figured would put some edited save files here, the edits are a good amount of gold, all the non-stat effecting perks (since unsure if it will have no effect on the stats if you edit the perks in so will have to manually select it.) and all the origins being activated which should allow you to access the content like the patch quest and the mother brothel scene without having to create a character just for that. Though it does come with a downside, if you have to repeat dialogue with companions asking you about your origin don't be alarmed this is just the game checking your origin when running the scene and sequentially going through them until you have accounted for all the origins. I have two sets of saves, a male and female save with finesse and a set of saves without the perk, the reason being once that particular perk is applied it permanently locks you out of being able to use a shield (including using the mark of the shell, the reason for this being the second weapon slot over-writes the shield slot) so had the option there of not having it on in case someone wants to play a sword and shield build or something like that.