If there was, I hope there isn't now. Most people don't want to even pretend to be brutal to other people. Seek help.
I would like a bit of corruption (in an healthy way) though, along with impregnation. The rest he mentioned really isn't my thing at all.
I don't even think the game is the vanilla type he wants to compare, sure there are moments like that, but it fits the cuteness of the female characters and the good nature of the MC.
I hope not!

(What's wrong with vanilla? To many games here are totalled by all those weird kinks of you guys, grrrm mumble, mumble)
Joking aside, so far this game seems to be giving signals that it will stay pretty vanilla.
Besides the MC potentially being the father of several of his own LI's (Time Travel Galore!) he seems pretty loving and caring in a non- creepy way.
(There is a bit of cucking and *cest, that's it so far)
Personally I do prefer vanilla, although dark themes from other characters, if well written can enrich the plot, as well reinforce the "good nature" from the MC. I really think it doesn't fit the game, as well the way mentioned it probably means he wants to do that as MC (which really isn't my thing at all), still just wanted to mention that if well written, dark moments can enhance the goodwill of the MC and yours as well, if you like the MC's actions to somewhat represent yours in real life.
You might want to delete this message, or at least the last part. I also despise fantaisies of violence and abuse but there's no help to seek if one can understand the difference between reality and fiction and no one gets hurt for real.
I do agree with you, the thing is that the way he mentioned it made it seem like he didn't care about the plot and just wanted his fetishes. I mean, the game isn't that vanilla imo. It has vanilla yes, but isn't the main genre.
Vanilla is stuff like Kanon, I basicly felt asleep at one episode lol.
A RPG where you're shooting at an enemy shooting back is different. A game like GTA, though, where you go on murder and rape rampages would get the same reaction from me. The mind that wants to even fantasize and pretend to beat and rape a woman, or mow down random people on a sidewalk, is a mind that scares me a bit.
I loved GTA has a kid, I played tons and tons of times, and did all the missions. And I still despise violence and guns, and as an non-american, I'm extremely vocal about the lack of gun control on the US.
If anything, I can even say GTA helped to understand the consequences of it. So yeah, it isn't as literal as you mention. But i guess that's also a matter of the education of family, friends and even culture for that to happen. But this is just my opinion btw, and I respect yours.