I really liked this latest update.
I think I'm beginning to figure out what likesblondes is trying to do here.
The first few updates Sharon seemed very cold, very restrained and keeping the MC away from her.
This has slowly started to change, so subtle that I honestly didn't get it at first, why she was becoming more likeable for me.
Now this episode, we learn a lot more about her, I feel AND she also takes a bit step into becoming more than just the MC's tutor, more of a friend and confidante and already hinting at a possible romantic relationship.
I wonder where the game will go with Laurie, whether we turn her to keep her safe or protect her humanity as well as her life/existence.
For now I would like to see a possibility of pursuing both ladies romantically as they both have their own charm.
At first I was a bit annoyed that Laurie completely disregarded that the MC was telling the truth, if she is his closest friend, she should be willing to believe almost anything, then I thought how I would react, if even the person closest to me would tell me she or he is a vampire.
No way would I be able to believe it, it just doesn't fit into my worldview.
In general it's pretty clear that this game is inspired by Vampire Masquerade, the vampire society is too similar to be coincidental, but that's fine. It's a good way to present vampirism.
Let's just hope we don't get a game with fucking sissy Twilight vampires.