Dude your arguments falls flat in the first line. It's still extremely Buggy, story boarding???, Most visual assets & poses are from the show or from rule34 websites(H-scenes) Modified > Vector Traced > Rigged/Animated in Live2D > Unity. Also there is no C# hand coding in this title(assets store plugins).Also. You know that drawing isn't the only thing involved right? Story boarding, creating assets, posing assets, coding, bug fixing, writing, ect.
I do agree quality original 2D artwork & compelling story is hard to produce but your argument of "devs" are not milking simply isn't true, otherwise most of these 2DCG titles that are running for last 2-3 years would have been finished by now. This parody will go on for at least 4 more years for sure but only with the title's popularity not because of its quality or content. Hence the stalling/subpar updates.Again. Show me the h-game with 2D art that updates faster than two months.
Also. You know that drawing isn't the only thing involved right? Story boarding, creating assets, posing assets, coding, bug fixing, writing, ect. Why do you think so many games on F95 never make it past a third release. As it turns out it's a shit ton of work. Before accusing someone of 'milking' or being lazy I invite you to try creating a game to get an idea of the time involved. Hell use 3D assets of honey select if you need to so it's all free. But try creating just a .01 release for a game.