2.20 star(s) 25 Votes
Sep 13, 2021
That's what happens when you effectively make the same game over and over again. It's either been rapey visual novels or sim games for the past 15 years. Back when they made shooters, RPGs, a racing game etc, those games were pure jank, but at least they were unique from each other and the FMVs made it so they couldn't recycle the same animations over and over again. I still think Brutish Mine was the most effort they've put into a game, even if it was a subpar JRPG. But it completely flopped in terms of sales. This is still an end of an era, I suppose. Even if Illusion was getting increasingly obsolete as adult games have been getting more and more common.
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Feb 22, 2021
RIP Illusion
Despite releasing questionable quality games lately, they still were a big player in adult game industry and one of the few who made decent looking 3d games
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Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
Does this mean that anime-realism inspired 3D or whatever the term for these type of games is dead?
For stylized anime games, KISS more or less still exists, miconisomi still making their next game, and there's quite plenty of less known 3d anime games.
But for these 3D, DoA/Final Fantasy anime-realism style; There are plenty of Unity, blender, 3d animations. But for games, it seems that Illusion is the only one that's making them.
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Mar 28, 2020
Yeah, I think the had the best models, be it anime or "realistic", of all other games, but given that all their recent games were complete garbage besides the models I'm not surprised they're shutting down.

The last interesting game they made, gameplay wise, was Sexy Beach Premium Resort, were you basically had to revive a broken down hostel, explore the map and get customers into your hotel. Sadly, it was really badly executed, and they never really even tried to fix that post release. It played like a prototype after a whole week of development by a single intern.

And then they just released a similar game again, and again, and again. Never adding any interesting new gameplay feature, nor improving existing ones. I think in Koikatsu you literally just walk around and talk to people, and the topics you could use to talk about were completely random. A slot machine as dialogue system would have been just as random, but still more fun. I still don't really get what RoomGirl was supposed to be, gameplay wise.

All they had to do was release a new Artificial Academy...

Any details about the shutdown? Does someone buy the assets, or will the enter public domain, giving invested modders a chance to rip the assets and actually do something good with them?
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Reactions: MrCsModsandGames

Officer Loli

Sep 29, 2019
illusion's last games were a real shit.
but it's very sad that it's a real end for this company, which has a big way since 90s.


Apr 14, 2021
All the funding on Roomgirl and other 3d shit, could've been used for KK2 or AA3.

If either of those were the last game, they would've gone out with a bang.
But now, room girl is the final game...and LOL.
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Reactions: kymico


Aug 13, 2019
Not necessarily a negative thing, at least modders can now focus on existing games instead of hopping onto a new one every 6 months.

I can already see people dumping all the assets from the games and creating their own game with them, given that unity games can be extracted and sometimes even launched in the editor again. ScrewThisNoise come on, do something - you have the connections to the modders etc. and all the stuff kinda is there, just needs reassembly. (Or is this, what "Project Railgun" was supposed to be, given that it was advertised with "dispelling illusions"? and iirc you also searched someone that knows C#... sus.)
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Mar 28, 2020
If someone ever goes and rips the assets to make a new Artificial Academy-like game, I'd might even join and help them.

You could take ideas from Hentai High School, and make a systemic, sandbox game quite quickly, I think. No saying it's easy to make such a game perform well, or that actual content doesn't take a lot of effort, but I certainly see a ... market for a open-world sandbox game in that direction.

Even if it were just a 100% HHS clone with the Illusion 3D models just for the scenes, I'd still be down.

Illusion was so close, and they squandered it all.
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Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
Well, they're asking to be pirated.

For western market, they tried to put their games on steam, but they cut alot of content (turning KK into KKP) while they put AAA pricetag, so people pay more, for less content. Also they only list a very few of them, and not even include HS, which arguably their most popular release.
You can just torrent a repacked version with all of the content, dlcs, and essential mods with a simple click, free of charge without missing anything, so what's the point in buying?
They didnt utilize steam workshop at all, so, again more reason not to buy there. There are various discord community out there where people can just join and share/download any kind of content there.
In addition, even though H games has been around in steam for a while, it still haven't widely "accepted" yet. Alot of people still doesn't want others to find out that they're been purchasing and playing adult games on their account.

There's also the biggest problem.. Their game fucking SUCKS. KK/HS/HS2 overstay because of their character maker and Studio with incredible mods and community. It's literally GMOD with porn, or MMD for dummies, they're so beginner friendly that anybody can do it given enough patience and time. But regarding their gameplay of the game itself, it's just very bland. If you see their sales on DLsites and such, they got absolutely destroyed by smaller studios such as miconisomi. Simply because miconisomi makes an actual game, while Illusion has only been releasing "rehash" of a broken mess of a game without any new animation, scenes, and actual good gameplay.
They can either do the KISS thing, where they stay dormant and let the community handle the game, or make an actual, fresh new game with an actual gameplay. Instead all the did was waste budget by making garbage like RG over here with prettier graphics as its only selling point.

So yes, piracy took part of it, but mostly it's because of their own poor decision making.
It's pretty sad actually. They just recently announced their 30th anniv and the goods on their site, got a feeling that they doesn't even see their parent company pulling the plug until the last minute.

Dan Varkholme

Aug 26, 2018
If someone ever goes and rips the assets to make a new Artificial Academy-like game, I'd might even join and help them.

You could take ideas from Hentai High School, and make a systemic, sandbox game quite quickly, I think. No saying it's easy to make such a game perform well, or that actual content doesn't take a lot of effort, but I certainly see a ... market for a open-world sandbox game in that direction.

Even if it were just a 100% HHS clone with the Illusion 3D models just for the scenes, I'd still be down.

Illusion was so close, and they squandered it all.
Or do an actual sims like game, not like whatever this was
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Reactions: SquidLord69


Dec 28, 2018
It'll really be a shame if this means the modding community moves on, since the mods were the only thing that kept Illusion games worthwhile in the first place, and could conceivably keep doing so even if the company is kaput.. just having the amount of support for adjusting the gameplay (AKA the positions) in Roomgirls that Honey Select 2 has, or the amount of studio mods and the options that exist in the older Illusion games, plus the increased options for graphical effects (sweat, shaders) that Roomgirls brought, would have made the game worth using for a long time to come. If that never happens the game really is just dead.
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Reactions: Lurkersaurus


Feb 24, 2020
Well, they're asking to be pirated.

For western market, they tried to put their games on steam, but they cut alot of content (turning KK into KKP) while they put AAA pricetag, so people pay more, for less content. Also they only list a very few of them, and not even include HS, which arguably their most popular release.
You can just torrent a repacked version with all of the content, dlcs, and essential mods with a simple click, free of charge without missing anything, so what's the point in buying?
They didnt utilize steam workshop at all, so, again more reason not to buy there. There are various discord community out there where people can just join and share/download any kind of content there.
In addition, even though H games has been around in steam for a while, it still haven't widely "accepted" yet. Alot of people still doesn't want others to find out that they're been purchasing and playing adult games on their account.

There's also the biggest problem.. Their game fucking SUCKS. KK/HS/HS2 overstay because of their character maker and Studio with incredible mods and community. It's literally GMOD with porn, or MMD for dummies, they're so beginner friendly that anybody can do it given enough patience and time. But regarding their gameplay of the game itself, it's just very bland. If you see their sales on DLsites and such, they got absolutely destroyed by smaller studios such as miconisomi. Simply because miconisomi makes an actual game, while Illusion has only been releasing "rehash" of a broken mess of a game without any new animation, scenes, and actual good gameplay.
They can either do the KISS thing, where they stay dormant and let the community handle the game, or make an actual, fresh new game with an actual gameplay. Instead all the did was waste budget by making garbage like RG over here with prettier graphics as its only selling point.

So yes, piracy took part of it, but mostly it's because of their own poor decision making.
It's pretty sad actually. They just recently announced their 30th anniv and the goods on their site, got a feeling that they doesn't even see their parent company pulling the plug until the last minute.
Lets not forget the abomination that was Sexy Beach Premium Resort or that weird Visual Novel maker nobody remembers.

It's kinda amazing how long they lasted with those bombs, even their "better" recent titles are pale in comparison to their peak days over a decade ago, like you said they only save because of the character creators, otherwise they're just animation viewers with rarely any gameplay.

It'll really be a shame if this means the modding community moves on, since the mods were the only thing that kept Illusion games worthwhile in the first place, and could conceivably keep doing so even if the company is kaput.. just having the amount of support for adjusting the gameplay (AKA the positions) in Roomgirls that Honey Select 2 has, or the amount of studio mods and the options that exist in the older Illusion games, plus the increased options for graphical effects (sweat, shaders) that Roomgirls brought, would have made the game worth using for a long time to come. If that never happens the game really is just dead.
Doubt the community will go away, now they're even more likely to stay at KK and HS since there's not going to be anything else to move on to, my guess is that Room Girl modding scene is poor because the game itself is poor.
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Reactions: trihard77


Aug 13, 2019
Room Girl modding scene is poor because the game itself is poor.
The main issue was compatibility, due to the move from Mono to IL2CPP, not the games quality, which has been bad for illusion since the 2010s.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Lets not forget the abomination that was Sexy Beach Premium Resort
That to be honest, if played with a modern PC is not too crap, if compared by illusion standards.
The real issue is that the framerate drops and the loading times made that game virtually unplayable. But if you have a PC pumped enough to speed up framerate and loading times it become... enjoyable. Certainly way more than room girl.
2.20 star(s) 25 Votes