RPGM - Completed - Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7] [Arvus Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just a great game with a whole lot of content. Good story/stories, nice characters and good rpg gameplay. one of my must downloads and supports.
    No bugs I have experienced to and even great replayablity.
    Hoping for even more great content.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Have to say, this is a great Role Playing Game. Few I can think of can match this game. Here are my thoughts.

    First, the combat. While combat is expected to be there in a RPG sex game. It is generally not the focus of the game. Though this game really knocked it out of the park with combat. Their are items you can use outside of combat to heal you but only certain items can heal you during combat. Meaning, you best be prepared for every ecotour. Secon, the hardcore mode is a great mode in that it forced me to bump down the difficulty to just hard. I am a decent RPG gamer and if I have to lower the difficulty, it tells me this is a challenging game. Yet when I played that mode, I never felt cheated by the gameplay.

    The quest system could use a small touch up. For example, would like a sub menu for all the minor quests you can do. Would also like a mode to sort the completed quests from the still active quests.

    Also just liked just how beautiful the world is. This is an age of peace and this is reflected in just how beautiful the forests are, the towns, and even the music. The music was incredibly soothing.

    The sex scenes in my opinion are great. They have a great style in this game.

    Overall, this is a must play for JRPG fans. If you are just here for the smut, I would still recommend it just be warned that you have to do combat/storylines in this game to get to the fun stuff.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    If you enjoy turn-based combat then you should consider this a star or two higher.

    The game looks high end, but... just fails at grabbing my interest, being offered cheats in-world feels immersion breaking, especially when it comes with a drawback, and you barely know what the game is even about. Story might become interesting later on, but I already lost interest.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, with a lot of content, and I mean a lot. Firstly there are different events for each character class you chose and weather you are female or male. Also depending on your choices some content may not occur while other is available.

    There are many fetishes you can explore many of which will reoccurs in different events or may be repeated over and over depending on the event.

    The game has a fairly linear story, however, it is made up by the choices along the way. Following this there are many side events that you can do. First time I played this game I did not get far though the main story and the acts but instead decided to explore the extra events.

    However, I'm this game the 3rd time from scratch due to the enjoyable content. One thing that is unique about this game is the art style which changes throughout different events making the experience more diverse.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all I need to say is that I did play this game many times, but now for the first time I decided to just play it until I see the ending. It took me (someone that knows this game pretty well) about 30hrs including the fact that I used save editor from time to time to not worry about grinding, and I still think that I completed about 70% of the game.
    I did really enjoy this game much. For me this is a reason why I would give it 5 stars no matter what.

    For those that like numbers:
    - Graphics 4.5/5
    - Music/Sound 2.5/5
    - Story 5/5
    - Characters 5/5
    - Gameplay 4.5/5

    Good things:
    - Great and long story,
    - A lot of different CG styles (they never bored me),
    - Interesting companions,
    - Rich playstyle customization,
    - Zero to none bugs in current version (nearly all of them were just false quest marks)

    Other features (mostly sex related, cons if You are not into them):
    - A lot of bestiality
    - Oversized genitals, etc.
    - Many more fetishes (futa, pregnancy, pissing, incest etc.)

    And the one thing that is not good for me:
    - Sex sounds and music (if this were great here I would ask people to sign a petition on f95 to give it 6 stars).

    Overall for me this is a masterpiece of RPGM. I have seen maybe 2 other RPGM games on f95 that were of similar quality and rich in content.
    I really do recommend playing this game. I will definitely look forward to other Arvus Games titles in the future.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    John Doe 100

    A great game overall. I liked both the lewd and the non-lewd parts of it. I have nothing negative to say except there's some minor typos that appear in the writing every once in a while. Looking forward to what the makers of this game bring in the future.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    There isn't much else to say that others have not already touched upon.
    Pretty average game, kind of lackluster from Act 2 to the end. Like most games it started out strong, but progressively gets weak. Playtime was a little over 31 hours but this factors in a bunch of walking around, figuring out what to do next and seeing if I can trigger any scenes. After unlocking the gallery, it was very underwhelming with how little there was. For instance, I was disappointed with Meredith and the futa pot (thought there was more to it).
    The ending did not offer much closure as it felt very fast though the same could be said about Act 3. There was certainly more that could have been explored lore-wise. The lack of images relating to the text was one of the largest negatives for me.
    The variety of content was enjoyable as a female protagonist. Also the "Illusion of Choice" was something I agree with from an earlier review.
    Overall, an okay H-game, nothing to really write home about. Hard to recommend it as the reward you get for the time put in doesn't feel worth it in the end.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't exactly call this game amazing - with a mostly generic plot, writing that could use a proofreader or three and a bunch of bugs ranging from irritating text repetitions to scenes becoming unavailable, it's not really going to make any indie classic list anytime soon.

    However, it's clearly a labor of love, even if a clumsy one, with a surprising amount of lore, hidden content and easter eggs that you wouldn't expect from a H-game. In fact, as a H-Game, it's one of the better games I played, especially when it comes to the variety of content available and the way it was presented.

    I really liked having a female protagonist who was proactive towards her love interests and could be dominant in more than just one or two scenes. There's a huge variety of characters you can sleep with, and to my delight they weren't just cookie-cutter pretty anime ladies: Adorevia lets you bone talking weapons, help a tentacle monster get laid, screw mechanical golems into submission and take a dragon's virginity - all in a day's work.

    All in all, Adorevia is a fun if somewhat clumsy game that'll easily give you 30 hours of play if not more. I can't promise you'll be able to jack it to every H-Scene, but the variety is great and you'll probably find something to your taste.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    In short: Tons of content and lots of sexytimes happening... last Act is a bit lackluster though.. also; a few bugs here and there.

    In long:

    Roundscape is a well crafted game with multiple options for your origin and playthrough. Most choices are morality choices that affect the story in some ways... some minor, others major. It is what we can expect from a proper RPG game crafted with RPGM with some good effort from the developers.

    The story is quite good and there are plenty of characters that we can get to know. It is clear that some characters got much more attention than others, but i can't complain. Male MC also seems to get a little bit more sex scenes than a femal MC... but only in a small way.

    The maps are sometimes a bit comfusing, especially in relation to other parts of the world (one small cave west of a town, leads to a place to the far east of the town), but aside from that the maps are varied and well made, with plenty of attention to detail. Large but not too large so that you can get lost.

    A few issues do show up from time to time though. Characters that have a quest often appear with a 'Q' on their location on the minimap... but sometimes there is no quest. Maybe this is a quest that is reserved for the other gender... or the marker did not disappear after the quest was completed... who knows.
    The dialoge also has a handful of mistakes in grammar, or a word (or more than 1) is missing... but aside from small details, no real complaints.
    Some areas are also missing it seems. You're supposed to be able to enter a building, yet you can't.
    Future bugfixes and patches should hopefully take care of these issues.

    The different artworks for the different sex scenes are about 60/100 for me. Many of them are great and are well made... but in some the MC looks really creepy with a rape-y smile. You also get the typical waterballoon bodies at times, while the next scene looks amazing with lighting, shadows etc.

    I have to note thought that the game feels like it ends at the end of Act 2. The final boss of that act feels like the final boss of the game. Act 3 feels like a bunch of quests that can be seen as related, but barely.
    - An enemy shows up saying "Aha! it was I who had masterminded this all."
    - we then kill him immediately
    - New guy shows up "But wait... it really was I.. who masterminded it all"
    - we kill him immediately
    This feels a bit lackluster as the final Arc of this otherwise pretty great game.

    Also the final endings... i wish there was a bit more to it. A bit more.... sexy :)

    All in all... it is a great game i would definitely reccomend. There is variety in characters, maps, scenes and enemies. Ending is a bit meh.. but aside from that... great game.
    4/5 stars.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The best way to describe Roundscape Adorevia is to compare it to a wasteland, a buggy wasteland with mediocre stuff in it, and sometimes a gem, but very rarely.
    The visuals are terrible to look at it, if you want to understand something just look at the minimap.
    The art goes from ok at his best, but most of the times is mediocre and awful looking.
    The plot is nothing original but pretty ok, the writing is terrible and some lines will make you cringe every organ in the body, things happen with no logical explanations, you get an entire castle just because.
    Some beginnings make are too weak for the call of the adventure of the MC and for the presentation of the main side character
    The side characters are normal, nothnig special but nothing terrible.
    The gameplay is atrocious I never felt so bored while playing an RPG, Easy and Hard are just the same difficuly settings.
    The quests can be fun, maybe the only good part of the game, except the fetch quest, which you'll see many times.
    The choices are fine, you can be a cartoonish villain or a cartoonish hero.
    Another positive thing there is a ton of things to do and fetishes for everyione and sometimes you can have a good time in this buggy mess.
    I frankly don't recommend this game, it's not a disaster but it is far from a good game
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game. I have never thought RPGM was used well in adult games. This one didn't change my mind. I feel like I spent so much time for so little return, be that in rewarding gameplay, good writing, or quality smut. I don't really want to waste too much more time on this game so I will give a brief list of some of my most memorable moments. The even shorter version is: this game falls into every mistake of other RPGM games but without the story or the polish. However, spicy tip, the debugging tool can unlock every scene in the game. I have no idea how to access the gallery. If you do though, going through each scene in a menu one by one and unlocking them by hand is more fun than this game.

    The LIST:
    -I forgot to save before entering a new area. There was an enemy too tough for me, so I died pretty quickly, booted to menu, lost about 20 minutes of progress.
    -The above happened, but 3 more times.
    -I spent 5 minutes or so wondering if I had recieved the wolf pelt quest. I tried debugging, there was no option for npc not talking. Checked my quest log, no mention of wolves. Killed some wolves, got no pelts (as the quest giver described). Looked in another area for wolves. Went back to the original spot and killed more until I got a quest completed notification.
    -Using guard and basic attack for 5 minutes against a 1500 health bull. It only ever attacked one character so there was no challenge, just a 20 damage per attack slog.
    -Reloading several times while fighting a warlock that I couldn't damage. Turns out I was damaging him but he had a second, invisible health bar. Then I did this two more times because I accidentaly skipped through the dialogue after the fight. There was no save point in between.
    -Seeing 3 very well drawn pairs of boobs. Not a bad experience. However that was pretty much all of the sexual content I encountered in an hour and a half.
    -Getting stuck by an empty campfire area because of a group of soldiers right by the exit. I probably could've beat them, but at this point I was tired of the combat so I just exited to main menu and reloaded my save.
    -A pretty funny line of dialogue while slandering the shop owner. Ultimately had to reload my save to do that quest properly. The funny option didn't seem to have any rewards.
    -In every sex scene there was a very verbose description over a black screen. Probably well written, but I felt like it broke up the pace a little too much. By the time I grind 30 enemies I don't really crave the suspense of a long text before getting to see the action.
    -I got one shotted by a genie in a random sconce that I clicked on. That was pretty cool. Not even being sarcastic. I really wanna know why he was in there.
    -Felt excited because I found a cabin somewhere off the beaten path. I found some loot I didn't know how to use and fought a bunch of bats. I really started to get disappointed at this point.
    -Looking all over the place for 15 minutes or so for a place to camp. Didn't find it. Looked online, no help. Uninstalled
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Adding to what many low star reviews on this thread have stated regarding the state of the game between the bugs lack of proper choices and terrible mechanics that do nothing but waste your time, I would like to call out a lot of the problems this games have in terms of companion bloat and combat.

    You get a huge list of companions so many best way to describe them is as wide as an ocean as deep as a puddle. You will not use the majority of companions in this game because of how utterly boring they are and useless in terms of combat they become. So many companions are just thrown at your feet so early on its a headache to deal with.

    The skill set/variety is so small that you might as well play skyrim and mash the quick attack button, is unimaginative and simple which is very bad for an rpg game this long. The perks do nothing but make you an overpowered beast with so many strong passives you might as well be a god in battle and just rush the bosses.

    In short boring/simple combat, forgettable companions and not much to keep you entertained till the end.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. Honestly even though its an rpgmaker game its really done well and has lot of 'content'. That aside the rpg aspect is not bad at all. Wish there were more Spheres, Glyphs, Orbs, etc. though. Even more perks would be cool. Maxed it early. Currently in v5.3b the gallery is still buggy but a nice feature. Cant wait for more updates.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a lot of content. I played it couple of years ago and it never gets boring to start from scratch. Weird thing is that I got almost to an end but was still at act 1. Might have been already fixed since then
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best (in not) RPGM games, ALOT of content for both male/female protagonist, huge variety of content from vanilla to bestiality.
    Quest that doesn't have sexual content are very interesting and it's just very fun to play.
    Just love it, and it still getting updates!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It'll seem like a quality game at the start, but unfortunately it ends up as a train wreck. Other reviews will talk plenty about the bugs, crashes, poor writing, etc. I agree with all of that. I got nearly to the end of this version of the game, farther than I would've thought if only because I thought it'd get better. Unfortunately, the further you go, the issues only get worse. I'll talk about two other issues that haven't really been spoken of.

    The illusion of choice. A lot of games with some more extreme content will allow you to toggle it off. Well, there's bestiality and the girls fucking other dudes in this game, and here's your usual choices in the game for this: You get to choose whether you watch it or not, not whether it happens. The times you do have control over it happening? You tend to get punished for it via reductions in affection and whatnot, as if you're making the 'wrong' choice. This bothers me because it feels like the fetish is being pushed on the player with the number of girls wanting to participate in it.

    Balancing. You will end up using the characters you have the best equipment available for, because the game doesn't offer a variety of equally strong weapons at once, but rather, it will occasionally make available a weapon for only one character that makes them 5-10x stronger than the others. The very first case of this happening doesn't happen very far in the game, where you can purchase axes for a character that's many times stronger than any other equipment available to everyone else.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game could be great, but something keeps getting in the way.
    Nice lore and history of the world, supplemented by various notes, books and character commentaries.
    A ton of bugs when playing as a female character. Completing quests in different ways does not disable the ability to accidentally go through the same quest several times, completely breaking the game and your save. "Good" characters with high morale get a huge boost to damage in the early stages of the game, thanks to the ability to take a pair of very good swords. The quality of 2d sex scenes constantly floating from the level of "three-year-old child painting" to the level of Incase, Sakimichan or AromaSensei. This inconsistency is very annoying.
    Some of the companion characters seem to be deliberately pushed aside, left without story or h-content, while Meredith has a ton of both.
    The quest log does not work. Gallery is bugged like the first version of Cyberpunk 2077.
    The latest update with a brothel is a complete BS.
    P.S. Game has a ton of scenes, where you watching your favourite chicks getting f'ked by the others. Also, it has poorly drawned futa on male scenes. If it is not your thing- don't play it, if it is- better be find another game of this kind.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is full of content no doubt the only few issues i have is not enough upgrades for castle its always dark in about everyroom and being doesnt really feel like your being evil or corrupt cause everyone goes along with it anyway and npc dont matter so if u screw with them it doesnt matter
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is too good for a porn game, free movement and the mini map on the left really this is a better of a good fighting game and has good story, the developer must be good at games, regarding this game it has good art and sex scripts It is Immersive if you put the character at your perspective , I really Enjoyed it hopefully more content in the future.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Three words: Buggy. As. Fuck.

    Alright, now that I've got that out of the way:

    The Good:
    -Combat is halfway decemt

    -The lore is hashed out and they put a lot of thought into this world

    -Most of the characters are interesing

    -The story is pretty interesting

    The Bad:
    They bit off more than they could chew with this and the result is more bugs than an anthill:

    -The quest log doesn't work

    -Some of the quests don't work (including one of the companion recruitment quests)

    -Some of the quests just plain won't start even when you meet all the conditions

    -Characters go missing

    And the worst part: the bugs aren't even consistent. I completed a quest during one playthrough. but in another the quest stopped working midway through. Same version of the game, but something just broke for seemingly no reason.

    Also: unavoidable NTR. This game isn't so much a harem simulator as a poly simulator, as all your party members fuck all of the others, oftentimes without the PC's involvement.

    The Ugly
    Rather than fix any bugs, the latest update (5.2) introduced mechanics to build up your characters brothel, and you do it through...

    Drumroll please...


    Seriously. You buy persuasion points from the brothel's madam, find the girl you want to recruit, then play a minigame that consists of picking three random cards and hoping you win. That's it. That's the mechanic.

    Instead of fixing any of the many things wrong with their game, they added gambling.

    I mean... fuck!