Yeah I do get a sense that Illusion isn't moving things forward as much as they could, seems like there's a lot of low-hanging fruit, like meaningful content additions that they seem to just ignore. Like they could unlock a lot of the existing poses for girl/girl for instance, since a lot of them still look great even sans dick, already have appropriate voice acting, and there's barely any available now. Or, make futa not completely nerfed due to it turning off voice acting.
So many quality of life changes needed that would seem a lot easier than adding new maps with cramped little rooms where you can barely see the action, or adding a ton of graphical options that to an extent do make the game look better, but like 90% of them barely make any difference and drive your GPU into the demoncore zone. It's probably one of the top h-games out there, don't get me wrong, but it could be so much more if they could work on tangible improvements rather than remixes and bolted on framekilling shaders.
Speaking of which, I've noticed in the studio mode, a lot of the lighting settings can be reduced without effecting anything significant in terms of visuals. However, you will need to actually save the scene, quit the studio, and restart for the performance gains to materialize. Doing this I can bring my GPU usage on a 3080Ti from 90 - 100% down to 40 - 50%, which makes a lot of difference in how much noise and heat this thing puts out, and really no appreciable difference to how the girls look, the still glisten and glow and all that in a very nice manner when things are set up right.
Unfortunately the lighting settings will go back to maximum when you switch maps, or even if you just switch time of day (which I suppose amounts to the same thing technically speaking). I suppose this makes some sense as the lighting can be quite different based on the map, but it would be great if the program would just remember your preferences. I don't know if vignette and depth of field are costing me many frames or generating much GPU heat, but I do know I don't need them turned on, ever, personally.