I will stop here since you are not getting what I mean, so it's useless to keep the argument and let me tell you that anyone that thinks a shitty and poorly animation improves a game is way over his/her head, I think that pretty much is implied in any game and I certainly did not have to state it openly to be implied in the argument, anyone with a bit of common sense will know I'm talking about good animations since I said: "will improve the game" I dont think anyone in his right mind will say bad animations will improve a game.
If you assume you are paying someone is a question of where you want him more (that was my main point), do renders for advancing the story or do animations for sex scenes, again you are taking my words wrong and out of context. The benefit is pretty much the same, what people want more ¿ animations or advance the story more (longer updates)?
That question is for all to say, maybe a poll, I already did say before my preferences when it comes to it.
First, cause sometimes it is good in this thread: I always took the discussion in a friendly way. When I want to be unfriendly I am anything but subtle.
I did understand your point. What I answered back was essentially a thought exercise, tied to my original comments that for transitions to be well executed you need as a necessary condition a lot of renders, but it is not even sufficient conditions as they need to be good renders.
In the end, it always boils down to a economic problem: I have x amount of money and y time to allocate to the game. If x and y are infinite, you can do whatever you want. But most of the time, most are finite and quite binding. So the rest of my argument, which was actually not an argument but a communication of my taste, was essentially the following thought comparison.
If you have the ability to render the rest of the game exactly, but you could chose either to animate a sex scene or a dance. At the end of the day, sex is executed is series of repetitive movements which are known to pretty much anyone, even virgins, provided you have access to internet. Yes, you can claim that there are some extremely exoteric positions, but it is not what usually happens that boils down to the most common: blowjob, cunninlingus, misionary, cowgirl, doggy, sixtynice, handjob. There are only so many variations you can have on each of those. Does it really matter if dicks goes a cm deeper or a second faster from the point of view of the animation?
The dance, on the other hand is different.
-First, it can but it need not be a sequence of repetitive movements.
-Second, they are extremely unique and speed is important: it is not the same to animate a ballerina dancing with a sequence of super fast movement as to do it with well executed movement that follow music.
-Third, variation is actually quite large, as different music makes for different dancing and animations: not the same thing to have said ballerina dancing to ballet than to make her rap while wearing a tutu.
-Fourth, most people are not as acquainted with ballet or different types of dancing that they are with sex. Obviously, if the reader is a ballerina just describing the scene with a few renders can be enough for her to use her imagination and understand what is going on in terms of movement: just mention her that they are doing an Arabesque with two renders, one in the beginning one at the end and you are done. But this is not the same for most readers that are not into the subject. Sex, on the contrary, if you say doggy style, just a render of the position and a render of the guy cumming inside the girl is enough for pretty much everybody to understand: dick goes in, dick goes out.
There are obvious other reasons, but I think that is enough to boils down my idea. No only it is better for me to use those extra renders for the rest of the game but even if the rest of the game could not be further improved by improving or augmenting renders, I would not focus on sex scenes but rather more unique scenes to animate.