3.10 star(s) 34 Votes


Dec 14, 2021
Yeah, the game probably isn't the right one for you. But you are wrong that

The option is literally titled "Stop it!".
That kind of thing stops only with the AVOIDABLE SWITCH, which should be in the game at the beginning. Avoidable and skippable are completely different things in this situation. One of them throws a hell of a lot of players out of the game.

You will bury yourself in these same complaints over and over again. But this is your game. Enjoy.


Q / Motherlover
Mar 13, 2019
No forced lewd scenes whatsoever. People are just complaining that scenes (we're talking about a single one right now) are just skippable (you aren't forced to see them) but not preventable (they still happen, you just don't watch and you might or might not be aware that they happen). Some people don't like that, and that's fair, they can play thousands of other games that just don't have any such scenes.
Yeah, the game probably isn't the right one for you. But you are wrong that

The option is literally titled "Stop it!".
I haven't played this game, but from what I read, I don't like it.

"are just skippable (you aren't forced to see them) but not preventable (they still happen, you just don't watch and you might or might not be aware that they happen)"
This is a big no for me. Things happen anyway. :confused:


Game Developer
Feb 28, 2020
That kind of thing stops only with the AVOIDABLE SWITCH, which should be in the game at the beginning. Avoidable and skippable are completely different things in this situation. One of them throws a hell of a lot of players out of the game.

You will bury yourself in these same complaints over and over again. But this is your game. Enjoy.
I do get the difference. I've made clear that there will be (probably) three scenes in this game that are not avoidable but only skippable, two of which you can avoid getting to know about, and if anyone doesn't like this, they are better off playing other games. There's no point in sticking around here, complaining and being unhappy when there's games that are better suited for you. But then again, I'm not going to stop anyone from complaining, so complain as much as you like. I just don't get people that didn't even bother playing the game and still feel the need to comment based purely on other comments that are merely half true.


Game Developer
Feb 28, 2020
Trust me, I'm less stupid than you think I am. You have every right to hate whatever you hate. It's good to inform people on what to expect from a game (if they couldn't get that from what I already posted). What has no value for anyone is repeating what already has been said multiple times without even adding your own perspective that you can't have if you didn't even bother trying the game yourself.
And let me repeat this again: I don't care for if there would be more players, or less players, or different players if I did things differently. I'm creating the game that I like for those people that also like it. I hold no grudge to everyone who doesn't like it, but I also have no obligations to them. I'm not trying to sell a product that I would need to attract buyers for, I'm creating a game for my personal enjoyment that I share, free of charge, with anyone who is interested in it.
So, be nice, don't insult people and once you've achieved your goal of informing people of what to expect, move on. Not for my sake, I don't care, your facepalms only increase my reaction score. But for your own sake, do something that makes you happy, not something that angers you. And for the sake of those people that are here because they actually enjoy the game and want to get useful information about it, not pages of people reiterating the same stuff over and over again, and who might actually have constructive feedback that could actually improve the game.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
For one i'm curious about the idea of a game that isn't about finding your "one true love" but getting your dick wet with all the girls, which is the vibe i got from this one.

Let's see how it pans out.


Aug 18, 2017
The Chicksaw Level Two puzzle/s are confusing. I've only seen one that I know of, but there's no preview of what the final image should be, so we don't know if we are putting the pieces in the correct location. It wouldn't be so bad if the correct pieces were able to lock together, so that if they were in the wrong spot, you could move the whole cluster at once. Though I suspect it might not be possible to lock things in place?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
There is a TLDR at towards the bottom...

A question for clarity and that you may want to add information about: Is the incest in this only non-MC related? If so, you should add that under the spoiler genre tab on the first page. Example: Incest (non-MC). As many incest fans are only interested in it if the MC is involved. It seems that, based on one of the first questions the game asks when it loads up, the planned incest is only if you indulge in the voyeurism/sharing/swinging content which seems like an odd choice. Unless there will be MC involved incest later too it should really be noted that there is no MC incest in this planned. The prompt at the start of the game doesn't seem to indicate that there is MC incest coming so when I saw that I jumped in here to ask because incest is a genre that can get me past a few early voyeurism/sharing/swinging scenes being unavoidable (as long as later updates make those avoidable). This would actually upset me more than a little sharing or swinging I know about going into the game and can skip or avoid.

People into incest and people into voyeurism are usually two very different animals when it comes to what they like about it and mixing that seems so odd to me. Incest fans want the MC to be involved in the incest. I'd wager there are almost zero incest fans who when they see that the only incest is between NPCs will want to play the game at all and I'd wager just as much that many of the voyeurism fans will not care that it is incest they are watching and may even turn it off since that is an option as I often hear complaints from voyeurism/sharing/swinging fans that there is too much incest and they want patches to even make some incest games non-incest. You have said that you aren't targeting a specific audience and are making a game you would enjoy, so perhaps you enjoy the idea of incest voyeurism? If that is the case, fair enough, but most others will not like that, and it would be good to make that as clear as you are with other fetishes and how you are implementing them. Again, I'm not asking this to try and change it, just in the hopes that there can be some clarity to anyone looking at playing this game for the future incest content.

In an earlier post I said this: (modified a bit)
I’m not sure it’ll be worth the risk that it could turn out that my favorite girl is one I only get to hook up with if her boyfriend/girlfriend/fuckbuddy is willing to share her. The MC being a third wheel getting sloppy seconds and with no long-term prospects with her. Or only if I have been willing to watch her (skipped or not) being fucked by some other person the whole time the games been going on until she finally decides the MC has earned enough points or something to be “worthy of her” when she seemingly demanded nothing from the other person she was with. Especially when often in AVNs the other person is an asshole, so we feel less bad about saving or “stealing” her. I’ve had it happen before. The game presented a great character that looked the best for my tastes and was the one I was most excited about and then torpedoed the girl by forcing a sharing scene, having her get seen getting railed by some other guy, or having her talk about how great getting gangbanged is or that she is the club's cumdump…
In a non-harem game this can be even more of an issue since we will need to pick one girl at the end and if my favorite is into a bunch of stuff I'm not then well, f-me I guess. And it seems to be the case here that my worry has come to pass. It seems like it is another example of the following excuse, “She’s too hot to be a virgin.” After all, she isn't just not a virgin (again, that's fine if it isn't made a big deal) but the hottest girl must be a slut too, because "realism." The dev hasn't used this excuse, but I hear it all the time from developers and fans of slutty characters. And when I hear that it makes me wonder if these people have ever even interacted with real human females in substantive ways. Some of the hottest girls I’ve known were virgins well into their twenties (hell I know one very attractive girl who is still a virgin in her thirties for religious reason because she’s waiting for marriage). And some of the ugliest (subjectively) girls I’ve seen were total sluts. And I’ve seen that in revers too. Ugly virgins and hot sluts. A girl's looks have nothing inherently to do with her sexuality or sexual experience.

The athletic blond, Catherine I believe as I stopped the game to ask about the incest question above but looked at the images in the game folder to see which girl we can see involved with other guys, is by far to me the best-looking girl from the banner and yet she is the first one we have to see (or skip seeing but still know is happening) involved sexual with someone else. It also seems like to get her to give the MC a bj you have to join in. That interrupting and stopping her from blowing the other guy prevents her from giving one to the MC. Seems like it means she is upset and that seems like it might mean that the best option for her moving forward is the one where you are okay with her slutting around and not stopping her. It's also worth noting I'm not sure if you can even really stop her. Is she mid-bj when the MC interrupts or is about to start when you walk in and the other guy leaves? I am operating from a lack of information, but I just want to avoid getting into a game that might leave me with a bad time. I recently had this happen with another game that forced a voyeurism scene out of nowhere several hours into the game... but the developer thought it was okay, cause lesbians = hot right? It really pissed me off, so I'm trying to be a little extra carful right now and know what to expect moving in.

I downloaded the game because, as I've said before, if another aspect of the game trumps some mild voyeurism, sharing, or swinging that happens early on and can be ended later then I'll play a game. For me, that was the look of the girls (the athletic blond, Catherine primarily) in the banner and preview images, the planned incest, the romance, the no drama promise, and the promise to make later voyeurism/sharing/swinging avoidable and not just skippable. For example, Midlife Crisis is one of my favorite games on the site and it has sharing/swinging, but it is fully avoidable. The incest and a few other genres that game has trump those few moments of avoidable sharing/swinging. Desert Stalker is another game I really enjoy with again, fully avoidable voyeurism/sharing/swinging. So, if the incest is only going to possible on the voyeurism/sharing/swinging paths then I might just go ahead and opt out. But if there is going to be incest for the MC moving forward and the target of it (a sister, cousin, or whatever) isn't a total slut (meaning she bangs others until we finally earn the right to be with her) then I still think this game could be for me as I'd give up my preferred looks girl for a sister or cousin girl.

I think you don't know what wholesome means (or maybe it's just me who interprets it differently) what it means here is that the story has no low blows, no big dramas or deaths, this game is made to relax and have a good time, for drama we already have real life.
Oddly enough you are making a case in favor of the people upset about the voyeurism/sharing/swinging. Many people see it as drama to see a girl they like involved sexually with others without them being able to do anything about it. It is a low blow to many, to have a girl (especially the best-looking girl in my opinion) only be available if you are cool with her slutting around and it being done behind the MC's back at best or rubbed in his face at worst. It takes away from their good time if they see, Catherine for example, about to give a guy a bj, and then stop her because they are interested in her. Only for then it to seem like they made the wrong choice at that point because they didn't want the girl they like being a slut with them getting sloppy seconds. They don't want some other guys cum in a girl's mouth while she blows them after him.

As you say, "...for drama we already have real life." For knowing that the best-looking girls are already taken, or we can never be with them, we have real life. You are already applying ample porn-logic in the game anyway. Why not just let that also apply to making these scenes fully avoidable? Why not also let it apply to there being an optional harem? It's not even inherently unrealistic in our world though it is rarer now than it was for the vast majority of human history in the west (until about a hundred fifty years ago or so). Zargon, you in this one post just make the best case against the way it has been handled in this game. Being required to see a girl be with others in order to have the best path with her is a low blow, it is big drama, and it cuts into many people's ability to relax and have a good time.

About folks finding this one from Zargon's other game: Many of your fans from Young Again (how I found this game by the way was from being a fan of Young Again) may download this just because your name is on it before they even look at the spoilers or thread and they will be surprised by the voyeurism/sharing/swinging that this game has. Some in the thread have already said as much. You never forced anything like this on the players in the other game. Your other game has the MC come back to life because of a Goddess and no one complained about a lack of realism or lamented that the girls weren't all "realistically" whorish or in other relationships at the game start. They just enjoyed the game as a drama free, good time where we could assume the girls were not fucking around behind the MC's back. Here there may be a disconnect between you and Reflexbound perhaps, and there is definitely a disconnect between you two and the community that you built with Young Again. Especially since your name is the one first, in full, and most recognizable next to the title.

TLDR: 1. If there is no MC incest planned that should be added under the genre spoiler tab as, perhaps, Incest (Non-MC) or Incest (NPCs Only). 2. Honestly, I just don't get the reason for not making voyeurism/sharing/swinging fully avoidable instead of skippable. The closest thing to an argument has been "realism," but you are applying unrealistic porn-logic elsewhere to things that are less controversial. The fact that you have incest planned at all stretches credulity to many, as just one such example. Hence why you added the option in the start to turn it off for two couples I imagine. If you see the logic and good sense to have incest be *fully* optional (a fetish that is far less polarizing, especially in small doses) then why wasn't the same done for the voyeurism/sharing/swinging? It seems odd to treat the one as avoidable and the other as skippable. And if the people who are used in the possible incest scenes talk about struggling with the taboo of their relationship since they were "childhood friends" or something then you have truly cast the die that realism means nothing. And if they don't talk about the taboo when it is turned off, then again, you showed a willingness to write and render two different scenes in both form and function for one fetish but then didn't for another far more polarizing one... which leads to the question of why?

I've rambled again, but that's all of have for today. Have a nice evening everyone... or morning, or whatever, time zone dependent, I guess.

Edit: Seeing more specifics about the Cat scene that were given below that tried to say that it was “wholesome” and “almost sweet” just adds to my sense that it is largely there using porn-logic and not realistic in any way. But it is what it is I guess.
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
Trust me, I'm less stupid than you think I am. You have every right to hate whatever you hate. It's good to inform people on what to expect from a game (if they couldn't get that from what I already posted). What has no value for anyone is repeating what already has been said multiple times without even adding your own perspective that you can't have if you didn't even bother trying the game yourself.
You've tried being reasonable. But I can tell you from experience it's unlikely they'll stop. Best add them to your ignore list (as I have already done) and I recommend everyone who enjoys the content do the same. It will save you some frustration. Or let a mod know that they're disrupting discussion and have it cleaned up, if you prefer. Repeat if they won't quit.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
I think you don't know what wholesome means (or maybe it's just me who interprets it differently) what it means here is that the story has no low blows, no big dramas or deaths, this game is made to relax and have a good time, for drama we already have real life.
I'll repeat what I said before: wholesome is contextual. Harems would be considered unwholesome by a large portion of the world. So would an MC who sleeps around even if they are a man. And we all know the people shouting "this isn't wholesome" are into things like that. They just can't get past the fact that something they don't like is enjoyed, in a wholesome way, by others.

From my perspective, this story is wholesome. Everyone is nice to everyone else. All sharing is fully consensual.

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Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
I wish people would stop acting like they talk for a majority of others when expressing their opinions on fetishes and what works together. The world is a wildly varied place, and all sorts of fantasies and combinations could be appealing to many more people than you might imagine.

Someone said "we play games to experience a fantasy and wish fulfilment" - this is truth. What's not true is that we all have the same fantasies and wishes. This site, and the world, would be a better place if more people could say "I don't enjoy this, but it's not hurting anyone and there is plenty for me to enjoy elsewhere, so the rest of you have fun."

From a fan of voyeurism, incest, sharing, harem, lesbian sex, domination, non-LIs and LIs alike having as much sexy fun as they want with multiple people (of whatever gender, and by the way if you use the word slut in a derogatory manner in this context, well the word does not apply to them because there's nothing wrong with what they're doing if it's all informed and consensual), bondage, and probably several fetishes I'm forgetting right now, all of which can be freely mixed.

Saint Blackmoor

Saint and Sinner
Oct 26, 2017
This site, and the world, would be a better place if more people could say "I don't enjoy this, but it's not hurting anyone and there is plenty for me to enjoy elsewhere, so the rest of you have fun."
Truer words were never spoken (y)

On a side note:
That Catherine is a very giving girl, can I be next, please :giggle:

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Robert Monotoli

Active Member
Jun 16, 2018
Just a heads up but Mediafire link for non-update PC version appeared to have been taken down, apparently for violating terms of service. *shrugs*


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
With the olive branch generously and trustingly offered from reflexbound progress will actually... progress :ROFLMAO:. I still need to warm him up that I'm not a flake with nefarious intent so I can get the other needed bits of code/snippets but he's done me a real solid so far by putting some trust in me even though we are just getting acquainted for the first time. With that said...

SanchoMod - Who's your daddy?

( Rough code example teasers, not representative of final production )
I'll add more teasers to this post later

View attachment 1907390 View attachment 1907391 View attachment 1907393 View attachment 1907472 View attachment 1907473
Example of SanchoGallery unlocks that are completely isolated from OEM (this is the exact same persistent)
: View attachment 1908021 View attachment 1908022 SanchoGallery: View attachment 1908023 View attachment 1908024

I ain't gonna lie, this is a bear to hook code into via the Sancho method... I'm having to convert some of my older Core code from Python 2 to Python 3. I'll later make these automatic to insure a VN mod doesn't break due to coding/function differences (sorting dictionaries for example). Regards.
Good evening.

I've all the standard SanchoOptions hooked and finalized the SanchoGallery to be 100% isolated (took almost all day due to the OEM gallery using mostly renpy.seen_label which can be a bitch to isolate away from). For the rest of the night I want to kick back with some Crown & Cokes so I'll polish the FreeRoam guide proper. After that I reckon all that's left to to do what I can with the ChoiceGuide considering it's initial release and the outcome of the decisions are not yet known, so the SanchoNotes will be somewhat minimal of course. I'll post more teasers to the post above as I progress.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
I wish people would stop acting like they talk for a majority of others when expressing their opinions on fetishes and what works together. The world is a wildly varied place, and all sorts of fantasies and combinations could be appealing to many more people than you might imagine.

Someone said "we play games to experience a fantasy and wish fulfilment" - this is truth...
Exactly, the issue is that some people get belligerent when others simply ask for clarity on what fantasy and wish fulfillment is in a game as if just asking about it is an attack on those who enjoy something different. They act like someone saying, "*If* this is how it is here this may not be for me," is somehow an attack or being insulting or demanding. Other people get butt hurt on behalf of developers when someone says, "Oh, this sucked, I didn't want to see that and got surprised by it. Why did you do that?" If I load up a fantasy RPG and get a modern FPS game after the first few minutes out of nowhere then I'd be upset.

You also bring up an issue in your own statement. People are varied, so it is not unreasonable to see a game make incest fully avoidable, perhaps rightly so, but then force sharing/swinging/voyeurism when it isn't any more difficult/unrealistic to do it for both fetishes. Why is one fetish, a less polarizing one, made fully avoidable but the other not? It is a fair question. And asking it early in development can only help the game. Either way, changing it or not, will only make the game stronger and make it resonate with those who come to it better and it helps keep others way who don't want it because they will not be surprised by anything.

The developers are free to make the game however they want. Most people just want clarity, and to know what they are getting into. Some people wouldn't want random unavoidable forced sharing/swinging/voyeurism, you probably wouldn't want random rape/necrophilia/bestiality/loli or whatever fetishes you dislike dropped into a game you might otherwise enjoy. If you were in a game and it suddenly dropped scat on you, had the main love interests take a massive dump in the MC's mouth, would that turn you on or would you ask why the developer added that suddenly without warning out of nowhere? There is nothing wrong with asking for clarity about stuff you might not like in a game and how much there is or how it is handled before you go in and also trying to give advice about other ways it could have been handled that would take nothing away from the game and only help make it more accessible.

Everything I have said has been, I think, fairly reasonable. I have asked for clarity on the incest in the game and how it will be implemented. I have stated that I don't mind a little sharing/swinging/voyeurism if I know about it going in. I think it would be better game and story design to just have it fully avoidable. As they have made some other fetishes and I find the reasons given for not making it fully avoidable lacking since the only ones given are that it doesn't seem realistic to the setting, but realism has already been sacrificed in other areas for porn-logic. I have not insulted anyone, but just voicing my opinion gets me called insecure and worse often time. And that's the problem. One "side" for lack of a better term, might on occasion attack a fetish or *decision* from a developer. The other attacks people and insults them as weak, insecure, and harassing.

You, yourself, posted in other threads criticizing developers choosing to make a favorite girl of yours not a main girl, you criticized the implementation of a navigation system in another game. There is no difference in voicing an opinion here about the implementation of sharing/swinging/voyeurism and how it disappoints some people.
3.10 star(s) 34 Votes