It's understandable that when you find something you enjoy, you would like it to be perfect and that
IS understandable.

When your passionate about something, when a thing has resonated with you on an emotional level you want the most out of it however, doesn't it seem some what selfish as well to expect for good things just because you've asked for them.

Being selfish isn't always a bad thing, being selfish with a thing you enjoy if fact I would say is quite a complement because you want it all to yourself it's that enjoyable, however. What you are asking for is somewhat unreasonable at this time.

Consider that the game is still unfinished, it's an alpha and the dev has not just put a lot of time and effort into this project but money as well so much so that as I understand it he was financially unstable for a time, during a time where jobs and money are hard to hold onto.

Asking for all the art in the game for which they are financially reliable for to be redone to please just one person can seem like a little unreasonable wouldn't you agree? or at the very least, at this stage short sighted.

If it's something you feel strongly for why not run a poll?

see what others think. I'm not saying it will change the world but it may put you in a better position to make requests and perhaps when the game is complete you could make your request again but with a much louder voice, with the support of others who feel just as strongly as yourself on the matter. In the mean time though if it isn't going to completely ruin your immersion into the game then perhaps you could see your self to see past it for the time being.

It's still a great game and although the art may not be completely what your looking for it's still ruddy stunning and if by chance it is too much for you to enjoy the game then perhaps looking for another piece of media that already caters to your desires may be what's required here, friend.

Looking for something that already has everything you are looking for rather than hoping sometime in the future something is changed just for you

Edit: I'm not being disingenuous.