First a request for the sake of folks who do not have access immediately and or are unable to play, lets wait a week before posting spoilers and put them under the spoiler mark please.
Second. This is an excellent, I would say vital question. Who are the love interests????
4 safe bets- the new girl, Sharon, Laurie, Carmen........5th becomes stickier....
Mommy Vampfu is certainly under consideration, but this could be very complicated.
Vision Girl Inanna certainly would be a stretch, but she certainly knows the inner most thoughts of the MC.
Kassandra/Malia? Certainly gorgeous enough, accessibly enough.......
Cindi? That would be interesting.
Zephir would certainly fulfil my wish list.....
What if
Ayhsel gets his wish and it is Miss Naughty incarnate????? (Astrid) That one caused me to pause. True our only interactions of late seem to indicate that Sharon is going to stake her and leave her to the sunlight, with Carmen and Laurie both helping.........
But what if.........?
Third. The post indicates we now know all of them. Please post your vote, and someone who is obsessed with this stuff will tabulate- insert a bunch of our names in here.
Peace ya'll!