
Game Developer
Jan 23, 2018
question i made a female character and am wondering if i can get pregnant from one of my futa companiopns


Active Member
Aug 4, 2017
Hi. I want to ask if is in 3.5-3.7 version some new scenes with MC female and horse? (I don't mean minotaur or Centaur but classic horse)


Game Developer
Jan 23, 2018
for clawyn she came to my room and told dme she wanted a baby and now nothing happens


New Member
Jul 2, 2018

I wanted to play the game with my 30 hours of playtime save. At first it worked great but as soon as I go to the castle or go out of any room, the game becomes super laggy like unplayable laggy so I don't know what to do!!

Please help :(


Jun 12, 2017
figured would put some edited save files here, the edits are a good amount of gold, all the non-stat effecting perks (since unsure if it will have no effect on the stats if you edit the perks in so will have to manually select it.) and all the origins being activated which should allow you to access the content like the patch quest and the mother brothel scene without having to create a character just for that. Though it does come with a downside, if you have to repeat dialogue with companions asking you about your origin don't be alarmed this is just the game checking your origin when running the scene and sequentially going through them until you have accounted for all the origins. I have two sets of saves, a male and female save with finesse and a set of saves without the perk, the reason being once that particular perk is applied it permanently locks you out of being able to use a shield (including using the mark of the shell, the reason for this being the second weapon slot over-writes the shield slot) so had the option there of not having it on in case someone wants to play a sword and shield build or something like that.
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Reactions: MarcusDBlack
Mar 11, 2018
The guide can't really get much clearer.
You go north, then east, then north again from the town.

It was on the first page, but since it's been removed I'd think it's safe to assume it's fixed in 3.7A.

Talk to Beatrice.
The Temple I go to just has a Side-Quest, and Because I can't go into any of the builds that might be the right Temple, i basically just stuck doing Side-Quests.

Not to be mean, But what am I doing wrong?


Jul 31, 2018
the info in the walk through was a bit off. i didnt get it the 1st few tries but i just keep trying diff paths


Jul 2, 2018
how do you advance pregnancy for Meredith and ruksana, cause i want them back in my party
After they tell you that they are pregnant, go out and do something to advance a quest (any of them). When you return to the castle you will get a message that Ruksana wants you to meet her in the forest. (She is in the North East section) There is no indicator for Meredith, you just need to go visit her in the Garden House.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I like how the front page shows cheat codes but assumes you know how to enable them. So useless.
If only it had a cheat section in the menu. If only it was the most obvious, idiot proof thing ever devised.

Imagine being that one person that couldn't figure out the idiot proof thing quite literally everyone else figured out in seconds. I have to imagine that person would probably be thinking they look foolish infront however many thousands read these forums on a daily basis.

¿is there a way to increase affection gain? takes too much time to get a simple scene.
It's an RPG, it's supposed to take time. You take them out in your part while question and do things they will like and you get affection gains. Do things they don't like and you lose affection.

If you are looking for quick scenes then either find the CG set or download the gallery mod that has it all unlocked because it's going to take you over 30 hours to unlock most scenes and even then you won't see them all.


Jun 3, 2017
just finished emek's rest. i hope there will at some point be some pregnant sex with Jenda like with clawyn, meridith, and ruksana in the future.
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