
Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021
v0.2 Status Update #3


Hey everyone!

I'll start with some good news. In the past almost 3 weeks, I've managed to make almost 300 renders, which is a pretty good result.
I'm also writing code in parallel, and that's where I'm running into some difficulties. The code for Chapter 2 is much more complex and will require a significant amount of time to complete.

I'll most likely ask one of my friends to help me with the code. Otherwise, I'll be stuck on it for 1-2 months.

Overall, if I can continue to make 100+ renders a week, I should be able to finish all the rendering work by the beginning of July and release Chapter 2 at the start of July.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021
v0.2 Status Update #4


This week, I'd like to start with a brief recap of the month's progress.

First and foremost are the renders: currently, there are 350 finished renders. These took only 3 out of 4 weeks to complete.

The initial plan was to have around 800 renders in total.

Next up are the 18+ animations, where the results aren't particularly impressive yet. So far, only 2 animations have been completed, each 25 seconds long. According to the plan, I still need to create 6-8 more animations.

As for the code, as I mentioned earlier, my friend is helping me with it. Overall, I'd say it's about 25% complete.

Everything else, like sound design and so on, won't take too long. A maximum of 1-2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021
v0.2 Status Update #5


Hi everyone!

As usual, I'll start with the most important topic today - animations. This past week I dedicated ⅔ of my time to finishing the animations and realized that things are not going as well as I would like them to. Overall, I will say that I need much more time to render the animations. For example, one 20-second animation took almost a day to render, which is not very pleasing.

Considering that I need at least 6 animations, this whole thing will take at least about 2-3 weeks. In any case, I will come up with something, perhaps I will shorten the duration of the animations and loop them.

However, not everything is so bad, as for the renders, things are much better here. Despite the fact that this week I spent much less time on them. At the moment, 60% of all planned renders are ready.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hi everyone!

This past week has been very productive, both with renders and animations. A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that there was a serious problem with the main scene. The scene with the main house itself was bland, and the renders turned out the same. Now everything is fixed, and I started working on this particular scene. Next week I will show a couple of renders from there.

As for the animations, I managed to reduce the rendering time of one animation, but the result is still so-so. Perhaps I will use Blender for better quality animations, but I will think about it and make a decision later.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hi everyone!

Another week has come to an end, and unfortunately, it wasn't as productive as the previous ones. The key factor was that I was out of commission for three days due to illness.

I spent four whole days focusing solely on renders. My minimum per week is about 100-120, this time, for obvious reasons, I only managed to do 70 renders. On the one hand, it's not too bad, although it's not a good result either.

Finally, I'll say that things are going much better with coding, and it's already 60% complete.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021

Hello everyone!

The second month of development is coming to an end, and it's time for a progress update.

First, the good news: the renders are going smoothly. In the last month, 350 renders were completed, bringing the total to 700 finished renders. This is a great result! However, there's a slight setback: I previously estimated that 800 renders would be enough for the second chapter, but unfortunately, that won't be the case. An additional 200-300 renders will be needed, which will take an extra 2-3 weeks.

The situation with the animations is much better: everything necessary has already been done and prepared. All that's left is the rendering, which will take about a week.

Therefore, even in the worst-case scenario, the development should be completed in no more than two months.

I'd also like to show you a few renders from the second chapter!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hey everyone!

The past week has been super productive! I decided not to put off the animations and spent 4 out of 7 days rendering them. I also decided to increase the duration of each animation for the best possible result, so the rendering process will take a bit longer than expected.

As for the renders, there haven't been any major changes, but I'll be focusing solely on them for the next two weeks. According to my calculations, that should be more than enough time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hey everyone!

Another week of development is complete, and I'm steadily approaching the finish line.

This week, I focused on rendering, which has significantly improved their quality and quantity. Despite the complexity and detail of some scenes, I'm managing to meet my weekly rendering goals.

Right now, the main focus is on rendering, and once I'm done with that, I can move on to less time-consuming tasks like animation and coding.

As for the release date, there's no exact date yet, but I can say it will be before the end of July. I think I'll be able to give you a specific date in a couple of weeks.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hi everyone!

This week, I dove back into the world of rendering while also dedicating some time to animations. Let me give you a breakdown of my progress.


Although I completed slightly fewer renders than usual, this is because I'm focusing on the final scenes. These scenes are complex and demand more resources, but trust me, the results will be worth it!


A few weeks ago, I mentioned that all that remained for the animations was rendering. However, as often happens in the creative process, upon reviewing them again, I noticed a few areas that could be improved. I've already addressed some of these, and I'll continue refining the rest in the coming days. Even small adjustments can significantly enhance the overall impression of the animation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hello everyone!

Another week has passed, and the development of the second chapter is getting closer and closer to completion.

I spent most of last week working with various 3D models, primarily refining textures and materials. I also completely changed the location for one of the scenes. Initially, I planned to use some ready-made scenes with textures and so on. However, after looking at all those 3D models, I decided it would be better to do everything myself. That's why I made minimal renders last week. In any case, I will be finishing up the renders soon and moving on to the remaining animations.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hey everyone!

The past week has been incredibly productive, and I can confidently say that the rendering process is nearing its end. There are only about 50-60 renders left to complete. This means the most complex and time-consuming part of the project is almost finished. All that remains is some animation and coding, which won't take nearly as long as the rendering process.

Speaking of renders, I recently reviewed all the completed renders, which already number over a thousand I've decided that cramming everything into Chapter 2 doesn't make sense. I've moved some scenes to Chapter 3, and cut others entirely. I might add them to the game after release as a sort of "Extended Version."

Now, about the release. A month ago, I was aiming for the end of July, but as you can see, I'm running a bit behind schedule. So, the release will be in August. I'll announce the exact date as soon as I finish rendering the animations.