Martin is here to get attention like Big Brother did with Eric. Eric was a dick so everybody hated him. But because of this hatred, there was something to talk about. So you get to be on top of the forum often, and gain visitors etc.
And that's where the magic happen, you have a game in development, so you, player, think you can change the outcome. If it's a good game, you'll have plenty of interesting topic to talk about. If not, well, read the lasts pages of this thread.
For certain games it is the renpy/RPGM war, here there was nothing to fight about yet. So here comes Martin.
Plus, we pissed of the dev by releasing his game too early. And if he lurked a little he must have seen how strong were your reactions when another male get to fuck the women you think you own.
Well, mission accomplish, this Big Brother parody will get some attention, thanks to Big Brother's NTR haters
And that's where the magic happen, you have a game in development, so you, player, think you can change the outcome. If it's a good game, you'll have plenty of interesting topic to talk about. If not, well, read the lasts pages of this thread.
For certain games it is the renpy/RPGM war, here there was nothing to fight about yet. So here comes Martin.
Plus, we pissed of the dev by releasing his game too early. And if he lurked a little he must have seen how strong were your reactions when another male get to fuck the women you think you own.
Well, mission accomplish, this Big Brother parody will get some attention, thanks to Big Brother's NTR haters