This is a blue balls bonanza with innuendo and gibbrish aloud.
The thing is, MC is all into his Babe, she is the one and only.
The whole scene where Max gets coaxed into basically making his star be gone,
that is unrealistic and is the dumbest thing in the game.
The scene there shows how real women would do the casting couch back in the day.
Do remember many female producers, some way wealthier and way more connected
than weinstein knew and put up with his antics, which is baffling, but comes to show
how women think of eachother in this cutthroat industry: make her a tool for your tool.
Many women did confess they did the whole show like the Max show,
a small price for the countless millions they did make afterwards.
It was demeaning, they felt used, but the many women all around the production
did not bat any eye, gave no mind, so it was eaten and forgotten.
What is to say: MC is head over heels over the star of this game,
he can never do what he was asked, it was all presented way out of his mind,
so he heard nothing as he had his full attention to the gazelle grazing up front.
Well, I still can't say for now.
But what I can say is this: there are things - like lesbian sex - that for me are not a red flag as NTR is, so I am more comfortable doing with it as I please, without asking too much input.
However, it depends on the situation: I will be very comfortable in a lesbian situation where MC is a part of the party, but less so if it's a BDSM situation that happens to Jessica when MC is nowhere to be seen.
So everything depends on choices, but in varying degrees.
I wouldn't have done it either
Having been a student from 17 to 28) and a teacher (from 21 to 28): if a student is unable to think and lets himself be screwed just because he sees an ass or a pussy, he won't go far in his studies!
But then, everyone has their own references...
I really like this game a lot, but it's true that there are some unrealistic parts (apart from the sex sessions with everything that moves, which will always be unrealistic, but that's why we're here...

Since you took all the fun away by answering your own questions I'll just answer this one.
Typically in cuck games devs always make the guy that cuck the mc black. It's actually a huge fetish for totally straight white men to fantasize about their wife/daughter/sister/mom getting railed by black males(bulls) which is why I was surprised you decided on a black female instead of another bbc like usual.
Best believe I'm still gonna try to save Paula no matter how futile it is.
And if she was in the industry for that long how did she not know what happens? Casting couches aren't exactly covered up. They all knew what Harvey Weinstein and his friends were doing to dumb impressionable girls that want to be stars. By her saying that I assumed she was spreading her legs to get roles.
You do that and this game is futile and pointless. The whole appeal is the tension,
once you take it away with something like that, Game Over!
basically someone that our MC can dig into himself
Paula was the naughty one - and not necessarily with him.
BAck in the day, she gave no mind at the people who would see her in the tight shots,
because she had the control. Now she is insecure and fragile,
Max has to put the She Hulk in her!!!!