Just a quick update on progress because I've always been one to value transparency during a games development, so I figured it'd be appreciated by whoever is interested in my shenanigans creating this game.
So as the whole "lockdown" thing eases up a little, I'm finding less chance to sit down for hours on end to tap a keyboard.
During peak "lockdown" I ended up doing a 3 day period of nothing but working on RF, literally!
It was "wake up", "work on RF", "sleep"...interspersed with random trips to the bathroom.
But even though the situation is easing off, I'm still chipping away when I get the chance.
I'm currently bringing the Princess & Rayne "Creeper" paths to a close so if they're your favorite bits, well then great for you!
The Mansion is gonna be a bigger update so I'm holding off until this lesser ending is complete,
As the whole "Creeper Hunt" more or less plays out like an extended bad end (or a "runners up" end as you can still get a "good end" with both characters) I figured completing that will let me focus solely on The Mansion once it's complete.
I can upload the completed Creeper Hunt once it's done or I might leave it until the Mansion is completed as well, but that could take a fair while as I haven't even begun to plan that route yet outside of the basic plot.
It's weird, the whole plot has stayed more or less the same since I began this game, but because of the branching paths and gameplay elements I've introduced (neither of which are something I originally had in mind to do),
I feel like I know what point A and C is, just point B is a bit of a mystery at times.
So yeah, that's where I'm at for the time being!
Once again, thanks for all feedback!