God if I multiquote this I will just make a mess of it all... so
Sharon is clearly on a psychological journey to hold the beast at bay through her willpower, and her adherence to humanity. Through this she acknowledges the need to consume blood, but she focuses that need, and makes it a human driven choice of survival that she chooses to make..Not the act of a beast that is following it's instinct. She is clearly on what we would refer to as as path of ethics to maintain her humanity.
Vampires that are further removed from the source of the curse (if you will) are more likely to maintain a grip on humanity, as their actual capabilities are less fantastic, yet still superhuman. Thus, since they are closer to human than to the source, they are more likely to maintain that grip ...all things being equal.
Vampires that are closer to their founder, (vampire lineage wise are generationally closer) are far above humanity in capabilities. This distance from the human side, or rather the closeness to the source of power, has the potential to wreak havoc on egos. What I mean is that when you are capable of more, you will do more... And when you are closer to that source, your hunger, as a vampire, is greater than it is for one who is more human.
Think about it this way;
You are you. Whoever you are, where ever you are. You are a very cool person, as you are reading this board and paying attention to the best game on here. So you are already higher in my esteem than many other folks in the world. You have your education. You have your family. You have your wealth or lack there of. You are you.
Then one day, you go to work, and you get a fuzzy blank spot in your memory, but then you wake up starving, and food makes you sick.. you crave, you need blood. You can feel it, because everywhere you look, everyone has a heartbeat you can hear, a pulse you can see. So you pick out whomever you do, and hopefully you privately do your thing... that first time, unsupervised, you would drain someone dry. But if someone came upon you while you were draining the victim and stopped you, held you back and said to stop, and told you why.... would you? Or would you give in to the need? I do not know how many of you smoke, drink, do drugs, or are sex addicts, but take whatever you have, multiply it x10 and that is your need for blood.
So you either killed them or not. You listen to your mentor or not. But you discover, pretty much without any training, or any thing else that you are basically like a super human from a movie. If you knew how to fight before the embrace, now you are a bad ass on an entirely other level. I am a retired former federal employee from the Department of Homeland Security. I was other things before that. I know how to fight. I would be the worst example of what we could become. I am admitting that because I know me. IF I had the gifts/disciplines that our MC has already shown, I would be fucking Matrix city on crack. I would take what I want, when I want it. My humanity would probably suffer greatly. I would however, get as far away from my former family as quickly as I could, and in choosing who I kill or influence, I would shelter them and or protect them to the best of my ability, and then disappear. My new life would not include any previous ties. It couldn't, not while I have a shred of humanity left. And while I have that humanity I would do what I could from afar to protect them. Other than that one tie, I would be off being a monster.
I am not a bad person by nature. I love puppies, babies, and my family. I served my country for many years. I have a deep education, and a system of beliefs that is probably somewhere between the Force from Star Wars and Taoism.
All that aside, if I woke up one day with super-powers, I would use them. I would get revenge on my enemies, and do pretty much what I wanted. When I learn the limits of what vampire society (such as it is) will allow, I will abide by what seems ok for me, and if I want something outside of those limits, I will plot and scheme to get them. That includes thralls, wealth, power, all the trappings of vampire might.
Many of you will say no, you wouldn't do that. I believe you if that is really your conviction, I am just explaining that if I were reborn as an immortal predator with fantastic powers, I would be a monster.
Kinvarus eloquently explained the rational he or she has for Sharon and the MC to bond, and the influence that she would exert over him. I am saying that if I were the Main Character, I would do what feels good. I would help Sharon, and crave her yes. I would listen to Vampfu Mommy and Artemis and do what they want, as long as I see that it will serve me as well. If that means Sharon and Andrew die by my hand, I would do it if Vampfu Mommy and Grand Mommy told me to. I am just being honest.
My dear brother from another mother
Ayhsel I think can understand me lol....
I am just saying, if given a choice, I bet my game goes way darker than most of the rest of the very fine people on here!
Cheers and Peace!