Project Status Report for r4.0:
It has been a while since I put out a project status report. The last one was back at the end of Feb (in
this post). While I've been active and answering questions as they come up, those are spread over several pages, so I thought I'd make one condensed post about all the stuff.
First up, when is the next update? As always, this is a guess because it depend on when (if) Ferdafs put out new content. That guess is always the same (three months from the last release, not including the month it released in). Ferdafs put out the update at the end of Jan, so: Feb, Mar, Apr ->
May? So, my guess is either then end of this month (Apr) or the end of next month (May). Again, it is just a guess. Once it is out, we'll turn it around as quick as possible, and I'll do status reports as I progress.
Bug Fix:
If you missed it, I put out a
bug fix r3.9.1 (available from a link in post number #1), to fix the issue with the blurry images from the last update. You don't have to download them now, they will be part of the next update (in the main download, the patch only, and the uncompressed images), but it's there if you want it.
I'm still not entirely sure why they came out messed up. I was working in a different production environment than I usually do, but it's just screen captures. I've tried everything I can to fix it, but to no avail. Luckily it doesn't happen in my main work space. Still, I'll keep trying to find a solution for it.
I've also done some art corrections (at the suggestion of
this post by
SilentType), while I'm not able to fix all of it, a few of the images have been (I hope) improved.
The question I get asked the most is what new stuff am "I" doing. What new scenes am I adding and extra content is going into the game (and can you put in more of [insert fetish]!). For now, the answer for the next update is:
no new things from me. The next update will have the new scenes from Ferdafs, but I won't have anything new ready.
I am chipping away at the next installment of the ending, and it is coming at some point, but now (if) the game is back to the way it was before (i.e. regular content drops from Ferdafs) the conclusion will still release (and be worked on), but at a much, much slower pace (or possible held back until needed, I honestly haven't decided yet).
I know this is disappointing for some who expected the game to be almost done by now, or are excited to see where the (our) story is headed, but it is the nature of the project. On the plus side of this push back does mean more time, and some things that were very much in question (such as the epilogue) now have a much higher chance of being worked on (no promises though, that is too far in the future for me).
The biggest change coming in the next update is to the ending, primarily it's placement. It has been on day 39 (right after Space Xmas morning), making it... challenging to add new Ferdafs scenes to the game (because I expected there wouldn't be any new scenes, and they clearly can't go "after" the ending). The ending is now on "day 40" but can be floated to new days as needed (hopefully) without impacting saves or modifying dialgoue.
This move necessitates some changes to some of the scenes, but they are minor~ish. Here they are in a spoiler tag:
A minor new feature is being added in the next update. On the Do Over menu, Morty now has a button for "Incest All" that will toggle all family member settings incest on/off, instead of going to each character page and toggling it one at a time. This menu is mostly intended to be used to quickly restore game states, so this should make that slightly less tedious.
Anyhow, thanks for being awesome!