I admit I only played some hours last year or so until I said "Yeah, looking interesting, lets wait for the finished product" and only lurk sometimes in this thread so I am not up to date but how in depth do you want to go with the children? I read timeskip so I presume they will grow up at some point. Are they party members at that point or is there any H content with them?
I mean iirc you could virtually get every female pregnant (or at least there was a yes/no indicator in the gallery) so can I expect to see children for all of them? This would be somehow awesome but also an herculean task. For the main girls sure I could see that but for all of them?
Also how is the plan for actual pregnant content? Any custom standing CGs during pregnancy or actual H-scenes? Would be a bummer if it is just all flavour text. "Wow, Ryen you got me pregnant" (screen goes black and some time later) "Tadahh here is your child"

That would honestly suck not gonna lie.
Lastly do we have a consistent artsyle by now? I remember faintly that the artstyle changes sometimes during the game.
Sounds weird in a porn game I know but this throws any kind of immersion out of the window.
Would love if you could clarify,