You are creating an unsustainable choice framework. Are you familiar with the parable of working for 1 penny a day but each day it doubles? In 30 days it is worth over ten million dollars. If each update adds just 2 branches you will have over 64 possible story branches in half a dozen updates, in 4 more updates you will have over a thousand. You can't sustain that as a developer. You have to limit your paths and you have to limit choices to something manageable. Otherwise things will run away on you. One simple way to allow choice is a points system and where you limits the paths you are on but gate content based on how many points you have. The point system can be corruption, or affection or whatever you want and it can be hidden as well.Just to recap, The first week of content had 11 different endings leading to 7 different beginnings for the second week, the second week which is this update introduces a sex scene with 3 different variations, 5 different endings for the show and 7 different match results based on your choices, Like i said this game is gonna have many choices effecting your gameplay for short and long term
7 different paths is going to explode in complexity and the flags needed for the choices is going to balloon out of control real fast. There is a reason why games limit choice, it isn't because devs are lazy or stupid they know choices make for a better gaming experience. The reality of the maths behind choice is such that just a few choices that lead to different paths in a game get so out of hand so quickly you have to "fake" choices for the player, limiting most choices to something you can manage in the abstract like affection/love/corruption points as well as limit the number of different paths the player can follow. limit "real" choices to something you can manage. Otherwise after a few updates you are going to be drowning in work and you wont be able to keep up.