Mod RPGM Abandoned Roundscape Adorevia: Classes, Loot/ items mod

May 26, 2018
Whenever you do get around to updating the mod to 4.8 I can handle patching it together with the gallery mod.
It actually shouldn't be too difficult, I've already done some low level modding on RPGMV games before.
Oh also, quick feature suggestion, set it so we can choose to use either the number pad or number row for the speedhack, that way it's compatible with other mods like MV cheatmenu which also use the number row.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2017
Ok I'm finally getting around to doing this... so let me start by saying that I've never really paid much attention to the vanilla items in the game, I just looked for what made numbers go up for what character so I have no real critique on those.

Secondly, I mostly only play 3 classes, Mystic, Warlock, and necromancer; so I'll focus on those three with this... So firstly, props man, I know you gave me a older version of the mod to try out a while ago but sadly I never got around to it until I tried this month, sorry about that.

Secondlt, I'm playing this on the latest version of the game , so I don't know if that is actually effecting the bug I'm about to mention or something else.

Ok Bugs:
I've mostly found only one bug, its that when I use dark ressurection, the negative penalty doesn't end after 3 turns, it seems to continue until they die again or thee match ends...

Now my thoughts on classes:

This is definitely the class I go back to the most and I love that it was given a resurrection ability and a summon undead ability. even though I'm not a large fan of how they work...

Summon undead ability was kind of a letdown, early-game it saved my A but late game I just stopped using it because around level 25, this thing was just getting raped by anything bigger than groups of 2, attacking with multi hits and dealing massive damage. I was actually expecting non-controllable npc character that would fight with us in matches, but I'm no programmer so I don't know if that would even be possible.

Now the biggest disappointment here was the removal of the resurrected as this was originally seen more as a healer support class in the original game. But I don't dislike the change, to try and shift it into a more control/support class, but it would've been nice to not have the random hit on mind thrust.

Now this, this was just the biggest letdown, and I'm not talking your mod but just the class in general. The original warlock, before they changed it into this whole "hell's fire" class had a crap ton of versatility, mana regen, mana cost reduction, damage boost, single burst damage. I loved it... Honestly, I don't think I can say anything positive about it because I'm still too salty about the change...

Over all the mod does make the classes, with the exception of warlock, more interesting But I wonder do you plan to add more abilities? Because just like with the original game, after a while the abilities do get stale. After a while you just find your favorite ability and just settle into normative pattern.


Game Developer
Apr 17, 2019
Sorry for no update in a while.
Kal recently said in the discord that a new RS update will be coming soon, so honestly I am just waiting till that's out so I doubt have to update it twice.


Game Developer
Apr 17, 2019
Sorry for no update in a while.
Kal recently said in the discord that a new RS update will be coming soon, so honestly I am just waiting till that's out so I doubt have to update it twice.
So I contacted him recently, he's focusing finishing Arenus before releasing the next RS patch. Therefore, I'll probably work on my mod again soon since I don't have to worry about updating everything again right after I release a new patch. Cheers.
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May 26, 2018
Figures they'd want to finish Arenus first. I'm going to assume that means I need to keep an eye on this so I can work on a set of files with merged mods?


Game Developer
Apr 17, 2019
I made a 0.2C version, which doesn't have any new features compared to 0.2B, but it should be 4.8 compatible.
Please let me know if you're experiencing issues or are missing bugfixes from 4.8, items from the mod etc. I am pretty sure I included everything, but of course I could be wrong.

"which doesn't have any new features compared compared to 0.2B" Or well, actually.. I fixed the non-sex route for the nature spirit (the quest from the oakshire church paladin) for those who for some reason don't want that sex scene. It was previously bugged, making you unable to finish that quest. It's included in the mod. (Map 149 and 054)

I didn't want to upload 0.3 yet, because I need to work on it a bit more.
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Game Developer
Apr 17, 2019
I dont like the changes to warlock. Youve heavily nerfed the only caster class.
How exactly did I nerf the class according to you?
In regards to the old skills the only differences are that hellfire barrage hits 1 enemy less than before and inferno costs 1 power bar less. (aka inferno = buffed)
Oh and all old spells also pretty much cost less mana. Which also equals a buff.

And the skills that have been added are pretty good too, so yeah. I am very interested in your thoughts on that one.


New Member
Aug 7, 2020
How exactly did I nerf the class according to you?
In regards to the old skills the only differences are that hellfire barrage hits 1 enemy less than before and inferno costs 1 power bar less. (aka inferno = buffed)
Oh and all old spells also pretty much cost less mana. Which also equals a buff.

And the skills that have been added are pretty good too, so yeah. I am very interested in your thoughts on that one.
the problem with the warlock skills is he used to have good aoe spells but not anymore, inferno is good yes but still takes 2 power bars so it isnt easy to use as a common aoe. Hellfire barrage hits random enemies 3 times which often means itll hit the same enemy twice making it not effictive as an aoe spell. Hellfire wave, the main regular damage aoe spell now hits only one enemy and for regular damage now which leaves you with only inferno as a viable aoe, and you cant use that very often. Now hellfire wave and ray are virtually the same spell. Also hellfire wave is a wave not a ray. I also think hellfire ray should do more damage as it only hits one enemy and for only regular damage so why bother, might as well just attack with a sword. I know that the class may seem kinda op but warlock is the only real damage caster in this game, hes supposed to have good damage spells. Also hes more of a late game class anyways with how hard it is to get the ingredients for the spell, another reason why hes meant to be somewhat op. But right now adventurer is more viable than warlock as a dps because heroic strike can hit pretty much everyone and do regular damage for cheap mana-wise


Game Developer
Apr 17, 2019
Hellfire barrage hits random enemies 3 times which often means it'll hit the same enemy twice making it not effective as an aoe spell.
Before it would target 4 random enemies instead of 3, meaning you'd still have the same issue as you described here anyway.

Hellfire wave, the main regular damage aoe spell now hits only one enemy and for regular damage now which leaves you with only inferno as a viable aoe, and you cant use that very often. Now hellfire wave and ray are virtually the same spell.
Valid criticism, I didn't realize I removed the rectangular AoE.
I'll add that back if I don't end up changing the class as a whole.

Also hellfire wave is a wave not a ray. I also think hellfire ray should do more damage as it only hits one enemy and for only regular damage so why bother, might as well just attack with a sword.
Understandable and I agree. Aside from the sword thing.

I know that the class may seem kinda op but warlock is the only real damage caster in this game, hes supposed to have good damage spells.
Did you try the Necromancer yet? It's also a pretty good caster. Isn't meant as to invalidate any of your criticism; it's a legitimate question, you might enjoy it.

Also hes more of a late game class anyways with how hard it is to get the ingredients for the spell, another reason why hes meant to be somewhat op.
Generally I don't enjoy "meant to be OP" design. It sucks.
I'd like every class to be just as viable as another, so people can play purely what they want rather than having to rely on a certain playstyle to get through the game.

But yeah, you have some valid criticism. As soon as Roundscape is on the top of my priority list again, I'll probably overhaul the class as a whole to begin with. As currently I was never really happy with the warlock class.
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New Member
Aug 7, 2020
Before it would target 4 random enemies instead of 3, meaning you'd still have the same issue as you described here anyway.

Valid criticism, I didn't realize I removed the rectangular AoE.
I'll add that back if I don't end up changing the class as a whole.

Understandable and I agree. Aside from the sword thing.

Did you try the Necromancer yet? It's also a pretty good caster. Isn't meant as to invalidate any of your criticism; it's a legitimate question, you might enjoy it.

Generally I don't enjoy "meant to be OP" design. It sucks.
I'd like every class to be just as viable as another, so people can play purely what they want rather than having to rely on a certain playstyle to get through the game.

But yeah, you have some valid criticism. As soon as Roundscape is on the top of my priority list again, I'll probably overhaul the class as a whole to begin with. As currently I was never really happy with the warlock class.
Thats fair enough, the meant to be op was one if my weaker points. Thanks for taking into consideration my criticism :) I like this mod a lot and think it makes much needed improvements to the game. Also for future revamps to the warlock class I'd like to suggest making him into sort of a all rounder damage spellsword character, since the base warlock class can use swords and light armor, itd be cool to see him with some atk+attackmagick based damage skills. Or if not that than just more skills to make him more versatile. I feel like with the debuff and buff spells you added to the warlock it brings him closer to that direction which I like. But he does still need that damage balance. Honestly if you just made hellfire wave into a circle or line aoe attack and did 1.5 mat for hellfire ray, itd pretty much fix the main issues I see in the class. I actually dont think Hellfire barrage needs to be changed as it works well as both a gamble aoe attack and a 3 part attack when theres only one enemy on the screen. Oh and last thing, if its nor too difficult would it be possible to maybe make a quick change to hellfire ray and wave to make the class more viable atm? If not I totally understand but maybe a quick change so I can play warlock between the updates would be possible if its not too much trouble. I really want to play this mod with warlock XD


Game Developer
Apr 17, 2019
i have the same question
I don't plan on making it compatible, no. I have a lack of time as is, so working on making the mod compatible with other things out there has very low priority.

If I remember correctly, someone else offered to make it compatible though. Although I forgot who.

I'll admit though guys, I haven't worked on it for a while. I left their discord a while ago as I somewhat lost my interest in the development team etc and I've been busy with studies. I also plan on trying no nut november for once, see what happens. haha
So don't expect any update within 1-2 weeks, but I'll try it in 3-4.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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New Member
Aug 30, 2017
I dont want to wait 3-4 weeks. So is this mods version (4.8) compitable original game (5.0). i dont want any crashes or bugs