I tried to like this title and there is some good humor (frying pan! Kabong!!) which I love. However the MC is a complete jerkoff. Alternating between ridiculous arrogance and the complete inability to accept reality. Whining, self pity, guilt trips, endless shit talk, etc. I don't want to be this guy... I want to punch him in the face.
I was stumbling along skipping dialog when I could until I tripped over the straw that broke the camel's back. Mr Morality didn't make Cadence a slave on purpose, wants her to be an equal and not feel like he is her master. Until she wants to give him a blowjob... then his paper thin morality goes STRAIGHT out the window.
Lisa: "Hey Mike, would you ever murder children and their pets?"
Mike: "Of course not, that would be terrible!"
Lisa: "What if I offered you a blowjob?"
Mike: "Lock and load!"
No cap if you like to play that sort of MC and kudos to the dev for such good writing that I actually came to hate a fictional character. Well done you.