VN - Ren'Py - Reunion [v0.70] [Karabinek]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Poor history, playable bc it has nice characters, scenes and aside 'pregame' characters you can pick the LI's you want and drop the others, until one, the most hated one in the game, is forced, that killed the game for me
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders, the girls are all smoking hot, and the story has plenty of sex. Just know that this is a typical harem game, you have to suspend all disbelief, this is another case of every girl the MC meets magically falls in love with him and wants to have his baby. That being said, it's still hot as fuck.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I actually love the renders and girl models a lot even though some face models are made right out of templates, but the game fails on almost everything else. The story feels extremely shallow and immature as if written by a rebellious middle school kid. It's not humorous either, just painful not to skip. Sex scenes are bland and clearly using streamlined data. Choices are no-brainers with zero depth. Music and SFX completely non-existent.

    Just, nah.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    • 20+ women in a huge unnatural harem
    • most women look the same with unnatural 4-5th size tits, seemingly using same body models, none of the characters feel to have depth, there is too many of them
    • models are not great quality for 2020+
    • this is pure VN with no gameplay/sandbox/rpg features other than read text/skip
    the story itself is childish and makes little sense, every woman is a whore that jumps on MC at first opportunity, and has no concerns about other 20+ women sitting near MC
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to handle this review different than most I have done. This is for the 6.0 release. It took me two days to get through all of it. And I have a lot to say.

    +3 stars for the deeply engaging story line, that was well thought out, outlined ahead of time and then sticking to the outline. There is mystery upon mystery in layers in this VN. I will be honest. In the first week of game play (7 days) I was not invested. But the story sucked me in.
    +1 star: All of the main LI's have very unique and differing personalities. The 4 that are closest to the MC are VERY different. The few antagonists are wildly different as well. It's like a cadre of Bat Man villains. All with their own priorities, and motivations.
    +1 star for the very well done art, renders, and graphics.
    + 2 star for the genuine slow fall into love with some of the LI's. They actually are conflicted. Three characters FIGHT against their feelings. As of this post one is still not sure what to do.
    +3 stars for the depth of the world. Human Trafficking is a thing, and this VN gives us a look at it.
    + 2 stars for the hint of pregnancy in the future, and good to great animations. Great renders.

    -4 stars for EVERY LI having massive immovable boobs. No difference in body styles. Variation is the key to happiness!
    -1 star, For all of the dark haired LI's look alike in many ways.
    -1 star, for WAY too many LI's. The first 4 are Ingrained to the story. The few submissive LI's are good as well. But past 10 LI's? It's hard to keep each characters story straight.
    -1 star for the later LI's just throwing themselves at the MC. The last two or three were blatantly ridiculous.

    Overall 5/5 stars. This is a MUST read! Great story! Vastly different LI personalities, (Within the first 8), and a hell of a mystery that is slowly getting solved. I am EAGERLY awaiting the next release.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This was a weird one, i really enjoyed the main story and how MC acts in most cases, but with a game that has a 100% focus on big tits is a very tuff playthrough if you hate big tits, if this game had something for everyone it would easy be a 4 star game, but for some weird reason there is not.
    When all you see is girls that couldent be a bigger turn-off to you, it makes it close to impossible to playthrough no matter how good the story is, since this is a AVN they sould aim to have LIs in more then just one body type, which is clearly not something they gave any thoughts.

    Also dont play this as a revenge game, even the mother that fucked MC is just tied to the bed and played with in sexual ways which is hard to call revenge.
    Bad guy gets shot in the back and comes back in full health a few days later to try to kill MC, the revenge part is just a joke and you cant do anything as MC to any real revenge.

    The hole Clara thing is one of the big fails in the game, MC knows shes working with hes enemy and he keeps allowing her to work for him knowing shes on the enemies side, MC has been pretty decent but this part is brainless, and all to setup a weird submission thing with Clara and the reason not to fire her because it could cause problems is beyond stupid, since keeping her would be nothing but causing problems.
    Its all about somehow breaking Clara which is brainless since she should just leave on her own before that would ever happen.

    It dosent help that your also forced to be with not just one but two LIs which of cause both have big tits, its two girlfriends from back home that MC calls in, that was a really poor choice for a game that has options to say no to a relationship with alot of the LIs in the game, there should never be anything forced on you in a choice driven game, they should have been some friends from back home and you should have been given the choice like with alot of the others, not much needed to change for that other then a little text and skip sex scenes, so its a stupid choice they made doing it the forced way.

    Some choices are also a bit stupid since the outcome is the same, so whats the point of making it a choice in the first Emily 2 choices about clothes both ending with her showing them off to you, after that 2 choices ask her for a drink or just say thank you and leave, then Emily ask you for a drink instend and you accept, pointless choices.....

    The love system the game got is 100% useless and pointless, no matter if you pick no love points you will be forced to have sex with the sisters, its a 100% kinetic story and choices has 0 effects in this.

    Virgin scene was pretty poor as well, no pain no nothing and girl cums, so just like any normal scene and no way near a virgin scene.

    Game did alot of things right by letting you pick who to be with in some cases, but also just to many bad things like a love system that has 0 effect, so picking 0 love with a sister will still end out with MC fucking her and being in a relationship, there is just to much forced on you as MC and it will ruin the story and the game when your forced to stuff you hate or girls you dont want to touch with a 10ft pole.
    It all makses choices fake and pointless and might as well be removed and add a kinetic tag instend.

    You also get pregnancy points? not really sure why maybe its planed to show something when the game is finished but its surely not part of the game and no tag for it currently either.

    I also had some errors and hole scenes missing so it went to black screen, that dosent really help any game either.

    The lack of music to set scenes or even just some background music also makes the game alot more boring.

    Animations are about average.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game suffers heavily from scope creep.

    There are too many women to keep track of. The mc is living with 10 women in a 1 bathroom house and 2 more are set to move in soon, like how? Filthy Frank would like to tell the dev to stop. Seriously, work on some of the characters you have. What ever happened to Rachel? In the later updates it almost seems like the dev realized he didn't have an Asian love interest and so she got shoehorned in.

    I almost feel like it'd be better suited as a sandbox style game, cause then you would be able to allocate characters to different locations more easily. Let's take the company for example. The mc hasn't been there in a few days, the vp has been away for a few days, the liaison is in a coma and they are supposed to be merging with another company. Since buying back Linda, the mc said he was hurting for money and needs to sell their old house. How is the mc going to get money if no one is running the company and no one is prepping the house to be sold?

    As time goes on the cast gets bigger, but there are so many pieces on the chessboard and none of them are moving. As a sort of visual compensation all the girls tend to run around topless now, which is fine, but they lost whatever personality they had to begin with. Like the wheels are falling off the car and the dev is just flooring it to hit the finish line instead of not driving like a maniac so there is no worry that the wheels go flying off. Just shoveling more and more people into the 'family' without any real buildup or meaning behind it is silly. You think Dominic Toretto just lets anyone into the family? No. They have to survive through a sequel movie first to prove themselves.

    One more thing, facial posing and characters looking at each other is way off. It's rare to ever see two characters looking at each other when they are having a conversation. Mary who is probably one of the best looking characters and has one of the best personalities, gets the ass end of this, because in nearly every render of her she has this thousand yard stare from hell.

    Finally, while there are a lot of sex scenes, there is nearly no animation or sound or anything to really make the scenes stand out. Cumshots are done pretty well, but they magically vanish in the next frame, so there aren't even funny moments like one of the love interests bumping into another who had just received a facial or had cum dripping down her leg or something. With so many women under one roof, not having any shenanigans like morning blowjobs or sneaky midnight romps just seems like missed opportunities.

    tl;dr good story with pretty women, in a flawed execution of a bloated game
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.60

    Game with potential but a lot of issues need to be fixed.

    + A good plot
    + A lot of women with different personnalities & backgrounds
    + Girls are good looking, some are endearing

    - I noticed some graphic bugs. For example : A missing left foot in a sex scene.
    - Scenes in the darkness are just unwatchable (pixelisation). I don't see anything only shapes.
    - The animations are average.
    - It seems the dev don't interact with the players on this site.
    - A few scenes don't appear in the gallery, another are twice.
    - Bugs in the script file. Ex : I can't see the stats from Anya
    - No musics, no sound effects.

    To finish, the multiplicity of female protaganists is a good idea but the risk is that some could be forgotten.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    At first, the pacing is good and there is not too much real "love interest". But around day 6-8, the fuck fest starts and what was a "I'm adding some girls to this harem, but it will requires time to adjust and check if they are good" turns into a "each girl is now part of harem/each new girl fucks the MC at firs sight".
    Even the main antagonist woman who has a very good buildup in the submissive way becomes madly in love with the MC in one fuck session... why?

    Other girls disappear from the plot, which is not bad, but so suddenly. New girls keep adding, and you can be sure that every beautiful girl will be fucked at least once by the MC. Yes it's that kind of story.

    Too bad, because the girls are mainly beautiful. From this point, I see only the game becoming worse if it doesn't correct that trend. Hence currently I put 3 stars, but it can very well become a 2 stars porn game without anything else if it continues, to my greatest disappointment seen the promise.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Light hearted and borderline silly harem novel.
    Positives are renders, variety of models, story premise, male dom.
    Negatives include bland animations, didn't like how dev has handled the harem part, tens of girls added every update so the ones at the beginning are forgotten mostly, English or should I say dialogues are alright to meh.
    Why 4 stars becz game has nice story set up about revenge, reunion, a little bit of corruption, alright harem and romances.
    Would like to see more versed animations and more focus on primary characters..
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Truth be told I quite liked this in the past but nowadays not so much.
    It's quite bland really. Not a bad game per se but there's nothing special about it either.

    The visuals are good enough and as long as that's what you're looking for, you can go for it.
    There is good variety in kinks showed and the gameplay is pretty simple so it's not one of these games where you need to weave through a walkthrough just to get 1 scene out of 30.
    There is a quite a big amount of content so congrats to the dev on that front !
    Don't bother with the story, well at least that's my opinion. Some people may very well like it.

    Overall I'd say Reunion is the epitomy of an average game.
    No strong or weak feature remarkable enough to make this game a classic or a nightmare.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The long-awaited remaster to v.060 has underlined the best and worst aspects of this alpha VN. The eye-candy is sweeter than ever. All the girls dress like hookers, and all of them can't wait to get their hands (etc) on the MC, even the ones who say otherwise. Long hours have been put into pimping up the visuals, including new animations. If only a comparable level of talent had served the script, which descends to bad porn-novel descriptions ('ribbed tunnel' &c) during sex scenes, as though dialogue comes extra. Our super-chad MC has an unlikely thing for pussy-licking. The story is neither better nor worse nor more ridiculous than countless others around here. The balance between romance and dominance is fun. But the script...
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    If you are loking for a good story then this is not for you.

    The first couple of chapter where acually good in terms of story and plot and girls. But after the harem starts, then the further you go, the more you just have to turn off your brain in order for the game to make sens( if at all).

    The girls locks good and they have some sort of diffreny personality at least in the start. But they way they act around the mc later on (faling in love after 1 scene) is stupid and it schould at least be a little harder to get them in your harem and maybe have them fight each other and have some backstaping shit drama to make it interesting.

    So like i say if you turn off your brain and just accept that the girls are "one of a kind" then you can go on and follow the story. However the story was good in the start and now its kinda meh.

    i give in a 3 but only because the game was good in the beginning and the girls locks good, but for me a good story is more inportant then the sex/girl relationship. If it is a good story and a good buildup then the sex will be so mutch more rewarding, but i get it. Some ppl only want the sex and just use the "skip" and for them this game is a 6
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review at the time of .55.

    There's a decent amount of content. Maybe 8-10 hours? Lots of dialogue in the early part of the game though towards the end of the content that's available the sex scenes pick up in frequency a bunch as well as begin adding animations.

    It's okay. It's a harem story that asks you not to think too hard as to why every girl you meet is willing to share you with other girls but remain faithful to you after only days of knowing them. Which is fine, these games are fantasy and that's why I personally play them. For the fantasy.

    The girls for the most part are attractive though there literally at this point two dozen girls introduced as LI's and there really is next to no diversity of body types. Dev is clearly a fan of big tits to the point of the least endowed women that have borderline D cups complaining about having small tits and being self conscious of them.

    The story is fine. Nothing special but just enough for me to suspend belief here and there to keep going.

    My biggest gripe is legitimately the MC. He just looks like a schlub and he gets these horrible faces of anger throughout the story where if anyone actually saw someone in real life making that face, they would never want to be in the same room as that person again.

    Also, there is a scene where the MC is driving and it says he missed his exit off of a road and slams on his breaks. Someone rear ends him because he slammed on the breaks in the middle of the road and the Dev/MC makes it out to be the person that rear ended him's fault. Like fucking what dude? I almost lost it. I almost had road rage at my computer desk with my dick in my hand. Completely tainted the MC in my eyes and I'm only half joking.

    Just going to end the review at that I guess.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The game felt a waste of time, to be honest. The branching felt non-existent. The abuse content felt misplaced. Overall the harem concept feels kind of forced, un-natural.

    During the gameplay, I couldn't shake off the feeling that the MC is an asshole and his actions are highly irrational.

    It's a pity, because clearly the effort invested in visuals is very impressive.

    I wish best of luck to the dev and I hope the next game to have a deeper script, as well as a more natural human interaction.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not the worst game ever, but god damn it's not good either. Here's why:

    1. Terrible writing. Ignoring the total lack of spellcheck and the hundreds of grammatical errors, the writing is unnatural, stiff, and unrealistic. The narrative voice honestly is worse than machine generation: sterile, zero passion, the same descriptions over and over and over again. Clitoris this, clitoris that, sperm this, clitoris, sperm, and oh yeah, the all time great: ribbed tunnel.

    2. Plot is fucking retarded. There should be an option for Linda in particular to just shoot her in the fucking face. She is a terrible waste of humanity but the MC never gives her anything but sexual punishment. Literally, just shoot and dump her in the woods. There is nothing satisfying about giving her orgasms.

    2b. MC shoots this guy in the back while he's about to rape a woman, the police show up etc. A couple days later this guy is back on the street, perfectly healthy, and tries to kill MC. What? The? Fuck?

    2c. All the "bad people" are just comically bad. Irredeemably awful. None of them should have any redemption or punishment arcs, all of them without fail should be shot on sight.

    3. Every day there are new bitches to add to the harem. For no reason. Just more and more and more and more and they all look identical. All but one or two have the same vagina with the same stupid landing strip pubes. They all have that shiny, alien asshole like every other bimbo in AVNs. They all have cowtits with nipples that point upwards, even the two that are supposed to have "small breasts."

    4. MC behaves like a child. Irrational outbursts, failing to notice bad people, inability to do anything but plow women. He's an army veteran and has a big company, and they have guns. None of this should be a challenge to solve. He should just kidnap the bad people, torture a confession, and shoot them. Instead this story drags over seven or eight hours and he continues to whine about "oh this mystery is so complicated wah wah." It's not. It's simple. The only thing wrong here is that the dev wants to milk this for years, because not one single thing has been solved. Each day, along with adding more bimbos with cowtits, adds another layer of "mystery" on to this dumb story. Also he is extremely ugly with an idiotic haircut.

    If I sound angry, it's because this game made me salty. It's 27gb and has been in development for almost three years, yet none of it is worth playing because there is zero narrative resolution yet. It's just more and more problems, more and more bimbos, and more le super ebil villains who never get properly punished.

    Avoid. The only revenge stories worth experiencing are the ones you can take proper and satisfying measures against the perpetrators. Giving them orgasms is not satisfying. Either give the bad people dynamic backstories or give the MC a way to violently remove them.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    While there are little nits here and there with this story and some consistency, the level of detail this story has considering all the various characters and LIs is phenomenal and more than makes up for the shortcomings here and there.

    I also really enjoy the overall story and its general depth. It is not following the normal stories you see around here. It has interesting storylines beyond the LIs and keeps a certain mystery to it.

    Graphics and animations are easily 5 star. I like the mix of stills and animation to provide more context to a scene other than some weird flailing legs of some games.

    Story is 5 star due to being a bit more original and having tons of depth.

    Writing takes a hit due to some inconsistency here and there, some grammar errors here and there, etc.

    Over all I would rating this around a 4.5. The story pushes it to that.
    Likes: MrJay
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not perfect by any means, but it still deserves a better score than it currently has.

    Some of the more noticeable problems are that some scenes are just too dark to where you can barely see what's happening. Thankfully there's not too many of these but when it happens it's certainly jarring.

    Also sometimes the eyes of character seems to be staring out into space or in weird directions.

    And the game could certainly do with more sounds and music. Nothing too overdone, just a bit would be perfect.

    But I don't understand so many of the complaints the game gets.

    The MC isn't superpowered at all, he's just ex-military so that he can beat up some random thugs isn't unbelievable at all. Why he gets all the girls is another matter but honestly if you can't accept that as just necessary to get the story going, why are you interested in a harem game to begin with?

    And even then girls are neither falling head over heels nor are they abandoning their convictions just to be with the MC. Some girls that real character growth for them to realize what they actually want. There's genuinely only one girl who expresses having real concerns with being in an open relationship and she has her own very real problems going on and she and the MC has a heartfelt discussion about it and lays all the cards in the open.

    If anything this is one of those games that has a genuinely very healthy outlook on having an open relationship and is very consistent on how it's about openness, trust and honesty. None of the actual love interests are bullied, fooled or forced into anything. The facts are presented to them genuinely and they're free to make their own decision.

    Now there are some none-love interest girls who are handled via coercion and other means, but in every case that's a result from how they begun by treating the MC and his family, so IMO it's well deserved.

    Honestly what got me staying in this game more than anything was the cast of characters, some you love to hate, some you learn to love and others you just love from the get go.

    Is it always perfectly believable? No, it's called fiction.

    Would like to give a 4.5/5 but I'm rounding up to a 5/5.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is average at best.. initially the game looks amazing with the introductions of the love interests and all, but as the game progresses it is evidently clear that nothing makes sense here.. logic is out of question.

    The MC is some kind of alpha male gigachad Johnny Sins type motherfucker. theres nothing he cant do.. People get charmed just by meeting him instantly. and the most stupid thing I find is his excuse of a harem. He's already living in an open relationship with 2 girls at the beginning of the game. Most of the LI we meet later have problems with an open relationship / harem, and reject him, but then he goes on to give the most outrageous excuse like " hey I've been already living in an open relationship and it works.." and the girl will be like " Oh really?? fuck that im in.."

    It also seems his brain is situated in his dick, he will hire any female from the streets to work in his company without giving a single fuck. Most girls throw themselves at him including the sisters. and i also love how he includes all his harem girls in the planning meetings, like for fucks sake they don't possess any brain cells.

    It's very clear that this game has the story constructed around characters, and not that the characters are developed as per the story.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.55 review -
    A good Harem game with a nice thriller mystery story and good looking female models and MC isn't an idiot unlike most games . And there is variety of fetishes like romance , corruption , some bdsm and threesome involving harem girls . No annoying sandbox , it's pretty much choice based VN and unlike others I didn't encounter any big or error in my playthrough maybe cause I played harem route . But overall 5 stars for me , looking forward to next release .