3.20 star(s) 85 Votes


Game Developer
Jun 23, 2019
Because this game, like many others, has some pretty sexy MILF models in it going to waste. I keep up on all of these games to see which ones finally get it done right. And spoiler alert, most of them don't, because the developers are fucking jackasses obsessed with trying to tell the most epic story of all time. In a porn game.
I would appreciate it if you didn't personally attack me for not making my game the way that you want me to.
I don't take most of this shit personally because people dont like things such as games, movies, music, etc.
Please do not attack my character. That's a different story.
There are rules against this.


Game Developer
Jun 23, 2019
Every update, the same people complain.
If you dont like this game so far:
1. You want to like the game and hope that shit changes the way you want, so you stick around and play each update.
2. You don't play anymore, and you still stick around just to join in with the new complaints.
3. you dont like it, and play anyway because you want more shit to complain about.

If I'm missing something, apologies.
two of these begs to question, "why are you still in the thread posting negativity?"
And to the other.
If it hasn't changed by now, it's not going to.

Content will come for characters, but the way go about it fundamentally will stay the same.


You don't have to waste your time waiting.
It's only causing unneeded drama.
It's a free game for most on here, and in the end it's your decision to spend any time on it.
By now, in arc 2, you should already be well aware of how I'm doing things. (like it or not)
Nobody forced you to be here.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
You are here on a pirate forum. What does Dev get from you? N SS is over $1600 per month. If one of the payers has reservations, maybe he will be accommodated. If it goes wrong, you'll lose your money. Will you give him $1600? Then he could make the game according to you.

I admit that the game has holes. I admit that she is sometimes very slow burn. But it suits me perfectly and it's one of the games I regularly look forward to.
In addition, Dev is one of the few who goes to this site and communicates with the pirate base and gives free feedback.
And from where did you get the idea that I denand something from the Dev? You are wrong , I'm just expressing my opinion. It is exactly a pirate site as you said, so I'm free to criticize.
Also, I would not call $1600 or $2000 per moth a great success. There are many games that by far exceed this amount.

What for slow burn, I said many times, that there are lots of good examples of slow burn. For instance, I've been playing Photo Hunt now for a few days in a row and the MC hasn't even fucked any of the LIs :ROFLMAO: It also has its flaws, sure, but in different departments.

The slow burn shall be natural, organic and justified, following the logic of relationship development. In this case very few, except for the most desperate and impatient wankers don't like it. :sneaky:

I like this game being simple linear story (though some ppl would probably prefer branching plot) , I like all the teasing from the girls going around in their undies.

I just can't believe how the MC can be so dumb and dull. And the main plot...well, it's just there. Not something to write home about for the "story oriented game", to be honest. :unsure:
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
There is a huge difference between caring about constructive criticism and changing your entire game because a couple of people complain about it.

Very few devs will ever change direction of their game based on feedback here and most of those that did change ended up abandoning it.

When devs start pulling in decent support they can't change things too much or they run the risk of losing that support.

Whether a few people on here want to admit it or not, the game has a decent sized playerbase and is still growing.
Where exactly do you see a demand from me that the Dev should change the game in accordance with my liking? I, actually, would prefer that the Dev would not be present in this thread at all. Because every time somebody criticize him, he lashes back quite nervously. I can't blame him for that, he's the creator and most of the creators are very sensitive about criticism of their creations. It doesn't mean they shouldn't be criticized though.

You or other fans of this game, on the other hand, can bring forth your own counterarguments to the dialogue table because I may also be wrong. But all I see is "You don't like the game - fuck off" or "You don't pay enough money for the Dev to be bothered with you".
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Game Developer
Jun 23, 2019
And from where did you get the idea that I denand something from the Dev? You are wrong , I'm just expressing my opinion. It is exactly a pirate site as you said, so I'm free to criticise.
Also, I would not call $1600 or $2000 per moth a great success. There are many games that by far exceed this amount.
What for slow burn, I said many times, that there are lots of good examples of slow burn. For instance, I'm playing Photo Hunt now for a few days in a row and the MC hasn't even fucked any of the LIs :ROFLMAO: It also has its flaws, sure, but in different departments.
The slow burn shall be natural, organic and justified, following the logic of relationship development. In this case very few, except for the most desperate and impatient wankers like it. :sneaky:
I like this game being simple linear story (though some ppl would probably prefer branching plot) , I like all the teasing from the girls going around in their undies.
I just can't believe how the MC can be so dumb and dull. And the main plot...well, it's just there. Not something to write home about for the "story oriented game", to be honest. :unsure:
1600 is indeed, not a lot. But, compared to the expectation of nothing, or very little, its a decent amount :-D.

I am not focusing arc 2 on story so much. I am trying to work on the mc relationships with each girl while story still runs as a background.(there has to be a story running or else this would be just a porn clip show).
There are a lot of people that are supporting for the story and the character interactions.
I do have to worry about the people that like what i'm doing, leaving if I change the way that I'm doing some things.
Admittedly, some of the things I haven't changed because I really only know how to do it one way, and trying to change it, and failing, may fuck things up. however, the plot and story will be the same no matter what I would/could change. but nobody is asking for a story change, so that's all good.
Also, writing and rendering on my own, and keeping a monthly schedule, along with rendering animations and posing animations, is time consuming. thankfully I have a coder that does a great job.
I can only do so much. I say this because some people want more things that would require many more renders.

I do hear what people say, admittedly I completely ignore the demanding, self entitled whining (in regards to considering the complaint), but for honest criticism, such as yours, I do think of how I could change things.
If they haven't been changed, the main reason would be my inability to do so, or the followers that would leave if I fucked things up.

When I say I'm not changing things, it sounds harsh, and ignorant. but its the quickest way for me to say everything above.


Game Developer
Jun 23, 2019
all I see is "You don't like the game - fuck off" or "You don't pay enough money for the Dev to be bothered with you".
This may seem to be the case, but I assure you, its not. for either counter argument.

You can not like the game, and its fine. no worries. theres shit that I dont like.
Sticking around in a thread to bash the game you dont like after every release is a different story. (not talking about you)
Why would people stay in the thread just to keep telling everyone that they hate it or dont like it?

I have plenty of free followers and peopel in my discord that I engage with almost every day.
They ask questions in dms, and sometimes give me ideas to consider.

My replies, and the manner in which I reply will always be based on how somebody presents a comment/complaint.
Such as it is in life in most cases.

Imagine selling cd's of an album you just made at a store or something, and the same person comes up to you over and over bitching about what they dont like, in a rude, entitled manner. How would you respond after over a year and a half of your work?
Maybe a dumb example, but the points still there.
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Active Member
Mar 13, 2022
Because this game, like many others, has some pretty sexy MILF models in it going to waste. I keep up on all of these games to see which ones finally get it done right. And spoiler alert, most of them don't, because the developers are fucking jackasses obsessed with trying to tell the most epic story of all time. In a porn game.
Most developers hardly blow anyone away with their stories. Most games are terribly cookie cutter and dull, and sometimes they don't even have good graphics, to add insult to injury. This one is an absolute rarity in having an interesting story. If you are not interested in stories, maybe would be more up your alley.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
At this point I think the mods should start giving thread bans. For some reason people don't seem to be able to reach the conclusion that the game just might not be for them. Giving criticism is fine but if the dev already said that this is the way he wants to make his game then it's probably better to move on and find something else to play. Nothing is going to change and you're just spamming the thread with pointless arguments.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
When I say I'm not changing things, it sounds harsh, and ignorant. but its the quickest way for me to say everything above.
Well, on my part I assure, I don't expect you to change anything in your game according to my or anybodyelse's liking. I just hope, since you read my rant, some fruitful seed of understanding will grow in your mind, may be by your next game (and I wish you to successfully finish this game as well).

I don't push for any particular kinks. Well, I like lolies and I like nylons (such as stocking and pantyhose) which are both already generously represented in your game. ;) But kinks alone can't make the game successful, I think you know that. On the other hand, wrong pacing or weak, boring characters can ruin otherwise a great game.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
At this point I think the mods should start giving thread bans. For some reason people don't seem to be able to reach the conclusion that the game just might not be for them.
I think, my friend, you have a wrong idea of moderation. The mods ban for violation of the site rules, not for opinion on the game different from yours. :FacePalm:
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Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
Most developers hardly blow anyone away with their stories. Most games are terribly cookie cutter and dull, and sometimes they don't even have good graphics, to add insult to injury. This one is an absolute rarity in having an interesting story. If you are not interested in stories, maybe would be more up your alley.
This one is a rarity because it has MILFs and lolis in it with a shota protagonist (who has a normal, not overcompensating dick size) to boot. That's what gives it way more potential than 90% of what else is out there. And why I might come off as particularly harsh on it compared to others. I expect more from this than say for example, Game of Hearts. That game has better looking models but there's a ceiling on how good it can be, since you know, it's beholding to Patreon standards. And it's another example of a game's developer taking their story too seriously. Neither of these games are telling a unique story. Especially not with a male protagonist.

Thanks for the link though.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
why I might come off as particularly harsh on it compared to others. I expect more from this than say for example
Exactly my thoughts. I know that my rating is may be lower than this game deserves. But than the game's problems are even more disappointing because of its good potential. For example, Sunset Fairies also has great graphics and hot lolies in it. But writing (in all its aspects) is so unimaginably bad and pathetic in that game that I could not survive more than a couple of updates (also the MC there has the dick of a size of a street lighting pole :ROFLMAO: ).
On the contrary, this game I still play hoping that it will pick up the pace eventually :sneaky:
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Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
I saw that the pregnancy tag is not planned (or there will be one) but I read that it will not be limited, what does this mean that it can appear in the game or is there no chance of this tag appearing?


Game Developer
Jun 23, 2019
I saw that the pregnancy tag is not planned (or there will be one) but I read that it will not be limited, what does this mean that it can appear in the game or is there no chance of this tag appearing?
That means that all of those tags will not be included, and there may be more in the future that aren't.
Same with planned tags.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2022
This one is a rarity because it has MILFs and lolis in it with a shota protagonist (who has a normal, not overcompensating dick size) to boot. That's what gives it way more potential than 90% of what else is out there. And why I might come off as particularly harsh on it compared to others. I expect more from this than say for example, Game of Hearts. That game has better looking models but there's a ceiling on how good it can be, since you know, it's beholding to Patreon standards. And it's another example of a game's developer taking their story too seriously. Neither of these games are telling a unique story. Especially not with a male protagonist.

Thanks for the link though.
Sure, but once again, it is the story that makes this game special (or any game, really). Otherwise, you could just go on Pixiv or something for risque content. Like, for something like Heart Problems by Xenorav you know exactly what you're gonna get: silly excuses for feeling up the aunt's body parts and then ramping up the pressure 'til she gives in, same with the not-niece. You could switch that with Guilty Pleasures or 16 Years Later and no one could tell the difference. (These are games I'm following BTW), Over here we have some crazy stuff with canibalism, possesion, living dolls, magic rituals, with erotic scnes in between, and the best thing is I have no idea what it's leading to or how it's going to end. I'm literally thinking how I would end this story if I were the author and I have no clue (of course that's why I'm not a writer, I can for the most part consume media or books, but if someone held a gun to my head and said "Come up wth a cool plot for a movie or you die", I'd be screwed.)
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
I think, my friend, you have a wrong idea of moderation. The mods ban for violation of the site rules, not for opinion on the game different from yours. :FacePalm:
It's not about having a different opinion. If people don't like the game that is fine you have the review section to give your opinion. But spamming the thread with the same arguments over and over again it's annoying as fuck for everyone else that doesn't have a hate boner for the game or the dev.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
Over here we have some crazy stuff with canibalism, possesion, living dolls, magic rituals, with erotic scnes in between, and the best thing is I have no idea what it's leading to or how it's going to end.
That was the problem of the first Arc - it was all over the place and tried to move in multiple directions at the same time. With some hectic interactions between the characters scattered among the plot events.

Well, I've just played the latest update and shall say that it is almost completely consistent, if you keep in mind the previous build up. The conversation with Jenna and power awakening scene are clear if you've played any fantasy RPG game. The buildup of the MC's relationship with Katerine and Alex is quite believable for the perverted logic of an AVN.

I would'n say that the plot as the whole has many fresh and original ideas, apart from the standard mass culture tropes, but I'm OK with that, since it's a porn game, not a literary masterpiece. It was the plot holes and illogical behavior of the main characters and NPCs that pissed me off in Arc 1 and the first parts of Arc 2.

Still, with so many characters, the progress of relationships can be very slow, considering the number of the other plot lines. I might wait for a few more updates to play them together.

It's not about having a different opinion. If people don't like the game that is fine you have the review section to give your opinion. But spamming the thread with the same arguments over and over again it's annoying as fuck for everyone else that doesn't have a hate boner for the game or the dev.
So, why are you here? To pat each other on the back? The thread is not only for reporting bugs or technical problems. It is also about sharing opinions.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
Yea, it's about sharing opinions, but it feels more like people are trying to make the dev change his mind about how he makes the game and he already said that he won't change. I don't see the point in these discussions anymore. It's up to the mods if they want to moderate this thread or not. I will just ignore it for a while.
3.20 star(s) 85 Votes