Don't even think about stopping to make memes - this thread, SU and SS one are the best ones this forum - this because of the memes and two others because of the whiners, come on, you can't leave us hanging like this, I mean, this is the only thread I visit on regular basis, to check on the memes.
As to what you were saying - shitposting had always been and will always be a problem, if you want to see it as a problem - as long as there is a crowd surrounding any project, whether it's a porn game, a recipe cookbook, an art project, a tech YT channel or anything else - there will always be shitposters. People like that will not provide any constructive criticism, will never point out your mistakes, they are not interested in that - they only thing that they want is to tell that you suck. There probably is a reason for this, because such behavior is old as the first creator, but I don't know it - what I know is that if you are trying to do something and your work is accessible to a large enough audience - you'll face such people and will have to deal with them. And there are two ways that you can:
You can ignore them - the problem is that you still need criticism in order to be better and if you are not listeting to any feedback, you are not listening to good feedback, which you, as a creator, require - in order to get around this you can work closely with a group of people, who will provide you with actual criticism - the problem with it is that this people can be biased and don't see things that are obvious to others, but it's still better then nothing.
The other way is to harshly moderate the resource you use to present your work to the public - if resource, like this one, do not have any repercussions for shitposting, then people who do that for fun or to vent some anger will appear - and then some other people will see that loudmouth idiots can get away with that behavior and will mimic it - and the number of shitposters will just rise with general population, polluting any discussion. You can assign moderators or moderate yourself and give timed or permanent mutes or bans - the notion, that meaningless and harmful behavior is punished, usually serves as a buffer to make shitposters go somewhere else. The problem with that approach is that you can, voluntarily or involuntarily, create an echo chamber, where people with valid criticism are afraid to speak, because they think they will be perceived as shitposters and banned.
So the point - I understand what you were saying, but to change this situation either Oni must have a control of this thread - which he doesn't have and won't have - or moderators on this website must be interested in changing this situation - which they don't, therefore this whole discussion is pointless - things won't change because nothing is done to change them. As to you trying to know the meaning behind actions of such people - it's pointless, they have none. So basically you can relax and memepost back, fight fire with fire, you won't win, but atleast it's fun.