But I think he's learning little by little being more wary of his surroundings and being more careful thus being less naive than he used to be.
Well, not really. Fabian needed to intervened and warn him
again to not tell random people or use in public Callistos name.
This for me shows, that our MC has a lot to learn yet, but he is learning.
Fabian- Agent Provocateur for Calisto's Sect. He is a mole. They do not know of his ties to her, and they want it that way. Calisto is very likely analogous to a Cardinal of the Sabbat (NOT saying that she and her folks are Sabbat like, just that it is a separate sect from the Princeps and the other folk of the city which are semi Camarilla like) Fabian is likely to be dangerous to both teams. (and more dangerous to "Our" team)
Fabian- 6 Because he is possibly playing both sides... Or if he is not the same generation as the MC then he may want to take a stab at drinking him down himself. Fabian could turn out to be a very powerful ally also. I kind of hope he takes a stab at us, so we can actually drink him down.
Don't think so, I think he is more a personal guard of Callisto and loyal servant. If he wanted to betray us, he could have done it before, could withhold information or give us false ones. But until now, he is very loyal and I don't think this will change.
Virgil-10 I am betting Virgil is fricking Roman Empire or Republic in origin, making him 2000+/- years old. I am thinking he is probably a generation higher (weaker) than the MC but is much older. This should make him the HIM......apologies to @Ayhsel for causing shrinkage regarding Astrid. Though she would be more interesting the way I posit. If Virgil was the thing in the woods, things start to get very interesting. He has some inkling that the MC is something dangerous to him, possibly the only thing in the city that might be a threat (barring Calisto and the Ancient) What if Virgil wants to dig up Vision Girl and snack her down??? It would then make sense for Vision Girl to have her forces start maneuvering to defend her.
I agree with you, Virgil is way more dangerous than the Princeps. Princeps is only a mere pawn on the big board, perhaps a bishop or knight. Don't believe that he is more. Virgil is at least a rook and a dangerous one too. As you say, he only use the Princeps for his own game and we will have clash.
And for the Princeps himself, I think the same. He most likely has given Sharon the first dose of his blood and that pisses me off. So either way both of them are on my death list now.