Status Report January 2025:
As we close out the first month of the year, it's time once again to talk about the project and what's going on with it. "BUT WAIT! (you might think) isn't it done?! Doesn't it have a tag that says: "Completed" right there at the top of the page?!" To which I would answer yes... sort of? Maybe*?
Before I get to anything else, for those that only care about when, the answer is: I don't know. Sometime in 2025... maybe? I'll get back to you on that. If you don't care about the what or why, congrats! You're done, no need to read on, enjoy the rest of your day!
For everyone else, let's talk "post complete" stuff.
First I want to talk about (reiterate) where the project goes from here. Yes it is "complete", but no it isn't "done". What's the difference? Well to me, "complete" means the main story of the game is all there. You can play it from start to end, and get a full story, nothing else HAS to be added. It has an ending and the main story is complete* (side characters, not so much).
"Done" will be the point I stop updating the game with new content, Ferdafs or otherwise, but we aren't there just yet.
Starting with what content is next.
As I've said before, if Ferdafs puts out a new Unity game version, I'll do my best to integrate it into this game. This assumes that Ferdafs is still on the project and making new content for it... which, I haven't fully given up hope on, but only time will tell.
From my end, the last thing I intend to work on is the Epilogue. It is very, very, very early in production, consisting mostly of scattered notes and a folder with a few reference images. Most of the "work" I'm doing on it, is thinking about what I want/can put into it. The epilogue won't release in parts (like the conclusion), but I don't know how big/small it will be either.
The only thing I know for sure about the Epilogue, is that it will go on it's own "day" (and include (optional) pregnancy content (yay, extra art for past choices, I can't wait...)). Right now, it's all up in the air. Heck, I'm still not even sure I can/will do it. It's still just a maybe for now...
Anyhow, thanks for being awesome!