o thanks i see u r just here to save everyone great work what would any one do with out ur help i also am a top tier patron not really sure y u find the need to info everyone this but ok my statement was an option for ppl that dont want to see spoilersMost of us use this board to discuss the game in a lot of different ways, theory crafting. I am a patron at what LikesBlondes set as his top tier, so I get the updates when they happen. In this case, all patrons got the update at the same time, not in tiered order. So I am not referring to myself at all on this matter. I am trying to advocate that we at least give the folks who like to participate in this particular forum the opportunity to see the update before ruining the "surprises" that might be in any particular update by discussing it and then dissecting it to see what we think is really going on. Your statement is really not very helpful in this regard.