Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
First I wanna say that I have not watched the show at all, on day 3 or 4 when summer goes to morty's room she doesnt get surprised abt morty mentioning moritica and beth later on too. Is there a reason why shes not surprised abt knowing she exists? Like in canon by this point in the fake universe they all know abt alternate dimention people and are fine with it or is this an actual continuity error?

Loving the game so far btw! Dunno if I should be thanking ferdafs or nightmirrir
Morticia is not part of the show (so, no need to watch it for her, because she isn't there). I believe her first appearance is in the game Pocket Morty's, and Ferdafs included her in the original Unity game (and I increased her presence in the Renpy remake).

Rick tells Beth about Morticia (after they first arrive on day 2). But you are correct, there is no specific scene with Summer being told about her. I honestly never even considered having a scene for it, I just assumed she found out about her off screen and had a typical Summer response: "Cool" (which doesn't lead well to a full scene).

That being said... fair point. I'll think about it some more and see if I can squeeze an introduction moment into the start of day 3.

Thanks for the excellent feedback! And I'm glad you're enjoying the game! The vast majority of credit goes to Ferdafs, without them this version could not exist.
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Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
Dunno if its been reported already but on day 16 having sex with morticia it says morty and beth instead of morticia in the speaker text in the cowgirl scene

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Can we have Chud Morty fuck Beth in the ass, going all the way in?
Reviewing the scene it looks like this would need to be an animation edit. Unfortunately, animation edits are extremely time consuming to go do (I have to do them frame-by-frame). A still "implied" motion edit might work. I'll put it on the request list.

Don't get your hopes too high for it, it isn't something I'm likely to get to any time soon.

Dunno if its been reported already but on day 16 having sex with morticia it says morty and beth instead of morticia in the speaker text in the cowgirl scene
Already reported and fixed.

also missing e on day 18 dialogue

Btw morticia best girl no contest with jessica
Fixed. Morticia is one of my favorites as well (as evidenced by the amount I upper her presence all throughout the game).


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
Also on the same day for some reason the kids show up when the guards go to rape katya
and here in this scene katya's mouth can be seen due to the wrong overlap

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Can we get a POV scene of Beth riding or maybe an altered scene from night 14 where Beth's naked on top of Morty riding him?
Sorry, art like that is way beyond my ability to do. I'm not really an artist. Which is why this project is a remake of another game, rather than just my own.

Fixed. Thanks for the corrections.

btw I was wondering does this game cut any content from the original?
Yes and no, there isn't a straight forward answer.

The very short answer is no, I do not cut content. I have tried very hard to include all major scenes from the original game.

The (much) longer answer is, yeah... sort of? Because SO many things have been altered/tweaked/re-written, the scenes you are watching are not the originals (or sometimes not in the original game at all (take your last post for example with the scene "Spying" which I made for the Renpy version, and isn't in the Unity game at all)). Scenes are similar (in most cases), but they certainly aren't the same. I'm not sure it counts as cut content, but it is different.

All of the main scenes (except for one, Ballfondlers, which has had a substantial redesign due to new contributed artwork (the "sort of" original still exists under the Others gallery in Mindblowers)), include all (or most) of the art. In some few cases, some scenes have more assets than the original as I've found art left in the files that wasn't used in the game, or created extra art for some scenes (mostly just extra facial expression, but sometimes much more elaborate). Much of the dialogue from the Unity game is also used. Usually, the general plot/idea of the scene stays similar, but some motivations or interactions have been changed. And lots of spelling corrections, plus some additional typos added in for good measure, obviously.

The Unity game has a wandering mechanic, where you click from one room to another looking for characters to interact with (and advance the plot), which I did not include here (search for "sandboxes" in this thread and you can find my thoughts on those). And there are a few small dialogue interactions I didn't use, such as a character saying "Not now" when you aren't supposed to interact with them yet.

A general rule I have is not to cut or omit, but to adapt. I want people to be able to have access to everything the Unity game offers and more. And, yes, while I have changed (a lot of) things, mostly it was things that really bugged me (like Morty's level of whininess all the time about fucking his family), or errors in the original.
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Engaged Member
Jan 18, 2018
Night Mirror I just arrived on the 10th in the translation review, arriving at the sleeping sister part, I think the code is wrong,
in the text the game is like

 # mt "Now you get to taste it in your mouth[mcs.sum.s.comma][mcs.sum.s.sis]!"
but I think the right thing would be

    # mt "Now you get to taste it in your mouth[mcs.sum.n.comma][mcs.sum.n.sis]!"
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Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Night Mirror I just arrived on the 10th in the translation review, arriving at the sleeping sister part, I think the code is wrong,
in the text the game is like

 # mt "Now you get to taste it in your mouth[mcs.sum.s.comma][mcs.sum.s.sis]!"
but I think the right thing would be

    # mt "Now you get to taste it in your mouth[mcs.sum.n.comma][mcs.sum.n.sis]!"
Yep, you are correct, that is a typo.
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Engaged Member
Jan 18, 2018
on the 11th while you're in the bathroom with your sister, when you ask if she's wearing birth control, this code breaks the normal translation, having to create a separate translation

 $ text_string = "I should find out if " + + mcs.sum.n.big + mcs.sum.n.sister + mcs.sum.n.sum + "'s taking birth control..."
this type of code

+ + mcs.sum.n.big + mcs.sum.n.sister + mcs.sum.n.sum +

ends up getting in the way of any normal translation


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
Finished current version. I'm eager to have another Tricia, kitty and Actual jessica event as well as training female rick to continue the collector morty story line. Although I feel like there really should be more unity scenes to close out her route and actual scenes of visiting morty's gazrorpian daughter, natzi world, and anti morty.
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