Hrmm selective quoting. Ok then.
I predict the following sex scenes without using inside knowledge. As I don’t have the next update even yet, this is pull it out and throw all my body parts on the table time.
Sharon, with the MC, with the MC and Laurie, with the MC, and that Hunter Butch whose face she wants to peel off, Carmen!!!)
Laurie, (with Sharon and Mc, with Carmen and MC, with just her and MC)
Carmen (with Laurie and MC, with just her and the MC, and my personal favorite…with Princess Twinkle Toes Sharon and the MC!)
Calisto, with the MC and Astrid(Astrid is drained dry during this) hrmmm Calisto Mommy Domming the MC who is switching to Dom Sharon!!! Yeah!
Meh. Ivy. Fucks every single permutation in the game.
Finally……(drum roll please……) Zephir and the MC who will make vampire babies, lactate/hemotate all over, squirting, fisting, pissing on, shitting on, eating said babies, and finding a werewolf to tag team! I think I missed tentacles, but yeah.
There are 15-17 updates total, left in the game.
Marcius fight happen.
Roland fight Might happen.
Eloise fight must happen.
Virgil fight Must happen.
Some permutation of the Scottstown and City vamps, Fabian, Temple including Calisto, Night Club Maven, miscellaneous spoo, have to figure out how to wake up Inanna and not die, then support their chosen Goddess in the Main Event.
Astrid, if in basement, escapes with Olivia and Gregor, never to be seen again in this novel.
Andrew gets his day… or night.
MC awakens two more powers.
Some love interest dies. Not Laurie (again), not Calisto, and not Carmen.
Now up in all of that are “some” absolute I know for sure truths. I will leave you to try and figure out what ones are bullshit, which are true. Except-
Astrid escapes in one path, dies in the other. Only “romance” is 3some with Calisto which leads to her death.
Oh and the Main Event is 100%
have a great Sunday and tread through my shit sandwich and I will try to make sure I get done with my part today so we can release by tomorrow at the latest.
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