no need to worry so much, after all, such a diet is not for you or even me or anyone else on the forum haha =)) after all, if the Manager thinks so, then he probably knows better how exactly to train his subordinate, right? perhaps he read the reviews of the channel subscribers and drew conclusions.
besides, please don't forget, they are in such a cruel life situation, when if the Manager shows a lack of persistence, allows his subordinate to give in, everything will fall apart, and then it doesn't matter at all whether he loves his mother or not - he won't save her, the family will end up on the street. consider that he has a constant cruel choice - either to treat his mother as a cheap whore, namely, his personal whore, or to allow the worst to happen, to allow his mother to end up on the street, where she will be forced to engage in prostitution in order to survive, selling her body to different unfamiliar men. (the choice between one man whom she knows well and many unfamiliar men). so what would you personally choose, being in such a situation? in my opinion, there is only one choice between two evils - not to let your family feelings interfere with Adrianna's professional growth ... such is the cruel world of capitalism. yes, in case the answer is "help Adrianna find an honest and decent job" - it won't work, she has absolutely no professional skills except the ability to shake her ass. she is a professional photo model. and nothing can be done about it. and you need to use the available cards in the best possible way. after all, incestuous relationships are not the first to be invented by them. they have excuses "if you want to live, you will spread yourself in a different way" bless you, amigo!