this is a good side distraction, and maybe a plot device; because while he hasn't dealt with real hunters, now there are more vamps in the little town as well. And while i see the need for Carmen to be a Thrall, that very plot device could be when she becomes a vampire, whether to 'save' her or to KEEP her, because she turned on you or they injured her too badly, or both... etc.
but i think Marcius is going to act, probably before he's fully prepared as he has no idea we are in anyway tied to the temple, and may not know we want to drain him.
Carmen will remain a thrall in this novel. She might become another prodigy in any related novels that may or may not happen.
Marcius definitely is a school yard bully who needs some bear claws across his face!
Probably gonna get a mission from Roland or Virgil for MC to gain more thrust with the both of them. Wich i assume is gonna involve Marcius and what he is doing. Since he asked MC for help, We probably have to figure out what Marcius is doing. Then report back to Roland or Virgil and if they don't approve of what Marcius is doing probably kill Marcius.
After that probably go back to the cave do the fight again win it and then live happily ever after
I am sure that Roland and Virgil will have something going on that they want to involve the MC in, but I am still not sure, 100%, that we can side track very much without Calisto getting pissed. So I think there may be side actions, but they will all be prep for taking on Ereshkigal.... Which of course is the main event for the novel. We only have a few more months.. July to November, then January, then the 5th Chapter.
Things will be getting tense as we get ready for the cave round 2.
How is this for a thought... You see Roland during which time you go through Marcius territory. Not announcing yourself is a big no no so Marcius drags you into court. He will milk this for all it's worth and require Sharon to apear to answer for your misdeed. The MC endures Marcius ranting until he informs Sharon that she cannot have two charges under her wing and that the MC or Laurie one of which must go to an assigned mentor. He would say that Sharon being an Archon should know full well that it is against the rules , that Sharon being present in his court that this matter falls under his jurisdiction. The MC challenges Marcius and well... HeHeHeee.
I like this idea very very much. Sharon is always Marcius’ focus. Astrid resolution is happening in Chapter 4 but not before the Roland trip. I suspect that the challenge will be brutal, fast, and sort of anti climactic as Marcius dies to a brutal cloaked claw attack, or maybe a Whispered “ come give me your throat”. The second would please me more!!!!