Plot-driven VN, MC loses father, hot mom and sibs, x-filesy story with superpowers, mind-control, conspiracies, mom has weird eyebrows...
The plot is a ridiculous power-fantasy, but the dev puts a lot of effort into keeping it moving, so kudos. There's definitely a lot of thought put into this. It would be better if the MC didn't have powers, make him more reliant on his own abilities...
The dialogue is like Jane Austen, everyone speaking in perfect prose, lots of subordinate clauses, everyone explaining everything, natter natter natter. There's even a narrator, why the f--k he's necessary I dunno.
Renders are good, good composition, good use of sprites, nice animations, clever use of effects (flashing etc.). Maybe more closeups... with renders this good I think you can risk it, and it would make the intimate scenes more intimate. Not sure about closeups of mom's weird eyebrows, though.
Two paths, gud vs evil, so it's replayable. Watch mom's weird eyebrows go up in shock at evil MC.
There's effort into differentiating characters. Law of conservation of cast means that everyone is connected to the plot, which gives a feeling of claustrophobia. MC breaks out of various pickles by realizing that you wouldn't like him when he's angry. Mom's eyebrows - they're a character of their own.
Fappable, yes, if the yummy bits are a little infrequent for some. But the buildup is generally good, and most of the women are hubba-hubba. Some nice little touches (ahem) when MC unveils his penis. Betcha thought I was gonna make a crack about mom's eyebrows, didn't ya?
If I could give .5 stars I would. This is better than my standard for 3 stars, but not up there to the 4 star level. I think the plot is about to get totally out of hand, with the alternate dimension etc, so watch this space.
Oh yeah, and during a tense scene in a park, the MC demands, "say something!" and the other person replies "something," so, yeah, like keep that clever banter going. Two weird eyebrows up.