piggy828 The answer to the Emily/Olivia bug is in this line of code:
cafe.rpy, line 17
elif current_time == 'Afternoon' and Love_progress['Olivia_lp'] == 3 and Love_progress['Emily_lp'] == 4:
Currently I had pursued Emily more than Olivia, and Emily's LP is 6, while Olivia's is 3. Therefore Olivia's next stage will
never trigger.
View attachment 4471530
This needs to be a greater than or equal to trigger. More like this:
(You can use
line 57
in the same
file for an example in your own code.)
# Corrected line 17:
elif current_time == 'Afternoon' and Love_progress['Olivia_lp'] == 3 and Love_progress['Emily_lp'] >= 4:
*Edit: Seeing the next stages of the Olivia thing, it makes sense why you would want to hard lock it, there are aspects of Emily's route that made no sense to me
(when did she lose her job?!?), and a new character in Jessica's route
(Clara) that was never introduced before, but the MC acted like he knew her. My guess is you want those scenes to play after this one. So while my
suggestion would work for the Emily/Olivia softlock, if you really want to lock the order people see content in you would need to put additional
statements in the other paths for the other girls to lock being able to progress them until you have seen this particular scene.
*Edit 2: Another out-of-order scene issue is if you follow Olivia's path before Samantha's path, Luna is against you for no clear reason. Following Samantha's path instead explains the reason and probably should be forced first if that's the order of exposition. Upside: This one doesn't soft lock if you go out of order, it's just slightly confusing.