I apparently downloaded 0.1 a while ago and just finished it. V0.2 is currently downloading. I say that in case what I am about to say has changed but if not keep reading. I think I understand what the dev is going for here and I like it, buuuuuttt well have you ever noticed how in movies when the scene transitions to a different setting that the characters don't immediately start to talk? Those few seconds are there to let the audience know that this isn't the exact same scene as they just were in and what is being presented may not even be related to the previous scene. I say that because in what I managed to play, the story was all over the place. Now I understand that the dev is introducing a large cast and wants us to jump into the deep end, but the scenes chance so fast it is jarring. While I don't have a guaranteed idea that would fix this issue I would still like to see it addressed as if this story is going to be as in-depth as I think it is, then I think a more accessible opening would be better to welcome new players.
I say again though as I get ready to start 0.2, that this may already be fixed and if so then ignore everything I have just said.