I will say while 90% of people are bitching about this game it does at least have some decent things going on. It has some new lighting effects and deeper detail in clothing and fluids on the character or in the environment which go well with the new sex/teasing positions which are much more balanced this time instead of almost entirely male dominated, so on a graphical and techcinal side roomgirl is the best quality one from illusion so far even though it's fairly demanding you won't be getting good fps on a not great computer. The gameplay is basic but at least it has gameplay. Ai girl was really the last game where you actually could "play the game" and it wasn't just a 100% animation simulator. That's really my highest expectation from this company is they thought of a new idea and actually made something. I will take that over a hs1 to hs2 or koiktasu to koikatsu sunshine where literally nothing changes.
Id say for anyone getting mad over this game it's really on you. Who is out here really expecting illusion to pop out a god tier high quality new game anymore lol. Personally from someone who has followed them for years it shocks me every time they put out something which is not just "pick a girl" "pick a map" "pick sex position" done. Like with the "quality" of adult games finding a game that has actual gameplay aswell as porn is next to impossible so while these games are extremely basic they are still welcome to me to kill some time now and in the future if it gets support from mods to dump more time into it. I like to actually play a game and feel like I unlocked the sex part through playing. If I wanted to just watch different porn animations I can google porn or hentai why the fuck would I be playing a game for it lol. It's sad to me that there is still so few games that mix actual gameplay with porn. Even though it's anime and id like some 3d ones too it's why games like evencile and another company who gets shit for "same game different characters" eushully games I actually like a lot. There is something to do there when you are doing fapping it's not just close the game not interested you can actually continue playing and enjoying it even though they sadly moved away from games like battle goddess and more to turn based vn games these days.
The elephant in the room for this game is 0 mods at launch anyway. I'm no modder so I don't know the technical bullshit but it seems this game uses something different so anyone who was interested in modding it first can't just instantly get stuck in like with hs2 and ai girl and koikatsu. If any of those games launched with no one modding you would call them shit too. Just need to wait and see if anyone will dedicate time to this game because I do think it has more potential than most illusion games now. As with any illusion game past, present or future the games quality will be purely decided by how many people commit to it modding making scenes making characters and so on. I don't really know where so many first time illusion game people came from to judge it on day 1 of release with no mods not even the bonus content installed lol.
You really just need to temper expectations with illusion. They put out plenty of games that have solid base ideas but then they put out very limited content with the game that makes it feel shit. That's why modders carry every illusion game. Same with ai girl nice survival island base idea. Forage for materials survive build relationships build housing build furniture that unlocks new positions. Like on paper this is an amazing idea for a game but they put in such a limited out of things to forage and craft that you exhaust it in hours of playing. I understand why people are disappointed when this happens everytime but that is exactly the point. It's the same every time so why act surprised anymore? You know they will throw a good idea for a game that has potential and then do nothing with it. Just hope that mods save the game and if no one wants to mod it oh well on to waiting for the next illusion game. To be a doomer to that point though I feel like the modding community for illusion games has been becoming super stale and complacent over the years and they will only ever stick with games that are already well saturated. It seems no one has any interest in moving off hs2 and koikatsu 1 even though newer games with better graphics come just like koikatsu sunshine got a week of modding attention then left to die Id be surprised if we get many mods for roomgirl past past some basic uncensors and maybe a few accessory/outfit mods.
Regardless for any of that at least we can be happy illusion isn't putting out battlepasses to change your character and gachas any time you want to change outfits. Remember everytime you think it can't get worse you can always remember fallen doll exists

Also don't mind the long post. I hardly ever post so I like to make decent ones instead of 50 shit posts in 5 pages lol.