I commented on the last one, I'll comment on this one too, I really appreciate how much love saria still gets. I really love this game, and I was so sad to see it get put on hold. I loved it when I played it, I loved it with the cards, hell, I even liked it as a vn (although, I think saria is the only rpgmaker vn I know of, because that engine/genre combo is wild.) This is a very nice start. Sure, there's not much there yet, but I think it has some real potential. Some thoughts/suggestions going forward, take these as you will:
I believe the first thing you need to work on is adding the corruption/sensitivity milestones back in. It looks like currently saria doesn't lose wp on orgasming, which allows you to just get a whole ton of the cut ins. Not bad, but getting a lot of the higher end ones is very difficult and basically only possible with the 4 enemy encounter right now. You get that working, add in the other sex actions (I think only mouth is available right now?) and you have all the horny you'll need for a while, letting you focus on story/gameplay. Also, in saria there was an option for the cut-ins to automatically go forward, that would be nice.
There was a bug in saria reclaimed where, if you checked your tenets menu, you reset your pleasure and willpower back to default. I think it was a quirk of the engine, because even the modded version had it. Maybe you could include something like that, at least for the time being, on the cheat menu? I also, personally, would like an option that limits how undressed saria can get, because I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who thinks saria's torn clothes art is hotter than her nude art. But, that's just personal taste, and I think I'm the only one who thinks this, so that's that.
Other than the lewd, I think combat needs fine tuning the most. If you don't want to get lewded, you just need to fill your deck with the strongest cards available. If you want lewd, you just pass. I say keep the cards (the art on them is really nice, and I think they fit the combat system just fine) but get it closer to 1.5 saria.
If you get the masseuse minigame working right this will be my favorite version of saria reclaimed ever. If you add content to it on top of that, you'll really impress me. Obviously don't bother with this for a while, but I figured I'd say my peace.
And finally, the copyright issue. There have been so many people weighing in on this, so I'll be brief. I want saria to continue, especially as an rpg like this. I would be ecstatic if velminth decided to continue this. I would love it if he gave this project his blessing and/or made art for it. But, if those things don't happen, I think getting another artist to make similar art would be the right call. There are plenty of artists out the that draw good, muscular tomboys, and they can make art similar enough to velminth's to not be jarring. Whenever Velminth decides to weigh in on this (people have been messaging him about this, but it's been total radio silence for over a month now, so who knows what he's doing) a lot of things will be answered, but, for now, keep on keeping on.
TLDR: Good job, focus on lewds and gameplay, when new art is needed, hire an artist.