As you say possibly a misunderstanding of the word harem or a bad translation there's a chance the Dev may have ment Stable as in Stable of whore's and not harem.
But a collection of prostitutes (which is what they are) belonging to one man for the use of others if he chooses to allow them is a amongst other things a called a Stable.
There may be other terms used but not harem.
Or ofcorse it could just be that there isn't a tag that represents a Stable of girls.
Just saying.
Yeah, forgot to add the quip about it being a Stable. Was a bit too sleep deprived to remember to do so.

But still, harem is pretty much universal language wise though, at least throughout most of Eurasia(and probably the Americas

), as it is originally an Arabic word.
About there not being a tag for Stable, I think there's not. I might be wrong though. But that does still not excuse using a wrong tag as a substitute,
if that is what happened, as it sets the wrong expectations for a game. It ends up pissing off people, causing shit storms, more than it helps the game getting attention in a constructive and positive way. I know it irked me, but, instead of only taking a dump on this thread, I at least
tried to be fair with my rant, and not only talk shit. Granted, most of it was, but not all.

But that's more to do with my preferences, than the genre. I like choices that actually have an effect/different outcome, instead of false choices in what essentially is a kinetic game, from what I gathered when playing this, as the response to the options presented, was the same.