People are probably not keeping one of the visions the MC had in mind. Sharon on her throne of stone, with Calisto swallowing all.
While that may not be literal.....well ok, it may not literally HAVE to be literal, it could very well be. Diablerie is not just a way to gain powers, some vampires do it for the kick of the blood and soul devouring.
I totally think the following and this is not based on my new "association" with the developers-
I think that Laurie's fate is entirely dependent on whether we have enough Sharon Saves Laurie built up, and that it will cost Sharon somehow. It might also make Laurie a vampire.
If Carmen is just food and nothing more, then I think she has a very unfortunate fate ahead of her. Otherwise I think that we, as the MC will have the option to embrace her.
Calisto will play with us now, but become actually more attached when we thwart an attempt on her life, probably by her first childe, who I think personally is Virgil.
I am afraid that Fabian is going to go in one of two paths; 1- he sides against Calisto and helps Virgil and we have to intervene and claw and viscous strike his ass down or Whisper him to attack Virgil depending on our powers. 2- He dies trying to save Calisto. I do not see him living through this.
Marcius will possibly get killed by Sharon if she becomes the pawn of Calisto, and or our pawn. Otherwise perhaps we smack him down.
Roland gets replaced by the MC, only if we play nice with Mommy.
Vision Girl (Inanna) and the Dark Shape aka Ereskigal (and I will let one thing I won't...never mind...
) will be the ultimate throw down coming. Whether it is in Rebirth 1 or Rebirth 2 the Second Cumming lol TM on that if they use that title!!! Anyhow that is the big big main fight... Calisto and her first kid would definitely be a huge warm up.
Inanna could take us on as a lover for a while. I could get behind that.
Mirri is a no body.
Malia/Kassandra could be a hidden number 5 love interest I suppose. I would not object, but I do not think so.
Ivy will probably walk through the whole thing calling us Jimmy in her head, and ignoring the vampire shit.....
Sophie will be a pleasure toy.
Yeah... that is all for now..