the price. I didn't want it to be too high, but I also didn't want it to be too low, because It is made for helping me more.
I decided the Tier 3 will be about 10 euro.
I choose that price because that Tier is pretty optional and who support me can choose if stay Tier 3 or choose a lower one when they want.
And, to be honest, the other reason I chose that price is the taxes: Patreon and my country get almost half of that money, and I really need more income If I want improve the overall quality.
I'm not going to change my previous Tier (Tier 1 and Tier 2) of course; those still want support me without spend too much have those options.
I appreciate your support, whatever Tier you choose.

I don't know how many of you are interested in the 4k resolution, I like the idea but I will take my time to understand If It is a good idea or not, your feedback will help .
I show you a little comparison (4 pics: 2 in 4k and 2 in 1080p):

Judy 1080pTest.png bJudy 1080pTest3.png

Judy 4kTest.png bJudy 4kTest3.png

The 4k is with the settings I use to render now, so with some compromises, more than I want. I'd like to increase the quality a bit more and/or speed up the render times at the same time.
In fact, some effects are better in the 1080p version in my opinion.
I suggest to open these pics even if you don't have a 4k monitor, if you zoom in you should see more details.

Tell me what you think
If I don't change my mind the Tier 3 will start in November, probably around the first days and, as I said, It will start as "donation" Tier.

I will make a post the day I release the Tier 3.
As always, thank you for your support and for your kind comments.

Have a nice day!


Active Member
Dec 18, 2021
Another short update...


Panam Palmer


It's me again!

When I did the poll with the Cyberpunk girls, Panam and Judy were very close, so I actually started to build two different scenes for both of them.

We know how It went but I want to show you something.

During those days I was testing her position, the cameras, lighting etc.

I think it is a pretty frame/pic.

I hope this pic It will make a bit happy those who voted Panam.

Someday, maybe, we will see her animated. For now this is what I have about her.

Have a nice day!

Fullsize Image


Active Member
Nov 21, 2017
Anybody try doing a 4k interpolation of the full unwatermarked Harley Quinn animation?
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes