is this game a sandbox games or just linear?
It kinda depends on what you consider a sandbox. I would say the game is mostly linear. There is an exploration bit in Acts 2 and 3, but it's really more of a "go to location, do thing, acquire riches/bitches." It's timed, but once you figure out the optimal path to see everything and get everyone, there's really no nuance to it. Outside of that, the "in-lair" stuff is all "visit your NPCs/allies, fuck them, etc." With different random/story events and such that happen as time progresses.
Then in ACT IV you're locked off from the exploration to focus on story-related things which I won't spoil, which leads into ACT V which is what the current dev focus is on.
That being said, the writing is
fantastic, and there really is a lot of player choice and variation to make multiple playthroughs interesting. Definitely worth the cost on Steam imo
also, how much gay is in this?
Not much. I have that content disabled, but I know that there's a twink/femboy type character and also a more manly wolfman you can fuck.