
Jul 26, 2017
For now i love everygame from Yuzusoft that i have played i will seen if the serie continue


New Member
Oct 14, 2018
Game keeps crashing on me. No error message, it just randomly closes after a few minutes of playing. My antivirus is set to allow the .exe (which it initially did flag). I've never had issues with any of Yuzusoft's other games.


Jun 22, 2017
Hmm reminds me of the vampire game from the same delveloper. What happend to that one? I remember it beeing translated years ago and the translators just stopping right at the finish line? Was it ever finished?


Dec 20, 2018
Censored: No
View attachment 946455
So what did I miss...
Okay, after looking back at the previous game yuzusoft released Senren Banka and I finally figured out what's this shenanigan is about. I was confused by the tag censored: No on Senren Banka after seeing 1 image was uncensored but rest were mosaic and in the instruction, it said 'uncensor patch applied' which got me even more confused and I went out to find the originality of the uncensored image on 'Senren Banka' and sure enough was tagged under 'third-party edit'. That made everything clear.

So for Senren Banka and Riddle Joker, both had all age version at the start and then Yuzusoft released r18 patch which they named it as 'uncensor patch' which reveals h-scenes. And with Senren Banka, Twistty probably accidently picked up those 'decensored by fan' image and placed it in the preview images thus causing the confusion on Senren Banka. And this one has the same problem with the patch being misleading.

TL;DR:Senren Banka and Riddle Joker both are mosaic censored thus should both have censored tag and the description changed to: Censored: yes (mosaic) to prevent it being misleading. I highly doubt Yuzzusoft will ever release actual 'non-mosaic' patch.

Guess both games will be removed from my collection as I am mosaic-intolerance.
full save?
full save location: appdata/roaming/yuzusoft/riddlejoker


Mar 7, 2020
Hmm reminds me of the vampire game from the same delveloper. What happend to that one? I remember it beeing translated years ago and the translators just stopping right at the finish line? Was it ever finished?
I'm guessing you're talking about Dracuriot, yeah? I'm curious about that as well, I think it was announced there was gonna be an official translation, or maybe I'm wrong, not sure actually, at least in VNDB there's a TBA with a link to the official page so there's that.
Dec 26, 2018
Hmm reminds me of the vampire game from the same delveloper. What happend to that one? I remember it beeing translated years ago and the translators just stopping right at the finish line? Was it ever finished?
Well thats a long story. First it was a fantranslation (i think around 2015/2016) and they were halfway done. Then Sekai Project took them and the project in. The game didnt made any progresses however and around 2018/9 Nekonyan took them in. o their website is a project gauge where there is only the quality check left.
This quality check however is there since the beginning of the year. Dont know if the game is dead or not but i sure hope they´ll release it
Mar 19, 2018
"Until an unfortunate accident leads to Mitsukasa Ayase finding out his true identity! And in that situation, he also learns that she has her own big secret..."

View attachment 946078

They don't look big to me :unsure:

HUGE thanks for the upload! and for superelmo too for providing it :love:
Her dick might be bigger than yours.

No not a spoiler just a joke.
3.00 star(s) 3 Votes