The game is great
TinWoodman555. Keep up the work. Still there is room for improvement.
Suggestions for the game:
1. Require more rooms/access places in the mansion:
Would prefer that we had more rooms to open in the mansion (at present the game has only the living room and Naomi's room). Still doubt where the master/MC (as you call it) would sleep/rest.
2. Multiple Characters would be good:
Would like to see more characters in the game which the MC would train.
3. Access to locations/characters opening up through conversations:
It would be better if the MC builds up a conversation with Naomi to open up the second location and the second character to be trained (the character can be a friend of Naomi) and the conversation with the second character can open up the access to the third location and the third character and so on. This would make the game more interesting.
A boss cannot be working to earn for him:
In case you are showing the MC to be a boss, please note that a boss
never works. He
makes others work and enjoys the fruits of their labour. But in case you are showing the MC to be a leader, please note that a
leader works with the team and enjoys with the team.
As far as point 4 goes, I think that at present, the MC iwould like to be bossing around than a leader.
TinWoodman555 you could bring in a twist in the trait of the MC turning him from a boss to a leader. This would be better considering that Naomi and the subsequent new characters in the mansion would like to see him as a leader than a boss.