Tool Ren'Py Renpy Suite 2023 for Translating

4.60 star(s) 9 Votes

⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱

Forum Fanatic
May 13, 2020
Good afternoon, I don't know if it was my mistake or the program's error that when extracting texts in some games there is an empty line in the file for translation, when the translation ends the text has the lines changed.
I'm sorry if I make a mistake because I speak via google translator.

one of the games this error occurs was (Another Chance)

The tool is very good, I really liked it at first, people get scared thinking that it is difficult, but when you use it, you see that it is super easy to use.
what you're telling me is more a problem with sdk extracting blank lines

have you tried sdk from the programme or renpy sdk?

JS ApenasAlguem

New Member
Aug 31, 2020

SUITE changes

1- inserted UNREN procedure and SDK for recent versions (not old renpy versions)

2- improved MAGICUM in the management of various \" - * - , and improved management of variables

3- new OLD-NEW and T.REPLACE procedures

4- old-new with edit window and translator included with recognition of the source language and "insert tags" button to insert variables

5- TReplace with the addition of the RESUB function for single words, selection is automatic, no variables inserted for the correct functioning of the treplace, translator included with recognition of the source language

the only limitation of the translator I use is that it only has the English-Russian-Italian-Spanish-Portuguese German turkish languages
if you have requirements for different languages please contact me

::::::UPDATE::::: 31/05/2023
VIDEO Renpy Suite 2023 v3.3

Basic translation Video....

Procedure for old-new Video...

Procedure for T-Replace Video...

Download Bad Renpy Suite V. 3.3
Click Here

before downloading the suite watch the demonstration videos

Turkish and German language added in machine translations

Manual translations added

important to watch demo videos

⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱
View attachment 2570132
Hello, I would like to translate a VN, and this tool was recommended. How can I download it?

⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱

Forum Fanatic
May 13, 2020
Hello, I would like to translate a VN, and this tool was recommended. How can I download it?
for the moment you have to be patient because I'm working on the new version that's why I removed the download, unfortunately my shoulder surgery is slowing me down in writing the code

I apologise for the inconvenience

⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱

Forum Fanatic
May 13, 2020
good morning

given the unforeseen events I have had

the update will not be available until mid-September

and I will respond to everyone

i will post the announcement here when i am ready

thank you to everyone who wrote to request the suite there are so many of you

i didn't think so many people use the suite

⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱

Forum Fanatic
May 13, 2020
hello the suite as you see is no longer available

already it was not available for those who do not publish translation on f95 so you don't fit the category

for now i have suspended the publication
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Tidus Black

Dec 20, 2021
Good morning, good afternoon or good nite, I don't know if people using BAD Suite know that putting "!t]" in commands between [ ] makes the game read what was translated most of the time, in translation it normally changes in the "difinizioni" file and when using "old & new" and in the "tag" file found in the last folder created in the BFO folder, thus reducing the use of T_REPLACE.
This corrects a lot of text that when translated doesn't work during the game.
obs1: if the code is "[texto[number]" in these cases you put it after the "]" and texts already with a command do not put an example (!u]).

So far only one game doesn't work, it was due to a mod that places commands outside the texts for example ("dialogue or choices" wt)

sorry for any mistakes and because I speak via google translate.
Thank you for understanding in advance.


Apr 6, 2021
Salve, la suite come vedete non è più disponibile

già non era disponibile per chi non pubblica traduzione su f95 quindi non rientri nella categoria

per ora ho sospeso la pubblicazione
Ciao trovo corretto il tuo pensiero e lo rispetto, ma se uno traduce qualcosa con una suite gratuita, è ovvio che poi lo condivide sul forum. La domanda però è un altra, come si può condividerle se non dai la possibilità di tradurlo con la tua suite? Inoltre in che modo si rientra nella categoria da te citata, se non è possibile tradurre automaticamente. Io dal canto mio, posso dire che sto ora provando e cercando di capire la suite Taoceti, ma ovviamente essendo a pagamento, se traduco qualcosa non farò sharing. Sia chiaro che la mia è solo un osservazione, non una polemica! Preciso inoltre, che ho il massimo rispetto per il tuo lavoro!

⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱

Forum Fanatic
May 13, 2020
Scusa se non ho piu seguito questo thread

Ti posso dire che dopo aver visto cosa succede avendo un programma come il mio alle persone
Preferisco tenere il programma solo per il mio gruppo di traduttori

Non darò il programma a nessuno al di fuori di esso

Vuoi sapere come fare a far parte del gruppo dei traduttori?

Cercati i programmi gratuiti che sono in giro esempio renpy translate 08 e il tool di paloslios

Impara le basi e quando vuoi mi contatti che ti dico pure cosa tradurre per pubblicarlo nel thread

Piano piano e con pazienza se vedo interesse e voglia le vose vengono da se

Non chiudo la porta a nessuno ma neanche la lascio aperta a tutti
4.60 star(s) 9 Votes