rpdl.net discussion & questions (torrents)


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
Hi! Sorry for late answer... I use utorrent 1.8.2
If possible could you test with qbittorrent instead please?

utorrent 2.2.1 is nearly 11 years old and yours is older lol.
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do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
Hi there rpdl , I noticed you posted a torrent for the game I'm working on:


I appreciate it! The easier we can make for people to download the game, the better.

With that said, I have a question.

What does this error mean?
View attachment 1556088

Is it something that I need to fix on my end?
Nah, it's something ClamAV wasn't able to scan so it's definitely not something on your end. It happens every now and again.

I'm going to re-download it though and scan it again to get more info though, give me ~30 ish :)

edit; Sakrilas

clamdscan --fdpass rpdl.net-CaseysFall-2021-12
rpdl.net-CaseysFall-2021-12: OK
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Time: 41.525 sec (0 m 41 s)
Start Date: 2021:12:21 17:03:31
End Date: 2021:12:21 17:04:12

Completely fine, I'll edit my post to reflect this as it was an issue on my end, thanks for letting me know!

second edit;

Was because one of the flags I was using was deprecated and I didn't notice:

WARNING: Ignoring unsupported option

Not even an error but a warning, it shouldn't have been counted in the first place REE.
Last edited:
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Just Another Member
Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Nah, it's something ClamAV wasn't able to scan so it's definitely not something on your end. It happens every now and again.

I'm going to re-download it though and scan it again to get more info though, give me ~30 ish :)

edit; Sakrilas

clamdscan --fdpass rpdl.net-CaseysFall-2021-12
rpdl.net-CaseysFall-2021-12: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Time: 41.525 sec (0 m 41 s)
Start Date: 2021:12:21 17:03:31
End Date: 2021:12:21 17:04:12

Completely fine, I'll edit my post to reflect this as it was an issue on my end, thanks for letting me know!
Thank you! I'll add a link to your post in the Header of the game's thread.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Why are you renaming the content inside the zip file?
Renaming the zipfile is already onerous enough. But the actual contents inside it should be untouched.


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
Why are you renaming the content inside the zip file?
Renaming the zipfile is already onerous enough. But the actual contents inside it should be untouched.
replied here. hopefully it makes sense, it's been a very long day for me.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Yeah, I do it on purpose. This project ( ) is crowdfunded, I then take that money and buy servers so everyone can max their connections and download at the speeds you just witnessed.
If I didn't rename the files, anyone could grab the torrent file, rename it to whatever they want and claim it as theirs. This is a rampant problem, there are 10-20 sites that just constantly leech content from f95zone (my torrents included). The only way I can offer these torrents is to do them publicly so assuming someone has access to the torrent file, they can download right?

Renaming the file is there to remind the downloader who/what provided the content. You knew how to find me after all :)
If a leechsite steals your torrent they can change the torrent name but not its contents.
1. there is no justification for renaming the folder inside the zipfile. this one is particularly in bad taste
2. instead of renaming the zipfile you should just add a link / textfile with your info. This is common practice used by other torrent sites.

The only way for a leechsite to get rid of such a link/credit textfile is to make a new torrent. in which case:
A. they are not leeching your bandwidth
B. they could replace your current modifications anyways.

so to sum it up. you watermark:
1. the torrent name. ex: rpdl.net-gamename.torrent
leechsites can change and steal your bandwidth. so as you mentioned yourself this is of limited use.

2. the zip filename. ex: rpdl.net-gamename.zip
leechsites can not change this if they want to steal your bandwidth.
This is in somewhat poor taste as it looks like you are claiming credit for gamename.
you should instead include a txt file in the same folder as the zip that advertises rpdl which is equally resilient against leechsites as renaming the zipfile

3. the content inside the zip. ex: \rpdl-gamename\
this is redundant with number 2 and is extremely in bad taste


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
mrttao I am both tired and confused, you replied to me in one thread - I replied to you answering your questions. Then you ask the same questions in this thread, and expect me to answer the same questions twice, in two different threads?

If a leechsite steals your torrent they can change the torrent name but not its contents.
1. there is no justification for renaming the folder inside the zipfile. this one is particularly in bad taste
2. instead of renaming the zipfile you should just add a link / textfile with your info. This is common practice used by other torrent sites.

The only way for a leechsite to get rid of such a link/credit textfile is to make a new torrent. in which case:
A. they are not leeching your bandwidth
B. they could replace your current modifications anyways.

so to sum it up. you watermark:
1. the torrent name. ex: rpdl.net-gamename.torrent
leechsites can change and steal your bandwidth. so as you mentioned yourself this is of limited use.

2. the zip filename. ex: rpdl.net-gamename.zip
leechsites can not change this if they want to steal your bandwidth.
This is in somewhat poor taste as it looks like you are claiming credit for gamename.
you should instead include a txt file in the same folder as the zip that advertises rpdl which is equally resilient against leechsites as renaming the zipfile

3. the content inside the zip. ex: \rpdl-gamename\
this is redundant with number 2 and is extremely in bad taste
Why is this such a problem to you?
You're not happy with getting the game for free, you're also not happy with downloading it super fast....You need to create a fuss because a folder is renamed.

If you had simply taken the time to read this thread, that I specifically add to each comment I post with a torrent, you'd see I've already answered this question several times - yet I took the time to answer it again, just for you. Nonetheless you hit me up in two different threads and then try and then dictate to me what is and isn't bad taste?

Please, enjoy the torrents - they're free. Well, they're free to you. It costs me ~80euro per month out of my pocket but that's not your problem.

If you don't like it, might I suggest you simply go back to downloading off the traditional filehosts and we both saves ourselves a pointless argument?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
@mrttao I am both tired and confused, you replied to me in one thread - I replied to you answering your questions. Then you ask the same questions in this thread, and expect me to answer the same questions twice, in two different threads?
I do not expect to have the discussion in two threads. I was hoping to move the discussion over to this thread alone. It was a mistake to say anything in the other thread, my apologies.
@mrttao I am both tired and confused
This is not urgent, I suggest you go rest and come look at this discussion when you are rested
If you had simply taken the time to read this thread, that I specifically add to each comment I post with a torrent, you'd see I've already answered this question several times
As I explained, your answer has technical problems with it. There is a better way of achieving the same goal. I explained the specifics of how


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2018
Even if renaming the directory is unnecessary and the name of the .zip or an included .txt/.nfo achieve the same goals, it takes two seconds to rename the parent directory so I don't think it's a big deal as long as it's the only modification made.


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
I do not expect to have the discussion in two threads. I was hoping to move the discussion over to this thread alone. It was a mistake to say anything in the other thread, my apologies.

This is not urgent, I suggest you go rest and come look at this discussion when you are rested

As I explained, your answer has technical problems with it. There is a better way of achieving the same goal. I explained the specifics of how
I love feedback, I really do. It's always a chance to improve or fix something but in my opinion, this isn't something that needs fixing.

There are about ~650 games I mirror and as of right now - not one developer has voiced a concern with the renaming. It's mutually beneficial, the developers that do reply are thankful for spreading the game and from what they tell me, are content with my setup (IE linking to their patreon on my site).

I understand where you're coming from, honest. As it stands right now, we need to draw as much attention as we can. I'll explain:

As of right now, I serve anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 torrent file downloads daily. Lets call it 10,000, I'm sure some people will download the torrent but not download the actual game and then there'll be other people downloading and re-uploading the torrent file somewhere else.

The statistic for November were a tad under 400tb uploaded, which I'm doing with on average 1-2euro a day in funding.

So one of two things will happen.

1) Traffic will continue growing exponentially like it has from October/November/December but funding doesn't and the project eventually dies under it's own weight. Nobody will want to download a torrent if it's slow right?
2) Funding grows and the project is able to sustain itself and grow with the traffic.

I've put a lot of work into this, and still do, so I'm going to take every chance I can to try grow it further. The renaming of the folder is, I guess for lack of better words, just a cost of doing business right now. To clarify, I don't like doing it either, I think it's snobby and disrespectful and I truly do hope someday that this project grows to where it can afford to properly support everyone and by then renaming a file won't be necessary at all.

I hope the above helps explain why I do it, if there's something confusing or something I skipped just let me know.
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Jul 16, 2017
I love feedback, I really do. It's always a chance to improve or fix something but in my opinion, this isn't something that needs fixing.

There are about ~650 games I mirror and as of right now - not one developer has voiced a concern with the renaming. It's mutually beneficial, the developers that do reply are thankful for spreading the game and from what they tell me, are content with my setup (IE linking to their patreon on my site).

I understand where you're coming from, honest. As it stands right now, we need to draw as much attention as we can. I'll explain:

As of right now, I serve anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 torrent file downloads daily. Lets call it 10,000, I'm sure some people will download the torrent but not download the actual game and then there'll be other people downloading and re-uploading the torrent file somewhere else.

The statistic for November were a tad under 400tb uploaded, which I'm doing with on average 1-2euro a day in funding.

So one of two things will happen.

1) Traffic will continue growing exponentially like it has from October/November/December but funding doesn't and the project eventually dies under it's own weight. Nobody will want to download a torrent if it's slow right?
2) Funding grows and the project is able to sustain itself and grow with the traffic.

I've put a lot of work into this, and still do, so I'm going to take every chance I can to try grow it further. The renaming of the folder is, I guess for lack of better words, just a cost of doing business right now. To clarify, I don't like doing it either, I think it's snobby and disrespectful and I truly do hope someday that this project grows to where it can afford to properly support everyone and by then renaming a file won't be necessary at all.

I hope the above helps explain why I do it, if there's something confusing or something I skipped just let me know.
Hey, don't worry about it, i am thankful you are doing this, its the price of doing this & looking for every possible way to promote the source of the torrent to generate funding, as long as you are not spreading malware or ransomware. Who is to say the files we downloaded from sources we get in the threads are clean entirely, they are sourced from people who subscribed to the developer's patreon & release it to f95zone. Even warez scene do it all the time to ensure people know where it came from. Thank you once again for making something that is comparable to nopy in terms of speed.


Jun 23, 2020
i have near 10 tb (9.4)uploaded and i think i am not the only one who has a ratio over 250. why do you want to make all traffic self? My sever is never at it´s limit. In my eyes you should look for more support from seeding. It is really special here, it looks like noone can have trouble with the law, that is normally the big problem with seeding. I think you should stop seeding all files with 50 seeders and jump again in when there are just 10 left. We make here no race for traffic to keep a ratio to download what you want at a alttracker. The amount of files is short and makes your client not slower when you have always 300 paused files in it to see how much seeder a file has


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
i have near 10 tb (9.4)uploaded and i think i am not the only one who has a ratio over 250. why do you want to make all traffic self? My sever is never at it´s limit. In my eyes you should look for more support from seeding. It is really special here, it looks like noone can have trouble with the law, that is normally the big problem with seeding. I think you should stop seeding all files with 50 seeders and jump again in when there are just 10 left. We make here no race for traffic to keep a ratio to download what you want at a alttracker. The amount of files is short and makes your client not slower when you have always 300 paused files in it to see how much seeder a file has
The short answer is I want to provide more value. If people want to donate a few bucks I want them to be happy with treating it like a download service. Find what you want, download it at line speed and then go do something else without bothering to seed.

It's my way of justifying asking for donations in the first place really, it'd feel a bit weird asking if all I'm doing is spending a few hours a day making torrents and doing requests. By providing servers to back it up, I think that helps justify it.

And yeah, traffic is definitely lower the last 1-2 weeks, it's because I've stopped asking moderators to pin the torrent to the OP of threads. It's stopped (most of the) other sites from ripping the torrents and serving them as their own but everyone here can still find them easily. I might start doing this again soon, I'm not really sure though.

Additionally, when I started providing torrents I asked for help with seeding and there was a bunch of people complaining. I never quite understood why and even when I DM'd them, they could never give an actual answer. I put it down to them just not trusting me, which is fair so that led to me renting the first two servers and it went from there.


Dec 13, 2020
It's in the queue, mega is being a bitch today so everything is taking forever. 2 more games before it.
I know its a long shot But back in May for SnowDaze: Music of winter Cypress did a letsplay stream with the Voice Actresses' playing through the game and the Mega links for it are dead.

Is there ANY way to find a torrent or upload for that letsplay stream?


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
I know its a long shot But back in May for SnowDaze: Music of winter Cypress did a letsplay stream with the Voice Actresses' playing through the game and the Mega links for it are dead.

Is there ANY way to find a torrent or upload for that letsplay stream?
Do you have a link to a vod or anything like that? I can totally rip it and make a torrent then.


Dec 13, 2020
Do you have a link to a vod or anything like that? I can totally rip it and make a torrent then.
All I have are the Mega Links which are dead

Its ok if you cant help me I knew this was a shot in the dark

"The VA Stream Uncut!
Here it is! The stream itself had a ton of viewers, but I wanted to share at least the first episode with the general public.
The stream is so large that it's too big for subscribestar, so I've temporarily put it up on Mega instead. I'll be making smaller videos later. For now, enjoy the first stream by our voice acting team of Snow Daze! Shiyon, Silica, and Diana Lockhart all voiced this game and play it here. Enjoy."

"Snow Daze VA's Let's Play Bonus: Pt 2 Pre-stream
And now for a special bonus, the pre-stream!"

apparently there was a Stream hosted here as well but i got nothing from the link