4.00 star(s) 206 Votes


Jun 19, 2020
My thoughts on the fight sequence:

The MC should have used more of his powers whether to go invisible or to use his claws to attempt to win the fight I agree BUT in the end he still should be fucked up because we all know that vampires grow stronger the older they are and the MC is still a child in vampire years compared to NOS who is older than a granny and NOT only that but the MC does not have any training in fighting or using his vampire abilities.

The MC is already powerful for a youngling and is going to become really really powerful with time so I see no problem with him losing here plus it's way more fun to see him become badass overtime.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
My expectations about that fight were a bit different so I (cheeky bastard how dare he!) dared to voice my discontent and got facepalmed for it :p
You got facepalmed because your comment essentially was asking MC to be a super hero in his very first actual fight, while he is at most a couple of weeks old. Powerful or not, he is young, very very young.

More important, if he becomes too OP it kills the story. At some point, you can always wonder "why doesn't MC just force his way through all the problems given how OP he is". For the story to remain interesting, it is better he develops slowly. And he is already developing quite fast.
I can agree with your arguments concerning MCs inexperience and powers but... the thing that made me disappointed is that not long ago we were shown the true power of the claws (Archon vamp thug getting clawed) - claws are pretty powerful, they cause excruciating and almost paralyzing pain.
In the fight, our MC did not even put a single scratch on feral nos, correction - he did claw her once but without any significant effect after Laurie shot her in the face.
Agreed, unfair fight, but we somehow diverged from the main point of my contested post about the fight sequence not meeting the basic requirements to call it exciting.
1. They know NOS can become invisible but MC can become invisible too - an obvious tactical advantage that was not used in the fight
2. Sharon tactician? There was not a shred of tactics in their "squad" approach to the enemy.
3. Andrew being exposed to the backside attack, he should have pinned his back to the wall at least when she went invisible and MC should have tried using the "invisibility act" to his advantage too.

Now imagine a possibly more satisfying fight sequence - MC goes ninja invisible, gets behind feral NOS, and claws her till the cows come home.
When she turns to him he "ninja" disappears again and does the same again and again. Tactics and mindfuckery!

I tried replaying that bit without Laurie and it came as more satisfying for a very silly reason - MCs (Ripley) Alien movie reference sentence after the fight.
My thoughts on the fight sequence:

The MC should have used more of his powers whether to go invisible or to use his claws to attempt to win the fight I agree BUT in the end he still should be fucked up because we all know that vampires grow stronger the older they are and the MC is still a child in vampire years compared to NOS who is older than a granny and NOT only that but the MC does not have any training in fighting or using his vampire abilities.

The MC is already powerful for a youngling and is going to become really really powerful with time so I see no problem with him losing here plus it's way more fun to see him become badass overtime.
On all the comments about using more powers it needs to be understood that powers may not be available. If with only the claws variation the fight was this short imagine if he also included a variation on invisibility. There are only so many alternatives that dev can do without a simple fight requiring 3 months developings.

Besides, he did use his claws if you have them and they save the day, without claws, I think she escapes instead of getting turned to ashes, although the idea is that the sun might finish the job.

And I am confident secret whispers would be useless.

Overall, I think he did quite well in the fight for being his first one. He is young, naive and sometimes borderline childish. But he saved Andrew's ass and kept the bitch entertained so they could kill her. Overall, it was good!

What happened? I only ate the omelete and said goodbye.
She says your mouth smells rotten and you don't share blood to each other. Worst case, is how she says you smell rotten. Made me wonder if she spoke of food or my soul, specially as the variable is "soulstainmiri"

if Sharon is a normal vampire, Astrid is the feral kind.
Please, let her go all wild with me! No strings attached!!

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Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
Agreed, unfair fight, but we somehow diverged from the main point of my contested post about the fight sequence not meeting the basic requirements to call it exciting.
1. They know NOS can become invisible but MC can become invisible too - an obvious tactical advantage that was not used in the fight
2. Sharon tactician? There was not a shred of tactics in their "squad" approach to the enemy.
3. Andrew being exposed to the backside attack, he should have pinned his back to the wall at least when she went invisible and MC should have tried using the "invisibility act" to his advantage too.

Now imagine a possibly more satisfying fight sequence - MC goes ninja invisible, gets behind feral NOS, and claws her till the cows come home.
When she turns to him he "ninja" disappears again and does the same again and again. Tactics and mindfuckery!

I tried replaying that bit without Laurie and it came as more satisfying for a very silly reason - MCs (Ripley) Alien movie reference sentence after the fight.
Agreed, the lack of tactics/planning for the confrontation was pathetic taking into account the abilities and numbers advantage the party had.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Agreed, the lack of tactics/planning for the confrontation was pathetic taking into account the abilities and numbers advantage the party had.
Well... most of the people here agree that MC is a young and inexperienced vamp.
He is portrayed as a bit cheeky but not stupid and neither are the rest of the NPCs in that fight. Hence, pathetic confrontation might be just the right term for this.
Glad at least someone agrees with me on this.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
You got facepalmed because your comment essentially was asking MC to be a super hero in his very first actual fight, while he is at most a couple of weeks old. Powerful or not, he is young, very very young.

More important, if he becomes too OP it kills the story. At some point, you can always wonder "why doesn't MC just force his way through all the problems given how OP he is". For the story to remain interesting, it is better he develops slowly. And he is already developing quite fast.
Goddamnit, is that what you read between my lines?

No, MC is not a superhero, not me or anybody else expected him to act like one.

The main problem is that they went into the fight without a single coherent thought.
Cmon, none of them is a stupid idiot and they knew their enemy is a powerful beast.
Some planning, clever use of MCs abilities maybe?
Was that too much to ask for?
Would that really have killed the story and made it less interesting or maybe exactly the opposite?

My disappointment stemmed mainly from how that whole fight sequence looked, hence the comparison to the Game Of Thrones fiasco, they all went in like headless chickens.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
The main problem is that they went into the fight without a single coherent thought.
Cmon, none of them is a stupid idiot and they knew their enemy is a powerful beast.
This is true, but it is not unreasonable. They knew very little about her, except from MC's visions, and they don't believe his visions are true. But I agree that at least Andrew should have had a better plan.
Some planning, clever use of MCs abilities maybe?
Was that too much to ask for?
Again: there is a limited amount of work you can do. Not all abilities are available and the amount of combinations can explode. And his abilities, for all they are just developing. His claws may hurt, but that bitch was simply stronger than their. We have no idea about Merrick, but even Sharon is not that old, so she is still developing too.

And MC's invisibility is barely useful if the other vampire can still feel his presence. Merrick is a better "ninja" that MC and still was kind of useless.
Sharon is NOT a fighter. This has been shown over and over.
Would that really have killed the story and made it less interesting or maybe exactly the opposite?
If MC becomes a force to be reckoned too soon, yes, it kills the story. A lot of the appealing of this story is the fact that you always feel in danger. They are always, even in their house, expecting to be destroyed. Imagine how to adapt that when MC can pretty much auto kill everyone.

Now I see you don't mean that, but while I agree they could have planned better, the rest of the fight was ok. (If she was there) Laurie saves MC, (if claws) MC saves Andrew, Andrew saves everybody in the end by roasting that bitch. Sharon was there as she always is: with an axe but barely doing much else.

Anyway, Avaron1974 and Raptus Puellae explained it better than me.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
This is true, but it is not unreasonable. They knew very little about her, except from MC's visions, and they don't believe his visions are true. But I agree that at least Andrew should have had a better plan.
Not entirely true, Merrick goes ahead and returns informing them it's a feral NOS even asks if they should call for reinforcements for the final confrontation. It takes a min. to form any kind of plan if they already decided the fight is imminently going down now. Now, on the other hand... headless chickens don't have the BRAINS for any kind of plan and they decided to play headless chickens.
Sharon is NOT a fighter. This has been shown over and over.
Now I see you don't mean that, but while I agree they could have planned better, the rest of the fight was ok. (If she was there) Laurie saves MC, (if claws) MC saves Andrew, Andrew saves everybody in the end by roasting that bitch. Sharon was there as she always is: with an axe but barely doing much else.
Hehehe, try playing without inviting Laurie... Sharon is a motherfucking RIPLEY!!
As I said that was the most exciting part of the whole fight sequence.
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Not entirely true, Merrick goes ahead and returns informing them it's a feral NOS even asks if they should call for reinforcements for the final confrontation. It takes a min. to form any kind of plan if they already decided the fight is imminently going down now. Now, on the other hand... headless chickens don't have the BRAINS for any kind of plan and they decided to play headless chickens.

Hehehe, try playing without inviting Laurie... Sharon is a motherfucking RIPLEY!!
As I said that was the most exciting part of the whole fight sequence.
Not a bad idea, let me check!

EDIT: played exactly as I remember from reading the code. Not much of a difference.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2018
This is true, but it is not unreasonable. They knew very little about her, except from MC's visions, and they don't believe his visions are true. But I agree that at least Andrew should have had a better plan.

Again: there is a limited amount of work you can do. Not all abilities are available and the amount of combinations can explode. And his abilities, for all they are just developing. His claws may hurt, but that bitch was simply stronger than their. We have no idea about Merrick, but even Sharon is not that old, so she is still developing too.

And MC's invisibility is barely useful if the other vampire can still feel his presence. Merrick is a better "ninja" that MC and still was kind of useless.
Sharon is NOT a fighter. This has been shown over and over.

If MC becomes a force to be reckoned too soon, yes, it kills the story. A lot of the appealing of this story is the fact that you always feel in danger. They are always, even in their house, expecting to be destroyed. Imagine how to adapt that when MC can pretty much auto kill everyone.

Now I see you don't mean that, but while I agree they could have planned better, the rest of the fight was ok. (If she was there) Laurie saves MC, (if claws) MC saves Andrew, Andrew saves everybody in the end by roasting that bitch. Sharon was there as she always is: with an axe but barely doing much else.

Anyway, Avaron1974 and Raptus Puellae explained it better than me.
soulstainmiri means miri's soul right? not our soul??


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
soulstainmiri means miri's soul right? not our soul??
I originally thought that, yes. While I still give it a higher chance that it is called that way for Miri's sould, I am not longer sure it does not mean an effect on our soul, after Sharon comment. I could and probably are overthinking about it. And she really meant the food. But still, better safe than sorry. It is not like I care fucking Miri, as I am not attracted to her at all... Put another girl there and we'll see.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Hehehe, try playing without inviting Laurie... Sharon is a motherfucking RIPLEY!!
As I said that was the most exciting part of the whole fight sequence.
In that scene she had to be but story wise Sharron is not that high above the MC in the pecking order.

Note when Astrid was in Sharron's she made sure to confront her armed and still Astrid gave zero fucks. They both know if it came down to a fight Sharron wouldn't be walking away.

I'm not "hating" on her, I really like Sharron but she's a mentor, she isn't a fighter. So far we've seen 2 that could be called fighters in vamp land, the one training the MC who's name I forgot and Markus and he's a badass.

Sooner or later our MC is probably going to be one of the more powerful vamps in the game but it needs building up to and this is a slow build game. Sure it's frustrating when fights happen and he should be all over them but the dev also used a clever out in this one, a feral wouldn't care about MC's claws. They would just have pissed her off more. The more pain he put her through the angrier she would have got. She had no reasoning, all she knows is she's backed into a corner, the MC's blood is strong and she's going to kill them all.

I'm not trying to put your opinion down, i'll even say I agree in part. I too wanted to see him put up more of a fight but if you pay attention to his comments and how he acts, he's not mature and he's out of his depth. Not long ago he was a DJ with his best friend without a care in the world wondering about getting laid, now he's a vampire with his life in a knife edge surrounded by people that would kill him if they knew what he was and still trying to come to terms with his situation.

I don't think he'll grow much more powerful until his sired family show up.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
In that scene she had to be but story wise Sharron is not that high above the MC in the pecking order.

Note when Astrid was in Sharron's she made sure to confront her armed and still Astrid gave zero fucks. They both know if it came down to a fight Sharron wouldn't be walking away.

I'm not "hating" on her, I really like Sharron but she's a mentor, she isn't a fighter. So far we've seen 2 that could be called fighters in vamp land, the one training the MC who's name I forgot and Markus and he's a badass.

Sooner or later our MC is probably going to be one of the more powerful vamps in the game but it needs building up to and this is a slow build game. Sure it's frustrating when fights happen and he should be all over them but the dev also used a clever out in this one, a feral wouldn't care about MC's claws. They would just have pissed her off more. The more pain he put her through the angrier she would have got. She had no reasoning, all she knows is she's backed into a corner, the MC's blood is strong and she's going to kill them all.

I'm not trying to put your opinion down, i'll even say I agree in part. I too wanted to see him put up more of a fight but if you pay attention to his comments and how he acts, he's not mature and he's out of his depth. Not long ago he was a DJ with his best friend without a care in the world wondering about getting laid, now he's a vampire with his life in a knife edge surrounded by people that would kill him if they knew what he was and still trying to come to terms with his situation.

I don't think he'll grow much more powerful until his sired family show up.
Very sound reasoning I cannot contend but maybe we can just agree that the fight sequence could have been a bit better thought out and more exciting?
It's actually the only thing I was asking in all of my posts regarding this update.
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Aug 30, 2020
Very sound reasoning I cannot contend but maybe we can just agree that the fight sequence could have been a bit better thought out and more exciting?
It's actually the only thing I was asking in all of my posts regarding this update.

I mean, the feral did get a drop on MC/Sharon/Thralls. Not to mention they had no idea who exactly they are going up against, and it was MCs first fight ever ( at least as a vampire). Even vampires feel anxious/scared. The next fight after MC tells them about his visions, sure, they will probably listen to him.

Andrew grilling made perfect sense in the end, while MC and Sharon ran away like headless chickens. "Uncontrollable flame" man, fire in a fireplace and fire from a flamethrower are different in vamp eyes.

They were "outnumbered" in the end, the feral was stronger than the vamps in MCs party. Without the thralls they wouldve been finished.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
I mean, the feral did get a drop on MC/Sharon/Thralls. Not to mention they had no idea who exactly they are going up against, and it was MCs first fight ever ( at least as a vampire). Even vampires feel anxious/scared. The next fight after MC tells them about his visions, sure, they will probably listen to him.
Ummm, not really. Merrick went ahead, came back, and informed them what/who they will be facing - they knew exactly what they will be going against.
Instead of going in as headless chickens, they should have had at least a semblance of some tactics or a plan.
NOS was feeding on a cop, not the best moment to start grilling her with a flamethrower. They needed to draw her out or... use MC ninja ability to get close fast, claw her a bit, and draw her out so Andrew can roast her from a safe distance.

Just goddamn admit it that the fight sequence was like a Game of Thrones fiasco.
4.00 star(s) 206 Votes