Dev, youre better off dropping the anti-piracy completely, and work on the demo cuz its just a giant waste of your already stretched dev time. 10GB for literally a couple of ultra high quality sex scenes isnt worth the bandwidth used to download it. Also why would you add voice acting to a demo? Its pointless, ALWAYS requires a solid up front cost, and just inflates file size. Demos are meant to show your product to the audience youre marketing towards, not to be super nice and flashy.
It sounds like you have way too much ambition and need to dial it down and focus on the product you have now, not the one you have planned for years down the road. As it stands right now, youre wasting time you could be using to work on the game or even learn how to use new programs and possibly make your own assets if it costs you so much.
Piracy will always be a thing, no matter anyones views on it, you literally cant stop it so you might as well accept that its going to happen and use that for extra publicity or improvements to make your game worth buying